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373 comment(s). Last comment by wt222 2014-03-03 09:57


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 11:39 | Report Abuse

Izoklse, abang dah lama buka mata pun. Tengok saja penghinaan terhadap melayu tak habis2, belum Pakatan menang lagi. Kalau Pakatan menang, ego jadi raja, mangkuk melayu bro. Jadi hura hara satu Malaysia adalah.


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 11:46 | Report Abuse

Oh please... who cares how PR perceive Malays in general, its how the international community perceive Malays. Affirmative action for the majority? Haha... that's unheard of in the world. Even when dumbass ISMA claims that China belongs to the Chinese, which is a faulty argument because Chinese is a nationality not a race, he forgot to mention that China legislate affirmative action for its minority ethnicities. And the Allah issue? Well, your Middle East scholars have rebuked you for that. World Bank has issued warning about Malaysia's brain drain. And the list goes on and on... Go ahead and spread your bullshit. In the end, the threat is external from international competition, not internal. You want to self destruct, nobody is stopping you.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2014-03-01 11:46 | Report Abuse

duitbesar dulu masa PR ni takde raykat hidup happy jer dan takder pun isu2 mcm sekarang ni timbul. Bila ada PR ni rosak system social negara. Semua tunggang langgang di buatnyer.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 11:51 | Report Abuse

Baca apa soojinhou cakap tu, itulah abang cakap semua hina melayu bukan main hebat. Dulu memang Keadilan wujud sebab majoriti melayu nak korupsi dalam Umno dihentikan, melayu dulu yang perjuangkan bukan cina. Cina baru masuk gelangang dah hidu DAP dominan, itu yang jadi kacau tu. Dah rasa boleh dominan atas melayu, naik ego maut dah. Lagi China dah maju lagi tangkap leher. Tapi tengok bila China collapse nanti, harimau jadi kucing macam zaman China komunis dulu, baik2 saja tau, selalu cakap pun asal buat duit okay mah.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 11:55 | Report Abuse

Bagi abang China akan consolidate dimasa akan datang. Dia tak akan jadi dominan dunia sebab internal problem pun memang jauh lebih kompleks. Bila rakyat mau piliharaya, bila rakyat tak happy dengan socioekonomi gap kayaraya dan miskin, korrupsi pegawai kerajaan dan lain2 lain jadi hura hara. Masa sekarang pun tengah permasalahan shadow banks pun, trillion dollar wor. Ini jauh lebih teruk dari subprime Amerika.


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 11:56 | Report Abuse

Hina this hina that. Eh Middle Eastern scholars also rebuked you. Why don't you go bitch about them hina-ing you? World Bank also hina you lorr like that. So has THES university rankings. Eh btw the real bumis are the Orang Asli, not Malays. Dominan atas Melayu? Are you kidding me? The Allah controversy is widely seen as an oppressive and illogical action by the international community. What a bunch of jokers you all are.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 11:58 | Report Abuse

Korang perasaan tak bila China market jatuh 30 point sehari bukan main kuat reaksi bursa? Foreign buang saham bukan main cepat. Memang sekarang ini foreign funds standby krisis shadow banks. George Soros pun dah masuk bet Yuan collapse maut.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 11:59 | Report Abuse

Soojinhou, hahahaha. Continue you hating. Nanti semua melayu buka mata keluar dari pakatan. Terima kasih sebab sedarkan melayu.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2014-03-01 12:04 | Report Abuse

keep on the attack on malay soojinhou. wow best giler. ada bahan nak sebar ni. hehehe should thanks him la.


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 12:04 | Report Abuse

Hating? Haha... what a load of crap... I'm just telling you facts. Fact is Gini coefficient among Malays is highest among all races. I didn't say it, department of statistics said it. Fact is international community has been criticizing Malaysia. I didn't say it, they said it. Hating? Far from it. I'm just reproducing what is widely known.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 12:06 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha. Soojinhou facts you dari mana? Dari Pakatan ke? Hahahaha. Seronok baca dongeng you.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2014-03-01 12:07 | Report Abuse

why just take gini coefficient ...where other report that say a good thing about the country ? but keep on doing that.


