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373 comment(s). Last comment by wt222 2014-03-03 09:57


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 18:43 | Report Abuse

Optimus, betul tu. Kenapa korang cakap melayu pun tak betul. Ini yang abang bengang ini. Sebabnya korang tak campur sama melayu mah.


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 18:45 | Report Abuse

Mahathir himself said Chinese contributed 90% of the income tax collected. Nobody questions special Malay rights, but only ask for fair treatment. Can you believe how perverted Malaysia's system has become? 7% discount given to Bumi for million dollar house? Affirmative action is supposed to be for the poor, not rich Bumis. APs given to a handful of Bumi cronies? How is that going to benefit poor Malays? 3rd generation and 4th generation non-Bumi are treated as second class citizen. One by one, as non-Bumis seek greener pasture overseas, Malaysia slides down the international rankings. Where is your dignity? Don't expect any respect for you don't mind being seen as weak and needing crutches for the rest of your pathetic life.


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-03-01 18:45 | Report Abuse

Korang taklat rajin belajar lo, main fb di sikolah shj.


362 posts

Posted by tc2012 > 2014-03-01 18:47 | Report Abuse

apa social contract.Itu cuma bohong oleh mamak.Fikir baba nyonya sudah tinggal di msia manyak2 lama.mereka lagi anggap pendatang.Itu mamak punya bapa datang dari India , anak jadi PM.Mana ada Justice.
Konsep social contract ini bermaksud master-slave relationship dikekalkan.


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-03-01 18:51 | Report Abuse

Gua pun ala social contract sama mistress gua, tapi taklat effective, taklat black n white, dia ciakap satu barang gua pun ciakap satu barang, pergi court, judge sulah marah, ciakap taklat black n white apa itu contract? Kasi throw itu case.


362 posts

Posted by tc2012 > 2014-03-01 18:53 | Report Abuse

Itu mamak memang jahat hati.Manyak dosa dia buat sekarang kita derita.Genarasi yang akan suffer lagi teruk.negara yg bankrupt,failed state.......geri hatt nak fikir nya


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-03-01 18:54 | Report Abuse

Besar, kalau lu cina, lu sekolah mesti belajar cina, bahasa, england, 3 language 1 sekali, lu mala boleh bagus wor.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 18:54 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha. Lu taklat suka Tc2012, lu bawa makamah mah. Lu ingat social contract bohong tak betul. Lu lalak sana sini macam pasar lor. Hahahaha


362 posts

Posted by tc2012 > 2014-03-01 18:59 | Report Abuse

Saya maksud itu mamak panggil dr spin . Cuma pandai pusing saja.Sampai semua orang pusing.gua suka atau tak suka tak penting


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-03-01 19:02 | Report Abuse

Gua suka itu mamak, masa dia ala, dia cronies manyak goreng stocks, gua ala manyak informasi gua pekin wangbesar. Gua suka.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 19:03 | Report Abuse

Itu Tun Mahathir sudah lama retire lar. Macam Uncle Koon dia cakap suka hati mah, tapi tiada kuasa. Anak Tun Mahathir pun tiada kuasa dalam Umno mah. Itu baru demokrasi bukan maca PKR dan DAP semua satu family perintah. Lu spin macam mana pun jadi bohong. Abang fikir sebab korang dari kecil tak campur melayu, sekolah tak campur melayu, kerja pun tak campur melayu jadi tak paham dan tak tahu banyak perkara. Abang terus terang tak campur cina. So mesti banyak misfire punya.


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2014-03-01 19:05 | Report Abuse

yeah that mamak anwar ibrahim is banyak dosa woo. he always lie.every go also lie. go to masjid also lie.go to church also lie. Dont know where he go will not lie. hahahaha. This mamak anwar should ask another mamak in PKR latifah Koya to safe him in court. Koya Kutty can do that job one. hahahahha.

RM500 Billion In Debt – Is The Malaysian Government Really Bankrupt with the RM 1.157 trillion Ringgit in their asset & investment holding ?


Another anwar lie to Christian. Hhahhahaha.


Although we can always argue the use of Allah in Bible based on cultural and religious aspect, one thing that is clear is it is the law of the state that prohibits Christians to use the word Allah. Is Anwar impliedly advocating that the Christians are being denied their right to break the law?

Is this not a silly right to fight for, the right to break the law?

