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373 comment(s). Last comment by wt222 2014-03-03 09:57


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-03-01 00:05 | Report Abuse

Jangan cakap begitu.....swap here swap there, then Malaysia should not do business with China also if so afraid of dirty money .....then sin money from gambling den also should be kept in different acct......total is about 5 to 6 billion back into society......go all the way....why choose only some to oppose while others r ok??


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 00:05 | Report Abuse

Arv, lu cakap orang putih dengan siapa? Gua pun tau cakap orang putih dah, tapi gua hanya cakap dengan orang putih. Sebabnya bila kita cakap orang putih slang kita jadi betul. Abang tak suka slang manglish, buat abang yuck...


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2014-03-01 00:06 | Report Abuse

as i said. level of intelligence VERY low. sorry. please try again....


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 00:07 | Report Abuse

Rambotan, actually sedang berlaku pun. Ada swap citizenship pun, korang gak tau ke? Ini bende senang buat punya, abang ada tengok.


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-03-01 00:10 | Report Abuse

Then u should know Malaysia is taken up by foreigner dah.......Middle East ppl setting up business in Golden triangle Bukit Binatang.....no only halal business but prostituition and gangsterism.....,duit besar......don't make a wrong be right and a right be wrong for the reason of race.......


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-03-01 00:12 | Report Abuse

The non Malays are also angry with other forms of gangsterism,,.... The Chinese the Indians all fed up with robbery and snatch thief....and u guys here to argue about race...??? Apalah.....solve the real problem first.....


804 posts

Posted by saufi74 > 2014-03-01 00:14 | Report Abuse

Jsjy123..dont worry bro..i'll make sure my future generation wont migrate..cheers..


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 00:15 | Report Abuse

Abang pernah jumpa beberapa orang China dengan kerakyatan Malaysia. Mereka cakap swap dengan kenalan.


2,658 posts

Posted by arv18 > 2014-03-01 00:16 | Report Abuse

The Topic is:Blog: Can the non-Malays be blamed for Datuk Mokhzani Mahathir's Low Position in Wealthiest Malaysians List? - Koon yew Yin

what is this pkr, pas, dap, citizenship, gansterism, blah... relevant?

all this goes to prove -> level of intelligence = very very low.

time to watch a movie. my work is done!

Posted by Daniel Tan Kah Beng > 2014-03-01 00:21 | Report Abuse

the way this land handle things, it will go down the LONGKANG. The nature said, only the capable and strong will survive, those whom are weak and never learn by itself will gone.


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-03-01 00:21 | Report Abuse

That's my second part Duitbesar......the first being middle eastern businesses in Malaysia and the second being Chinese from Chiana. If u notice ICBC banks.....they are here to support the Chinese fr China to do business here, secondly a lot of Chinese are buying property here in Malaysia but the Singaporean Chinese are slowing down. R u sure u want to fight the local Chinese when we are all fighting a global war with outsiders?

Pls don't make even this go down like our education system.......non malays never had problem sending their children to kebangsaan school until recent year which has become unbearable."......u want this to happen to our economy too.....


543 posts

Posted by jsjy123 > 2014-03-01 00:22 | Report Abuse

saufi74, just one last thing,this is a globalised world,human mobility is greatly present and will be even greater in years to come, never said never!



1,104 posts

Posted by BuLLRam > 2014-03-01 00:25 | Report Abuse

Enuf of this kangkung shit..time to change back to mamak mi goreng...


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-01 00:59 | Report Abuse

Saya orang Islam, percaya Nabi Muhammad menyeru belajar sampai ke negara China. Tapi Malaysia sekarang ada ramai orang Cina di Malaysia. tidak perlu saya pergi jauh2 belajar. Saya boleh belajar dengan mereka macam mana mengurus kewangan dan lain2 di Malaysia. Saya telah belajar dengan melihat cara hidup mereka macam mana berjimat cermat agar masa akan datang boleh cerah. Berbanding belajar dengan pakcik sendiri mengajak membeli Honda Civic pada usia muda.