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 12:10 | Report Abuse

High Gini coefficient indicates wide disparity in wealth. A high Gini coefficient in spite of heavy affirmative action suggests that a small segment within that group has been siphoning off monies intended for the intended recipients, i.e. the poor Malays. Understand?


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 12:11 | Report Abuse

Yah... that's me hating the Malays, by showing concern over why the poor Malays are not getting the help they need.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2014-03-01 12:12 | Report Abuse

GINI index
Gini index measures the extent to which the distribution of income or consumption expenditure among individuals or households within an economy deviates from a perfectly equal distribution. A Lorenz curve plots the cumulative percentages of total income received against the cumulative number of recipients, starting with the poorest individual or household. The Gini index measures the area between the Lorenz curve and a hypothetical line of absolute equality, expressed as a percentage of the maximum area under the line. Thus a Gini index of 0 represents perfect equality, while an index of 100 implies perfect inequality.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 12:13 | Report Abuse

Soojinhou, siapa cakap melayu miskin tak dapat bantuan? You cakap? Ada you turun kampong ke? You tak Nampak, you tak tau pun, cuma baca propaganda saja.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2014-03-01 12:14 | Report Abuse

Source : http://www.thestar.com.my/Business/Business-News/2013/08/03/Malaysias-income-distribution-inequality-still-high/

Malaysia's income distribution inequality 'still high'

PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia’s Gini Coefficient Index, which measures the degree of inequality in the distribution of income in a certain country, is “still high” compared with other countries in the region, according to Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzlah.

He said the country’s Gini index was at 0.431 as at end-2012 compared with other countries in the region such as Thailand at 0.4, Indonesia at 0.37 and India 0.33.

Speaking at the Budget 2014 Focus Group Meeting to Address Income Inequality, Ahmad Husni said the Gini Index for Malaysia had remained relatively stagnant at 0.4 since the late 1980s.

The Gini index, however, showed a slight improving trend when it fell from 0.441 in 2009 to 0.431 in 2012, Ahmad Husni said.

He noted that the latest household income survey revealed that the average household income for Malaysians had increased from RM4,025 in 2009 to RM5,000 in 2012 – reflecting an average annual growth of 7.2%.

However, he said there were still gaps between income levels of ethnic groups, urban and rural areas as well as income groups.

“For instance, the urban-rural income gap widened from 1.8 in 2009 to 1.9 in 2012,” he said.

The series of focus group meetings is the Treasury’s annual agenda to engage relevant stakeholders from the public and private sectors as well as non-governmental organisations to solicit input for consideration in the national Budget, which will be tabled in Parliament on Oct 25.

Ahmad Husni said in the spirit of inclusiveness as stated under the New Economic Model, the Government would ensure all rakyat would benefit from the nation’s prosperity and development.

He added that the Government had implemented various programme to assist the disadvantaged as well as help reduce income equality.


543 posts

Posted by jsjy123 > 2014-03-01 12:24 | Report Abuse

these arguments are going nowhere.....wasting time. low intelligent.


543 posts

Posted by jsjy123 > 2014-03-01 12:30 | Report Abuse

when non malays are criticising the gov't policies hoping for improvement, they said we anti malay anti islam.....

when the non malay are not particiating, just stand aside, they said we are selfish, money minded, and like to see malays fighting among themselves.

conclusion, no point arguing with these people.

only the intelligent malays know what is happening in this country. all it needs is political wills to make changes for the better.

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2014-03-01 12:30 | Report Abuse

kikiki.. arguing in internet is like competing in special olyimpic ma.. lol.. http://klse.i3investor.com/files/my/blog/img/bl1187_arguing_on_the_internet_2.jpg


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 12:32 | Report Abuse

Great. Slight improvement. We are still the worst in South East Asia, 3rd in East Asia and Pacific (big deal we dropped 1 position), beating out Singapore at 7th place. Ya I know what Dumno goons will say, they will say we are better than most African countries.