The solution to this is not to demand the right to break the law but instead demand that this ‘bad’ law be repealed. And Pakatan Rakyat, with 44 seats in the Selangor state assembly, has the legal power to repeal this law. Then Christians can legally use Allah in the Malay Bible and they no longer need to demand the right to break the law.

So do that! Repeal that ‘offensive’ law! And this is the job of Pakatan Rakyat, not the job of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak since this is a Selangor law and not a Federal law.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 19:07 | Report Abuse

Setahu abang selama ini kat semenanjung mana ada Bible melayu. Tiba-tiba masa Pakatan masuk jalan timbul pulak Bible melayu. Persoaalannya, kenapa? Kenapa Lim Kit Siang betul-betul mahu print Bible melayu?

Jal 贾彬得

1,563 posts

Posted by Jal 贾彬得 > 2014-03-01 19:12 | Report Abuse

Dear duit besara saya pun bukan orang politic saya bukan cina melayu ataupun india saya daripada golongan lain lain. Saya memahami hidup setiap golong masyarakat memang berbeza namun demikian apakah yang kerajaan kita sedang buat sehingga hari in untuk mengurankan jurang perbezaan antara kaum? Setahu saya ada beberapa kali yang dicuba oleh ketua ketua UMNO tetapi tidak ada sesiapa yang mahu dengar setiap orang dalam parti memahukan kelebihan diri sendiri. Kena meneteri pendidikan tidak melakukan sebanyak yang untuk mengurangkan jurang tersebut seperti menggalakkan pelajar pelajar sekolah memahami adat semua kaum di malaysia. Seperti pak cik memberitahu pak cik tidak mengetahui cara hidup orang cina, kita sendiri perlu mecari ilmu tentang kaum lain dan memahami seperti yang diwar-warkan di media massa masa perayaan. Kerajaan memang ada mencuba tetapi rakyat-nya yang degil tutup mata dan telinga macam mana negara nak maju. Bila saya baca sejarah seorang saja saya memeberi kehormatan yang tertinggi iaitu Dato' Onn bin Ja'afar yang menubuhkan parti UMNO tetapi dicerca oleh golongan orang melayu sendiri.
Bukan orang melayu sahaja yang berlawan untuk kemerdekaan tetapi kaum lain juga menentang mereka. Pak cik saya rasa semua kaum perlu disamaratakan kecuali yang termaktub dalam agama islam(keutamman in perlu diberikan kepada mereka yang beragama islam). Bebrapa hak mereka yang meyebabkan perbezaan yang terlalu ketara sehingga menyebabkan konflik, Contohnya pembelian rumah ada perbezaan ketara untuk orang bumiputra dan bukan bumiputra, seharusnya orang yang miskin yang harus diberikan diskaun dan bukan untuk bumputra sahaja tetapi semua kaum lain perlu disamatarafkan. Lebih lebih lagi setahu saya 1 parti tidak boleh terlalu lama diberikan autonomi untuk memrintah negara disebabkan jika terlalu lama sikap mereka tak endah kerana mereka tahu mereka akan menang lagi jadi mereka *misuse their power and become corrupted*. Akhir sekali saya memang bersetuju dengan pak cik bahawa we must be tolerant to 1 another and not hurt 1 another. If there is any unsatisfactory we should sit in the round table and discuss about it and change our life style by educating our children so they will learn at much earlier age.TQ


362 posts

Posted by tc2012 > 2014-03-01 19:15 | Report Abuse

apa u orang takut degan bible melayu ? gua tak faham.


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-03-01 19:19 | Report Abuse

Apala ini gorveman, semua barang mesti translate melayu.... tapi taklat mao kasi bible translate? Double standard?


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 19:19 | Report Abuse

Abang selalu dengar kaum cina cakap race and religion tak penting, tapi mereka yang tak campur kaum lain mah. Dalam DAP pun dah ketara satu kaum saja tapi masih defend maut kata DAP multiracial, tanya Uncle Koon, dia hardcore DAP. Unitar pun untuk satu kaum iaitu cina mah. Lu pergi tengok mana2 pejabat swasta, 100% cina kecuali office boy melayu atau cleaner india mah. So macam abang cakap, yang paling meroyan kat Malaysia ni segelintir yang sangat sangat bising yang memang tak campur punya. Sorry abang cakap, ini trend sangat bahaya.