Walaupun mereka dah ada dalam tangan cash Rm200k, masi jugak pakai kereta harga 5ribu second hand.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 01:05 | Report Abuse

Rambotan, chinese China memang melabur dan beli properti kat Malaysia. Tak takut pun, ekonomi China akan jadi macam Jepun pun. Sebabnya hutang shadow banks dan negara China jauh lebih dasyhat dari Amerika. Kalau diserap hutang tu, jadi sama macam Jepun dah, mayat mati. Sebenarnya China dah masuk fasa terakhir dah, export pun dah tak kuat. Dulu memang power sebab kos buruh termurah, sekarang standing Malaysia, kos hidup pun dah meningkat. Sorry, korang ingat China tawan Malaysia? Tunggu 10 tahun lagi kos hidup China serupa Korea dan Jepun. Bila kos hidup setanding Singapora memang rakyat China akan sengsara dan mula migrate negara lain. Malaysia tak akan terima punya, negara seperti Australia, Canada jadi favorite. Persoalannya, bolehkah chinese malaysia bersaing dengan mereka? Fiuyooh, mereka jauh lebih aggressive. Ini abang tau.

Posted by anakIkanbiliszu > 2014-03-01 01:08 | Report Abuse

Dari pembacaan saya di sini, sya mendapati melayu & cina (mgkn ad bangsa lain) mengakui bahawa berlaku corruption di dalam pemerintahan tidak kira sama ada parti pembangkang @ parti pemerintah... klau bgtu dimana silapnye kta sbg pngundi yg memberi kuasa kpd mereka & mereka menyalahgunakan kuasa tersebut.. sebagai seorg yg dilahirkan di malaysia, yg membesar di sini, berkawan xkira bangsa, yg dlu nye smasa bdak2 xpernah memikirkn buruk ttg kaum2 lain, mengapa bla kta dewasa, kita bersikap berhati2 mengenai kaum lain.. mengapa perkara tersebut berlaku??? Mengapa setiap pelantikan kuasa diberikan berlaku penindasan kpd rakyat??? Adakah silap mereka yg tamak @ kita yg memberi kuasa bodoh dalam memilih??? Sampai bila isu ini akn berlarutan??? Sampai akhir dunia kah akn kta memberi kuasa hanya kpd satu parti untk memerintah?? Knape kita xpernah mencuba yg lain?? Dan bertukar semula sekiranye yg lain gagal?? Sekiranye yg memerintah jga msih sama, kta menukarkn lgi... sehingga mereka melakukan yg terbaik dan mengikut kemahuan rakyat.. bila rakyat mengeluh kesempitan akibat tekanan harga barang, mereka memikirkan cara menyelesaikan, bukannye menghalau rakyat keluar dari tanah air sendiri... pemimpin yg telus kta cri, bkan berdsrkn parti... maafkan sang muda yg mengeluh, mgkn ad sang tua berasa, hakikatnya keletihan mencari kehidupan tenang yang dihambat tekanan dari sang berkuasa...


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-03-01 01:12 | Report Abuse

Aiyo u pun satu.......malaysian Chinese is already there.......question is whether the govt will allow equality for them to compete......don't be like Robert Quok ....contribute MAS, MISC......do all sort of national service even when he was doing well in earlier year in Hong Kong......contribute contribute, business all give to Syed Mokthar.....

But he also must thank malaysia.....if before he was sugar king in Malaysia, now he is sugar king in Asia.....kakakaka


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 01:13 | Report Abuse

China sekarang akan jadi jauh lebih kompleks dan maju serta kos hidup sangat mahal. Korang kena paham bila berbillion orang kerja kemewahan macam2 boleh jadi. Cuba sedut udara segar diluar, sekarang bayangkan udara yang terlalu tercemar sekarang di Malaysia macam Beijing. So korang paham ke maksud abang? Kenapa abang tak bimbang chinese China? Mereka sanggup buat apa saja nak jadi rakyat Malaysia tau.


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-03-01 01:18 | Report Abuse

Chinese are always immigrant everywhere......question is when all the wealth consolidate and you r at their mercy, can u handle it?.....when Chinese own more than two car and houses, a lot are upset asking whether they need the car.....but how many know really how hard they work.....so when the next big boom happen and if it's in this region, don't blame the fact that you didn't know....