So what happens to 40 years of affirmative action under NEP? What happened to the grand goal of fair distribution of wealth? Whose pocket has the money went to?


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 12:39 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha. Ini semua salah Uncle Koon dah. Hari-hari uncle bawa politik dalam forum sampai saham pun tak concentrate. Kebetulan market memang soi pun.

Posted by Koon Yew Yin > 2014-03-01 14:25 | Report Abuse

Wah! 272 commentaries within 24 hours of my publication of my article. I must thank you for making such great effort to discuss and argue on this topic which is affecting all of us. Now I hope you all will use your common sense to decide what will be good for all Malaysians and our country. The BN Government has been ruling the country since independence 1957, we must ask how much we have achieved in comparison with our neighbours.

In 1970 when the NEP- new economic policy was introduced, our GDP was about the same as Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea. Now they are 4 time, 3 times, 4 times, and 2.5 times respectively our GDP despite of the fact that they all do not have the natural resources, like fossil fuel, rubber, tin palm oil etc. It is time we must do some thing???

Read my book which is available in the book shop. Malaysia: A Road Map for Achieving Vision 2020.


189 posts

Posted by Zenwan > 2014-03-01 14:44 | Report Abuse

Cannot understand.....when win badminton.....LCW is malaysian......when other days pendatang........


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 14:46 | Report Abuse

Thank you for raising this topic because it exposes the lies that the government feeds the people. As you can see, the goons will always argue through a racial lens, Malay this Chinese that, whereas the real problem lies in class, the have and the have-nots. A poor person deserves assistance regardless of his/her skin color. Anything less, we are no different than Apartheid that Mahathir scorns but in fact practices.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 17:39 | Report Abuse

Soojinhou, berhenti meroyan. Standard royan all Chinese are victims in Malaysia cuma rungutan mereka yang extreme tak puas hati. Abang dah dengar dan teliti semua pembohongan, realitinya 6 juta cina yang diberi kerakyatan adalah Chinese yang amat bertuah sekali banding 1 billion yang menderita di China. Melayu tak pernah explotasi cina atau paksa turun sebagai buruh dulu, masalahnya bila mau hak melebihi. Dah lupa social contract, patut pun Uncle Koon tak pernah dapat datukship. Diri sendiri yang salah meroyan sangat dengan Umno. Tengok Datuk Lee Chong Wei dan Datuk Nicole David, senyum jeerrrr dapat datukship, dapat jadi millionaire, jadi negarawan terbilang. Kesian pulak abang kaki royan ini, macam budak putus botol susu masih menangis minta susu.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 17:48 | Report Abuse

Uncle Koon punya anak semua dah migrate pun ke Kanada. Tanya Uncle Koon kalau tak betul. Tak nak jadi rakyat Malaysia dah. Dan Uncle Koon gaduh besar dengan MCA pun, tu pasal jadi pengikut kuat DAP, dan abang tau, Uncle Koon bangga sangat sampai kata semua pembangunan di Malaysia orang cina yang buat, ketua kauvanis dah. Ini pun abang dedah sikit, apa yang Soojinhou tulis serupa dengan Uncle Koon tulis, hina melayu sampai akar umbi pun.


189 posts

Posted by Zenwan > 2014-03-01 17:49 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha.....when people brainwash themselves...to believe so....already someone pointed out these ppl are already going down in everything from sports to education....


189 posts

Posted by Zenwan > 2014-03-01 17:50 | Report Abuse

Only blind cannot see China is rich, only blind cannot see malaysia is corrupted, only blind and retarded cannot see our education is going down the drain.....apa lagi those with mata.....kekekeke


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 17:54 | Report Abuse

Zenwan, China lagi corrupt lar. Budaya rasuah ini dulu melayu tidak ada. Sepatutnya hukuman mati kepada pemberi rasuah diperkenalkan. Ko pun tau siapa pemberi rasuah terbesar pun.