Jal 贾彬得

1,563 posts

Posted by Jal 贾彬得 > 2014-03-01 19:23 | Report Abuse

duit besar your statement is true but the educated english spoken chinese arent as such those pure spoken chinese that doenst mix with others due to unable to understand english and neither chineses thats why we should abolish tamil and chinese school off our country


5,269 posts

Posted by izoklse > 2014-03-01 19:25 | Report Abuse

So do that! Repeal that ‘offensive’ law! And this is the job of Pakatan Rakyat, not the job of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak since this is a State law and not a Federal law. Ask Khalid/ Anwar, Lim Guan Eng & Ahmad Bin Yakob to repeal the law in selangor,penang & kelantan to allowed non-muslim to use allah and bible translation in BM Bible and so on.


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-03-01 19:26 | Report Abuse

Besar, lu ala tau kompani melayu hire chinese, atau kompani india hire chinese ka. Taklat ma


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 19:26 | Report Abuse

Jal, abang sangat setuju sekolah tamil dan cina dihapuskan. Tapi tanya sama kaum cina dia lagi melenting, tak mahu anak campur melayu dan india takut jadi malas dan bodoh. Ini lagi satu masalah. Tengok saja Dong Zhong bukan main lawan kerajaan dalam apa juga penyatuan sekolah kebangsaan. Tolonglah, zaman komunis dah lama hilang tapi mentality tak mahu bercampur ini tak bagus. Lebih baik migrate saja.


362 posts

Posted by tc2012 > 2014-03-01 19:28 | Report Abuse

izoklse , you should change your psuedo name to idiotklse.


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-03-01 19:28 | Report Abuse

Lu pergi tingot, semua goverman department 98% melayu. 2% india kerja driver ka toilet cleaner. Sama shj, mengapa mesti zoom in cina?


359 posts

Posted by Optimus1 > 2014-03-01 19:31 | Report Abuse

Ok sulah boling. Gua excuse me. Pergi main lagi shiok. Wakakaka. Baby where r u? I m coming........

Jal 贾彬得

1,563 posts

Posted by Jal 贾彬得 > 2014-03-01 19:36 | Report Abuse

memang betul itu tapi sekarang lebih susah iphone samsung apa jua cerita handphone ada siapa nak cakap dengan berseblahan mereka phone phone phone 24 jam sehari pening kepala.....migrate pun perkara sama.Dulu masa 1957-80an cina dulu comunikasi semua kaum sekarang lebih teruk mereka takut sebab hari hitam malaysia?...optimus memang betul government corrupted....so far only 1 last primi minister left that help the public in this entire world...walk to office with shorts and drive a super old car no body guard tell me why cant everyone be like this why is there capitalist instead of being socialist most of the problems could have been solved....anti-capitalist.

Posted by InvestorTrader > 2014-03-01 19:56 | Report Abuse

How about test give the post of prime minister towards DAP or MCA or chinese. Sure we will make this country like singapore or better then singapore. See if umno rule the richest people in malaysia are all mostly chinese and bumiputera hard to compete one if u give us DAP rule sure we change make most bumiputera will be the richest people in malaysia and bumiputera will get more benefit and highly competitive people in the planet. Give us chinese a chance to rule like USA give black american a chance to rule


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 21:06 | Report Abuse

"Tapi tanya sama kaum cina dia lagi melenting, tak mahu anak campur melayu dan india takut jadi malas dan bodoh." Get your facts straight. Chinese don't want to send their children to Sekolah Kebangsaan because 1) poor quality of teachers, 2) the economic value of the Chinese language, 3) excessive Islamization in school. Solve these 3 issues, then only talk about abolishing vernacular schools.


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 21:12 | Report Abuse

And fyi, kebangsaan school is in the poor state they are now because the government is the default repository for unemployable graduates. The civil service is in such a sorry state that Malaysia has one of the highest civil servants per capita in the world. So don't blame the private sector for not employing unemployable graduates who can't string together a proper English sentence.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 21:12 | Report Abuse

Soojinhou cakap "Tapi tanya sama kaum cina dia lagi melenting, tak mahu anak campur melayu dan india takut jadi malas dan bodoh." Get your facts straight. Chinese don't want to send their children to Sekolah Kebangsaan because 1) poor quality of teachers, 2) the economic value of the Chinese language, 3) excessive Islamization in school. Solve these 3 issues, then only talk about abolishing vernacular schools

Macam abang cakap semua apa yang kerajaan buat memang tak betul bagi kaum cina. Susahlah kaum yang tak banyak kat Malaysia ni. Untuk makluman Soojinhou, you perasaan tak tak banyak public listed company baru atau billionaire baru dari kaum cina. Cuba check list billionaire Malaysia, semua kaki Tun Mahathir, tiada list baru. Maksudnya generasi baru ini tak akan ada lagi calon billionare baru.