We all know China is slowing down, that why we got to be weary where they are going to invest....


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 01:23 | Report Abuse

Rambotan, you tak notice ke sekarang bimbang China akan collapse due to shadow banks? Hutang trillion babe. Macam sa cakap tadi China ada dua pilihan, serap hutang atau let it collapse. Kalau let it collapse, then recession teruk di China sebab ramai hilang wealth sekelip mata. Kalau serap, yang kaya jadi kurang kaya tapi kos hidup meningkat mendadak. Sorrylah, kuasa China jadi kurang. Tengok Jepun dan Korea pun tak tunjuk power sebabhigh kos living. Singapore puntak tunjuk power coause high cost living.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 01:28 | Report Abuse

20 tahun dulu sebut China malu sebab masih komunis lagi, sekarang memang power but once dia punya ekonomi collapse and go through correction, you nampak perubahannya. Dulu pun Malaysia banyak boleh mah, sekarang jadi sindiran bolehland mah. Amerika pun gitu juga, dulu bukan main gertak, sekarang tak berani sebab hutang banyak. So relaks, China tak akan dominasi dunia, dia punya masalah tinggal meletop saja.

Posted by anakIkanbiliszu > 2014-03-01 01:28 | Report Abuse

Like u said abang, chinese of china who come in our nation, then should u think who let them in our nation?? Who give the middle eastern people doing business in bukit bintang?? Who let the nigger study in our country and make millions of money with scam n drugs... why nobody give the answer?? Whe ee, the people tired of this people, what our ruler do?? Mereka cuma ckp ia baik untk ekonomi negara, untk membangunkn sektor pendidikan... skali dgn pelacuran la.... abis kta nie rakyat bia bersesak pon xpe?? Ank2 muda kta yg tertipu, yg terlibat dgn dadah(of course my own race,malay), yg terlibat dgn kongsi gelap untk melindungi bisnes underground... i know bcoz i had fell for it once when i was not mature yet.. so, i hope all of children will fell the same thing, so u can put your finger up and blame the one u choose....


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-03-01 01:29 | Report Abuse

Duitbesar, if China collapse,the world collapse.......Chinese businesses have a lot of collateral ransom....you faham tak maksud itu?.....if you do, even US cannot touch them.....they on the other hand are also helping the Asian region the gr8 countries.....from timber to Palm oil.....they are our biggest customer.....if China collapse, there will be further inflation when asia dependent countries loose out. Becareful what u wish for....


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 01:32 | Report Abuse

Kena ingat bila kos hidup naik, peluang kerja kurang, China mungkin huru hara, akan berbillion orang wor. Malaysia 30 juta pun susah kawal bila kos hidup naik. Macam2 boleh jadi bila anarchi. Especially bila otak sana dah terbuka minta human rights, mau kebebasan, mau pilihanraya.


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-03-01 01:33 | Report Abuse

Anakikan, pls find time to read raja Petra's write up on malaysian esp Malays being liken to UK ....this was written sometime back which he talks abt mat rempit and hooligan in football........as it was written sometime back, all of it is coming true.....I leave you to judge after reading....


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-03-01 01:35 | Report Abuse

That is normal bro.....but making a living and making money is in our blood....,they in China will find a solution......


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 01:35 | Report Abuse

Rambotan, you patut worry bila rakyat China mahu kebebasan. Jangan lupa revolusi budaya sana pun tak lama tau. 20 tahun dulu dekat anarchi di China. Abang kira dalam sedekad dua ni mesti majoriti disana mahu pilihanraya.


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-03-01 01:38 | Report Abuse

Those days, inflation without globalization and without full accessible media, = easier control.....today maybe the same but the govt punishment still prevail as deterent.....they don't care what everyone else thinks


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-03-01 01:40 | Report Abuse

Duitbesar, Chinese China already change dah.....same with India.....only thing hasn't change is the capital harsh punishment......no one can get too powerful or rich....China got a lot of rich billionaire but don't dare to declare only....same as w russia


519 posts

Posted by Rambotan > 2014-03-01 01:42 | Report Abuse

Ok bro, I sudah Mahu Tidor.....harap semua Sihat Sihat untuk berjuang pagi isnin.......