362 posts

Posted by tc2012 > 2014-03-01 17:54 | Report Abuse

duitbesar , apa lu cakap banyak busuh.Otak kurang tapi cakap manyak2.Itu Lee chong wei , Nicole akan juga berjaya cermelang jika di negara lain kecuali negara Arab .Gua tak ingat satu pun tokoh sukan dari arab.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 17:57 | Report Abuse

Well Tc, mereka bBerjaya tapi korang yang meroyan menangis minta lebih mah, korang yang busuk hati mah. Begini sajalah, kalau korang tau puas hati, cari negara yang buat korang puas hati. Ikut anank Uncle Koon, semua dah migrate pun, Malaysia tak pujuk pun mereka balik.


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-03-01 18:00 | Report Abuse

Does anyone know of any malay who has won nobel prize? Just curious, any indian, any chinese? Beside orang putih.......I curious la.

Jal 贾彬得

1,563 posts

Posted by Jal 贾彬得 > 2014-03-01 18:02 | Report Abuse

go find out la urself google for what ?


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-03-01 18:05 | Report Abuse

What is google? Pls tell la, dont suspend

Posted by Samtuckfatt > 2014-03-01 18:05 | Report Abuse

Duitbesar , me nag kita that siapa terpaksa Jodi pemberi rasuah terbesar , sebab dasar NEP dan misuse of hak istimewah bumi, to sekarang u Tanya Seamus org , ethnic mana YG x terpaksa Bakar rasuah ...kacau x laksa org bag I , siapa nak bg wang hasil kerja peluh dan darah .


362 posts

Posted by tc2012 > 2014-03-01 18:07 | Report Abuse

U masih hidup dalam 60an atau korang.Manusia yang korang puas hati baru boleh tabah baik lagi keadaannya.Gua kagum ,orang tidak puas hati pun dosa , apalah konsept ini.manyak2 "backward" fikiran.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 18:09 | Report Abuse

Hahahahaha. Korang raja royan mah. Abang senyum jerr. Lu sembahyang sama nenek moyang minta back to time jangan migrate Malaisia mah.


362 posts

Posted by tc2012 > 2014-03-01 18:15 | Report Abuse

duitbesar , jika betul,Taniah kepada Fauziah.Memang melayu boleh.sesiapa yg usaha kuat memang ada peluang berjaya.Tak kira kaum.
Taniah Fauziah.


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-03-01 18:18 | Report Abuse

Manyak bogus, opps, bagus!

Jal 贾彬得

1,563 posts

Posted by Jal 贾彬得 > 2014-03-01 18:26 | Report Abuse

duit besar there many issue as stake well we do need a political change i care less about races cause i believe in humanity doesnt matter who is wrong the malay, chinese or indians everyone plays the role equally...and besides how can a country come up when the educated are departing to foreign countries dont u think u are losing more talent out of this country? dont u guys all think that we all can work together instead of being selfish and egoistic? The main problem in this country is that most people are racist because most of them lack of understanding each other religions if u go other foreign countries their mosque church temple and all the praying place can be visited by anyone as long they come and respect each other and the believes...........However in this country too many fanatic and being racist when u visit them in malaysia u dont feel the warmth that welcomes everyone but the negative feeling of awkwardness in most places in malaysia and lack of understanding each other and 1 of the main reason is the all the cultures are being selfish muslims want only muslims in their party the chinese wants chinese and the indians want indians. Why dont each and everyone of us put a side our differences and have a table talk on how to bring this country up to a higher level instead of complaining all around. Seriously i dont believe anyone fought for freedom or merdeka bullshit. The world has always been free is just how people think and see things and i wish that all of us can get along each other and reduce the huge gap that has been there for centuries. Spread love and not hate. Doesnt mean someone tells u something u must change your opinion, decide yourself, choices are there and its up to the individual to choose what is deemed right. THANK YOU and have a good day.