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 21:16 | Report Abuse

Like I already said, peabrain, it is a class issue, not a race issue. There are Chinese and Indian cronies as well as Malay cronies. It has always been a class issue. It is only dumb fools who believe that because there are Chinese billionaires in Malaysia, so therefore the Chinese must be treated very fairly in Malaysia. Get it?


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 21:17 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha. Relaks bro, tunggu 10 tahun lagi you jilat semua ludah lu.


543 posts

Posted by jsjy123 > 2014-03-01 21:33 | Report Abuse

duitbesar, you are really blinding yourself. puluhlah hak keistimewaan kamu, if you are so proud of having it. i dare to say most of us, the non-malays, are not really questioning about the special right, cuma kita nak lihat ia digunakan dgn lebih effective channeling ke melayu yg miskin, bukan guna RM1 ukt tujuan itu, lepas tu guna RM100 masuk pocket politician.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 21:36 | Report Abuse

Mula2 cakap cuma mau kerajaan yang tak korrup, lepas tu kata bumi lot patut dihapuskan, lepas tu lantak kalimah Allah, lepas tu kata mutu pelajaran tak bermutu langsung. Korang memang semua tak betul dengan apa yang ada pun. So bagi abang no point to talk dengan minoriti sudah keterlaluan. Bagus jangan layan langsung. Sekarang pun kerajaan tak ada menteri cina sangat bagus, tak ada gertak


543 posts

Posted by jsjy123 > 2014-03-01 21:41 | Report Abuse

no cina ministers so what? as long as the ministers carry out their duties with high integrity and governance, that's the most important thing regardless of race.


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 21:52 | Report Abuse

Katak bawah tempurung don't understand that it's not Chinese that says these, it is actually the international community that says. Civil servants per capita is benchmarked internationally, so is competency of students, so is human rights standards, so is the use of Allah. Uncle must be living in Stone Age. Like I say, the threat is external from competition as a result if open economy, not internal from Chinese.


189 posts

Posted by Zenwan > 2014-03-01 21:54 | Report Abuse

Some ppl are just plain BODOH......the world open ady....no more car protection.....air space is open competition.......TPPA also coming.....and the nuts ppl are saying ppl want to take their right??? Puzzling


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 21:58 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha. Human right standard,ya. Cuba nasib kat Amerika. Itu Presiden ibu orang putih baru jadi presiden. Cuba cari billionaire cina di Amerika, tak ada langsung. Dalam politik? Tak ada langsung. Korang tau ka, buat jalan keretapi 100 tahun dulu semua orang China, lepas siap, mereka tak mahu hantar terus, tak mahu bagi kerakyatan. Orang putih lagi racis, kecuali Kanada dan Australia. Melayu tak suka migrant, dia suka Malaysia, mahu dominan politik hanya Malaysia. Korang cari Vietnam ke, Myammar ke. Oh, abang lupa, Vietnam pun makin ramai cina, sedang diconquer pun.


189 posts

Posted by Zenwan > 2014-03-01 21:58 | Report Abuse

U Cuba Najib kat. Iran lah...or Iraq.....lol


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 22:00 | Report Abuse

Macam saufi cakap, dia paham betul budaya cina dan tak akan beri undi DAP. Sebenarnya melayu tak bodoh, tau sangat muslihat DAP tau sangat muslihat nak dominan politik, apa alasan korang bagi gula2 tak manis, pahit.


189 posts

Posted by Zenwan > 2014-03-01 22:02 | Report Abuse

If cannot compete cakap lah cannot compete......easy je.....jangan lah cakap tak Mahu migrate.....world level Ada Chinese .....


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-01 22:03 | Report Abuse

Uncle Koon nothing to lose. Dia dah kayaraya tapi tak dapat datukship sebab suka lawan. Semua anak dia migrate Kanada, korang? Masih di Malaysia, jumlah semakin sikit. Abang relaks saja. senyum saja.


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 22:13 | Report Abuse

Peabrain still don't understand that unlike all other developed countries, racism is institutionalized in Malaysia. The other country that did it, South Africa, has longed abandoned it. While racism is practiced everywhere, it is never written into law in all developed countries. The difference is huge. It means that in developed countries, it is possible to initiate legal action if there is sufficient evidence to prove discrimination based on race. While we are talking about human rights, the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which Malaysia is a signatory of, says "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." Equal in rights. Go figure Mr Hidup Melayu. That's international standards, not Chinese standards, and yes they hina you also.