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 01:44 | Report Abuse

Rambotan, rakyat China bebas melancong atau migrate. You but tau banyak negara sudah penuh citizen baru dari China. Abang pun tau ramai chinese malaysia kena tipu waktu buat bisnis kat China. Like i said, Malaysia tak akan beri kerakyatan pada rakyat China sebabnya once you open the gate sekelip mata 30 juta no problem. But in future, chinese malaysia nak migrate jadi susah sebab kena bersaing dengan mereka. Mereka jauh lebih aggressive.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 01:45 | Report Abuse

So apa abang nak cakap, in future chinese malaysia yang nak migrate sangat susah dah. Mungkin 1 chinese malaysian against 1000 chinese china. So abang tak takut kalau tinggal Malaysia


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 01:47 | Report Abuse

Uncle Koon memang bijak tak nak migrate. Sebab diMalaysia dia ikan besar, kalau pergi migrate Amerika jadi ikan kecil.

Posted by anakIkanbiliszu > 2014-03-01 01:53 | Report Abuse

I don't care someone who already lives in wealth writing... what i care is what i see in villages, in city, low & midlle income struggle to live, struggle living in sin, penyesalan bcoz of taking haram money just bcoz to support their family.. i had seen police, who also my friend, said he know what good or bad is, but he can't choose to be good, he said he do it for his family and himself will sacrifice to take all the punishment when he dies someday.... what we can say right now?? I read here someone said melayu go back to umno, he say whitout fact..... many of us don't believe on them anymore... dan ramai jgak melayu yg dlu skong umno xlgi skong tpi mereka jga xsokong pembangkang bcoz the feel guilty to their ancestor yg berjuang untk umno dri merdeka lgi.. adakah pembangunan penting bila rakyat xdpt merasakn pembangunan itu sendiri?? Menaikkn cukai, mnaikkn sgala2nye tpi kangkng x, dgn alasan pembangunan, sdgkn pembangunan untk org2 kaya, untk org asing.... i don't give a damn who take the lead, what i need is the leader who give the damn to their people...

Posted by anakIkanbiliszu > 2014-03-01 02:12 | Report Abuse

If mahathir really loving malay peoples, why he don't asking son to give 3/4 of his wealth to the peoples.. he love his son by given many chance to make money,, why he can't give the people that he said he loved so much and try everthing to protect us.. but due that, i still respect him bcoz of his intelligent in used us to make his family wealth when he came from nobody.. i will learn from him someday..


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2014-03-01 02:14 | Report Abuse

Read More : http://www.malaysia-today.net/a-realignment-of-alliances/

But that was what Tun Dr Mahathir said. Is this true?

Last year, the truth was revealed when Wikileaks exposed the exchange of communications between the United States Embassy in Kuala Lumpur and Washington. According to the US Embassy, Tun Abdullah told them that Anwar wanted to return to Umno but there was resistance from certain people. And this ‘certain people’ was Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who threatened that he would oust Tun Abdullah if he brought Anwar back to Umno.

So what Tun Dr Mahathir told me was true after all. Tun Abdullah told the US Embassy the same thing — that in turn reported to Washington and now has been leaked by Wikileaks.

So now I understand why I had been instructed to not attack the First Family, Khairy included. Anwar was talking to them about his return to Umno.

Over the last year or two Tun Dr Mahathir and his boys (the Umno Bloggers included) have been attacking Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. I started probing as to why they are so angry with Najib and I was told that it is because Anwar and Najib are ‘talking’ and this upset Tun Dr Mahathir.

I was still sceptical about this until last Christmas when PKR’s Secretary-General, PAS’s Secretary-General, and Zahid Hamidi, met for ‘unity talks’ in London. The PAS President who was also in London refused to join the talks but he met me in Manchester the following week to confirm the talks.