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 18:26 | Report Abuse

Tahniah Fauziah. You made Malaysia proud.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 18:27 | Report Abuse

Jal, abang bukan dalam politik, bukan ahli politik. Tapi abang cakap as a malay. As malay, cara abang hidup amat berbeza dengan korang. Ini korang tak tau sebab tak mau tahu, fine, abang pun tak berapa tahu cara hidup cina. So dalam multiracial ni kena at least tolerant dan tak cakap sakit hati sesama kaum lain, ada setuju? Tapi bila start to question this and that and yang abang risau start to question abang punya hak sedangkan ini general knowledge about social contract dimana waktu merdeka dulu, dipersetujui hak-hak melayu tidak boleh dipersoalkan dan hak-hak mereka yang akan diberi warganegara sudah termaktub dalam perlembagaan. Now, masalah bila Umno dan kuncu2nya dalam MCA, MIC sudah rasuah, sudah salahguna kuasa kita tahu mah. Abang lagi awal tahu dan abang antara pejuang Keadilan yang kental dulu. Tapi bila abang sudah sedar Pakatan sudah lari jalan, sudah mula cakap Ubah supaya hak samarata tapi dalam DAP tak ada hak melayu, abang mula kata ini lagi teruk. So korang patut Tanya, kenapa DAP jadi kauvanis, kenapa kaum abang dipandang low class dalam DAP? Tak ada samarata pun dalam DAP. Ini untuk Uncle Koon betul-betul selidik, Uncle Koon pun tak ada rakan melayu, semua rakan cina, ada betul Uncle Koon?


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-03-01 18:38 | Report Abuse

Bohong ini zaid...


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 18:38 | Report Abuse

Cuma abang minta dalam education system, Perlembagaan Malaysia jadi silibus penting. Supaya setiap penuntut dalam semua sekolah kebangsaan terutama jenis kebangsaan hafal dan paham semua social contract. Dari sana baru wujud healthy discussion. Masalah sekarang, abang pasti, korang tak tahu pun apa itu perlembagaan Malaysia! Jujur abang cakap korang pusing kepala. Cuba korang baca dulu at least baru korang tau.

Dalam isu Kalimah Allah contohnya:-

Article 11 – Freedom of religion[edit]

Article 11 provides that every person has the right to profess and practice his own religion. Every person has the right to propagate his religion, but state law and, in respect of the Federal Territories, federal law may control or restrict the propagation of any religious doctrine or belief among Muslims. There is, however, freedom to carry on missionary work among non-Muslims.

Itu yang abang marah dengan Lim Kit Siang sebab cabar Kalimah Allah tanpa mengetahui bahawa disemenanjung hanya melayu cakap melayu, jadi kenapa pulak cetak Bible Melayu? Korang Cina guna meh?



915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 18:39 | Report Abuse

The “social contract”, an unwritten deal said to be agreed upon before the nation’s Independence in 1957 is purportedly a quid pro quo trade-off with its indigenous Bumiputera communities for granting citizenship to the immigrant Chinese and Indians and has been repeatedly touted to defend the special rights of the Malays. - See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/zaid-without-chinese-support-malaysia-likely-bankrupt#sthash.odoYsrda.dpuf


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-03-01 18:42 | Report Abuse

Korang cina mala tau cina sikalang, mala tau england sikalang, semua sulah compulsari baca melayu oredy, sikalang sulah ala ciakap sama cina dalam melayu lor manyak tempat


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 18:42 | Report Abuse

Masalahnya korang cukup ignorant tentang social contract, kenapa kerakyatan diberi dulu. Sebab korang dah generasi kedua atau ketiga, bukan belajar sekolah kebangsaan tapi sekolah sendiri, ini pasal banyak ketidakpuasan.

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