543 posts

Posted by jsjy123 > 2014-03-01 22:22 | Report Abuse

soojinhou, i think people like duitbesar doesn't have the intelligence to understand what you had said. no matter how we want to explain, he will still spin it thru racial lens. Pointless.


869 posts

Posted by soojinhou > 2014-03-01 22:25 | Report Abuse

Jsjy123, I think u r right. Too much Utusan poison his grey matter.

Posted by Koon Yew Yin > 2014-03-01 22:37 | Report Abuse

WAH! already 344 commentaries. I think we should stop arguing on this subject. Eventually no one can win an argument.

WE must use our common sense to judge what is the best for all Malaysians and Malaysia- how can we catch up with our neighbours to become a developed nation.

I have just posted another piece "B N Government's Eduction Disaster". I am sure you all have a lot to comment. Happy reading, Koon Yew Yin


135 posts

Posted by gkheng > 2014-03-01 23:18 | Report Abuse

wat's the point of arguing all this? if chinese is being marginalize here, we all can go sg and do the same to them wat? hahahaha.


915 posts

Posted by Duitbesar > 2014-03-02 02:33 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha. Uncle Koon ni tak habis-habis kutuk BN. Ada saja orang tua ni buat pembohongan. Untuk makluman korang, arkitek DAP bukan lain kalau Uncle Koon, yes, dia memang orang kuat LKS. Apa-apa isu yang boleh buat orang cina benci MCA atau BN memang dia kaki goreng dari dulu. Kalau korang nak tau kenapa orang cina benci MCA, dipersilakan Uncle Koon, siapa yang mula kata MCA explotasi orang cina dan tipu orang cina, Uncle Koon. Dia ni buat banyak damage in race relation in Malaysia. Patut kerajaan buat sesuatu sebelum kaum cina terpinggir jauh dalam Malaysia. Bila MCA tidak berfungsi, maka bisniss tak licin dengan Umno, maka no money for chineses. Umno memang tak semua ni, persoalannya korang tau ke?


1,365 posts

Posted by ohkns > 2014-03-02 09:35 | Report Abuse

...dan Duitbesar orang UMNO!

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2014-03-02 10:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by Duitbesar > Mar 1, 2014 09:58 PM | Report Abuse
Hahahaha. Human right standard,ya. Cuba nasib kat Amerika. Itu Presiden ibu orang putih baru jadi presiden. Cuba cari billionaire cina di Amerika, tak ada langsung. Dalam politik? Tak ada langsung. Korang tau ka, buat jalan keretapi 100 tahun dulu semua orang China, lepas siap, mereka tak mahu hantar terus, tak mahu bagi kerakyatan. Orang putih lagi racis, kecuali Kanada dan Australia. Melayu tak suka migrant, dia suka Malaysia, mahu dominan politik hanya Malaysia. Korang cari Vietnam ke, Myammar ke. Oh, abang lupa, Vietnam pun makin ramai cina, sedang diconquer pun.

Chinese Billionaire in US of A

David Sun 4 billions
John Tu 4 billions
Victor fung 2.7 Billions
Andrew & Peggy Cherng 2.7 billions
Min Kao 2.3 Billions
Jerry yang 1.7 Billions

mind you they're billions as in USD $$$ :)

Chinese politicians in US of A

Gary Locke - Former governor of Washington state,Secretary of Commerce and Us ambassador to China
Elaine Chao - Secretary of labor 2001 - 2009
Dr Steven Chu - Secretary of Energy 2009 - 2013
and countless others - Hiram Fong,Judy Chu,David Wu,John Liu,Edwin Lee,Leland Yee,Mike Eng,Margaret Chin,Mae Yih,Clayton Hee,Evan Low etc

Tak ada langsung = too many to list? :):)

Oh by the way the American Government are so 'racis' that they let all the illegal immigrants irregardless of race stay here as long as they do not break the law (ahem :) )but but the Kanadian ( Canadian :) ) and Australian governments if they catch any illegal immigrants = deportasi :(

Frank Soweto

3,425 posts

Posted by Frank Soweto > 2014-03-02 10:54 | Report Abuse

Opps solly2 my mistake
Chinese Billionaire in US of A

should be Chinese Billionaires (lupa the S ) vely solly ha :)

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