And, today, Dr Mahathir’s sort of ‘mouthpiece’, Kadir Jasin, revealed what is going on. And when Kadir Jasin talks that is the same as Dr Mahathir talking. And, according to Kadir Jasin, Najib and Anwar are talking about a deal where Anwar will be given back his job of Deputy Prime Minister. (READ HERE).

PAS, of course, knows this, and that is why they do not want Anwar replacing Khalid Ibrahim as the Menteri Besar of Selangor. And this was also why the PAS President refused to join the Umno-PKR-PAS ‘unity talks’ in London over Christmas last year.

Anwar is not really interested in the job of Menteri Besar of Selangor. He just wants that job to facilitate a deal with Umno and ‘give’ Selangor back to Barisan Nasional through a ‘unity government’ in return for the post of Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Now, after ten years since Khairy walked into Anwar’s house through the kitchen and the meeting Taib arranged at Tun Abdullah’s house in Kepala Batas, Anwar’s dream of returning to the government as the Deputy Prime Minister may finally come true.

What a long and winding climb back to the top for Anwar. And with Najib under attack from Dr Mahathir and his gang, Najib needs Anwar more than ever, more than Anwar needs him.

Does Dr Mahathir realise that his attacks on Najib just helps Anwar get back his job of Deputy Prime Minister? And if you say that Anwar is not interested in becoming Deputy Prime Minister, then why did he take Dr Mahathir to court to try to get his sacking declared null and void?

Anwar wants back his job of Deputy Prime Minister so badly to the extent of using the court to help him get back his job. But he failed in court so now he is trying to use Najib instead. And that is why Tun Dr Mahathir is attacking Najib. And Dr Mahathir’s mouthpiece, Kadir Jasin, has just confirmed this.

Phew! Isn’t Malaysian politics interesting?

Posted by anakIkanbiliszu > 2014-03-01 02:28 | Report Abuse

It's so interesting.. if that is true.. all of them can't use.. so who we need to choose now for new leader??? I suggest abg duitbesar become new pm.... from his name, maybe he go a lot-lot2 of money.. maybe he can settle our nation problem..haha.. if the news is true... but as u all know, it is a propaganda of someone to make diversion theory to the people... i don't know which one who make it... what i know, if it so easy like that, what the used a long of speech all this time they make.. theh should play some game like rock n scissor to determine who's in charge..


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2014-03-01 02:42 |

Post removed.Why?

Posted by anakIkanbiliszu > 2014-03-01 02:56 | Report Abuse

So such beauty plot of story... even beauty then legend of hang tuah.. maybe u should put some more challengging twist of that.. should i suggest you put angrying peoples like me in that story, which will rallies onto the two side of party and in the end, we create another of government which new & clean policies..... mybe in the climaxs, mahathir will jump n say follow me for them have lied to all of us.. then, one more time, mahathir get back his power n we will be like the older days when everyone was happy bcoz of his policies.... the end.. i think we should callobrate making this story into fiction film.. we can ask najib's son to be our producer.. we can be famous, althought, trader is boring, always in front of pc..


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2014-03-01 03:05 | Report Abuse

anakikanbiliszu...the above story is not all something that never happen.Its already happen.including all the pak lah story and until now khalid will fight azmin and the latest water deal. Its all there already. A recipes of success :-) .

Posted by anakIkanbiliszu > 2014-03-01 03:12 | Report Abuse

If that what u said is true, i will wait untill anwar be tpm, and that time, i'm sure i will never give a care to malaysia politic anymore.... they as muslim should resoonsible for what they hve done in akhirat.. for now, i will give my hope to anwar... may god show the truth to us..


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2014-03-01 03:12 | Report Abuse

hah the lastest news baru jer tulis tadi dah keluar berita : http://www.sinarharian.com.my/politik/abdul-khalid-akan-tentang-azmin-1.255720

Abdul Khalid akan tentang Azmin

SHAH ALAM - Menteri Besar Selangor, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim hari ini mengumumkan akan bertanding dalam pemilihan PKR sebagai timbalan presiden parti sekaligus menentang Mohamed Azmin Ali.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-01 03:19 | Report Abuse

Biasa la BN. Banyak buat fitnah. termasuk kes liwat anwar la. guna cara lain la kalau nak menang.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-01 03:20 | Report Abuse

vidio lucah pun buat. nak cuba serupakan anwar dgn org dalam video.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2014-03-01 03:24 | Report Abuse

Pilindo the source is not from BN but from Pro-Opposition team.


867 posts

Posted by pilindo > 2014-03-01 03:26 | Report Abuse

Biasa la jawapan macam macam tu. slalu dengar.


1 posts

Posted by napeace > 2014-03-01 07:56 | Report Abuse

it seems to me that blogger mr koon is no difference to dr mahathir who is racist and provocative in his writing. in fact all malaysian are racist. be honest to yourself and ask yourself this question..am i racist?


362 posts

Posted by tc2012 > 2014-03-01 08:48 | Report Abuse

napeace , you should differentiate Koon and dr.The dr always have evil intent whenever he say , more so after he retire.IN contrast Koon is only trying to provoke critical thinking with good intention , hoping for future generation have a better malaysia to live in


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 09:53 | Report Abuse

Bukan apa, abang tengok dalam BN sekarang tak ada cina dalam cabinet, kerajaan buat relak saja. Tak risau pun. Satu bende lagi, China tak tengok korang kecuali korang Robert Kuok ke, Quek ke, so korang buat demo besar-besar bila Presiden China turun KL pun dia tak tengok punya, sebab China its all about, are you benefit to China? China pun diam sama bila rakyat China mati dalam kontenna ke Amerika. Abang masih ingat tengok berita bila di Amerika buka kotennna mayat2 terlambung keluar. Korang kena ingat, you 6 million are the luckiest chineses in the world. Saudara melayu tak pernah buat tak baik sama korang, tak pernah tipu korang, tak pernah explotasi korang, so abang tak suka kalau hak-hak abang dipersoal atau dipijak, ada korang paham? Abang risau pilihanraya seterusnya tinggal korang saja dalam Pakatan semua melayu balik Umno. Melayu ini lain sikit, dia tak bising, buat bodoh, tapi bila masa undi korang taulah, tengok Kedah, Perak. So abang minta jangan ego sangat, MCA jangan bakar sebab ego, nanti korang menyesal tiada guna.

Posted by Koon Yew Yin > 2014-03-01 09:53 | Report Abuse

Wah! I see 198 commentaries since my article was posted at about 4 Pm yesterday. I refer to napeace remark that I am not different from Dr Mahathir. That is not true. Unfortunately, my criticism of Dr. Mahathir would appear that I am also a racist. But you can see where I am leading you and where Dr Mahathir is leading you.

You can see from my opening statement " Every few days or so, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, our former Prime Minister, comes out with a new story lamenting the loss of Malay and Muslim power and complaining how it is in fact the non-Malays or non-Muslims who are the ones that are really running the country. There are many variants of this argument that he comes out with, such as that the DAP is running the show in Pakatan; or that PKR and PAS leaders have sold out to the DAP; or that the Christians have an ulterior motive in raising the Allah issue, and are to be blamed for the rise in tension and resentment in the country."

All the readers can see where Dr Mahathir will lead us if he does not stop lamenting the loss of Malay power. In fact, if we want to go by racial perception, it would appear to everyone that Malays dominate in every sphere of life in the country.

They form the majority in parliament, judiciary, army and police, the MACC and all other important political bodies. In the socio-economic and educational sphere, they control all the major banks except for Public Bank; the GLCs; Petronas; public universities; civil service; etc.
Any Chinese or orang putih wanting to do business has to kowtow to the Malays for licences and permits. Moreover, Malay businesses control some of the monopoly businesses such as water, electricity, toll roads, etc. where it is so easy for them to make more profits by just increasing the price abetted by a Malay-oriented civil service.
Even the richest and most powerful Chinese and Indians such as Robert Kuok, Ananda Krishna, Tony Fernandez, Vincent Tan and others are completely at the mercy of the Malays if they want to do business in Malaysia

Who are the real masters?

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