in the 1970s, Melayu (Mokthar Dahari), Cina (Soh Chin Aun), India (Santokh Singh) all united for the glory of Malaysia. Now pecah belah, how to go World Cup?
Ya lor....Go oversea University to study mah.....Malaysia university really lousy....Only Brown Katak tongkat people...No class.....We must encourage our children to study oversea....China...US...Uk anywhere lah....Don't stay in Malaysia....Full of Brown Katak tongkat people....Stay in Malaysia camnot become Big towkay like Quek leng chan, YTL, Robert kuok., Ananda, etc.....Later we join Brown Katak Tongkat and people stay under bridge along Klang river and low cost flat mah......Aiyooo.....Malaysia very corrupted lah....Top to bottom...some more not safe.....many illigal immigrant....Minister talk only don't work one meh.....PM also not brave one....Migrate lah....
I want to share my perspective on the education prospects in bolehland.During the 60s and the early 70s, there were only a few universities and being a Chinese, if we do not make it to the public universities, we will have no choice but to go to KTAR or some other colleges.The Chinese have been fighting for the establishment of the so called Merdeka University so that more Chinese can get tertiary education but to no effect. Fast tracked to the current scenario. Nowadays, we have so many private universities and we are spoilt with choice in choosing which one we want to go by going to the various forums and seeking comments/advice from fellow students or ex students. I honestly say that there are many opportunities in the private sector to choose what one wanted to study. Yeah, many would say the fees are of course much more expensive that public universities.For those of us from the Merdeka Univesity era, didnt what we wanted for was additonal places to pursue our tertiary education. If we still aske for places based on merit in public universities, where would most of the Malays be placed. Yes, there are discrimination but why cant we look at the bigger picture. More than 95% of the students in private universities are non-Malays and if we asked for merit placements in public universities, where are we going to place the bulk of the Malay students. Please be reminded that we have got the PTPTN to provide us with loans for our education purposes. I would like to know how many countries in the world provide such facilities for students to finance their education?
I am no friend of the BN and just hate the gomen for a lot of the distorted policies and corruption which this country can get rid off for a better future.
We need to unite as ONE nation, ONE people. We may be different race, different religion, BUT IF we start looking at each other by our NATIONALITY instead our our race and our religion, WE HAVE A CHANCE TO BE THE BEST!
We were the best in the 1970s. And we can be the BEST again, provided WE CHANGE! Many developed countries have succeeded because NATIONAL PRIDE is first and formost, while race & religion has taken a backseat.
Wondering if history can reverse back, let Lee Kuan Yew be Malaysia PM, i am very confident Malaysia will be on par with Japan, US and etc. Lee Kuan Yew just interested with talented people while Malaysian leader interested with low quality people and ignore talented people.
Thats for sure. Singapore achieved success without any natural resources to sell, no water, no land and they became a human capital country, process their own water and reclaim their own land. They are number 1 in business in Asia, top 5 in education, highest in per capita income....what else to say. They are good and their rule of law prevail and respected
No eye c la, what a pity for Malaysian, for so many years, opposition still cant win. We cant blame government, need blame Malaysian in general for choosing lousy government.
yes supply & demand malaysia supply doctors, engineers, accountants, bankers to other countries. malaysia demand labourers, maids from other countries.
No doubt quality education is a basic right and the stepping stone for a better life, there are many roads to Rome. Most people would prefer the easiest. Some have gone through the unconventional way of achieving professional degree by studying and working at the same time. Though it is a tougher road that required sacrifice and discipline but you gained valuable experience along the way and most of all get satisfaction for your achievement.
In the past,many chinese students could not get into public universities because they have to compete among themselves for the limited places due to qouta system.During those days I think tuition fees of some overseas universities were relatively cheaper and the students were allowed to work during free times to earn some money. So with perseverence and sacrifice on the part of the students and their families,they graduated from overseas institutions and some were gainfully employed and stayed on. These days,competition for entrance into public universities is even more steep ;worse still many with good grades are not given courses of their choices not like in the past,i suppose due to different qouta system nowadays and absolutely non-transparent central selection process.Those left out have no choice but to enrol in local private universities.The fees are not cheap,understandably they are commercial undertakings out for profit.Due to great demand from those left out of public U,and because of monetary or other reasons these students prefer to stay back in Malaysia,private U mushrooming all over.Every one is happy and relieved to be able to pursue a course of his choice,albeit many and their families have to struggle financially to see them through. But is there a match between graduation and employment, is anyone guess.The coming medical graduates is a case in point.Unfortunately majority of the degrees are only recognized locally,meaning they cannot work anywhere else except Malaysia!
Is what going on now just a procrastination of frustration of present day students? The agony is going to be worse upon graduation when many of them are burdened with repayment of loans and other family financial liabilities!
The govt does not much bother about brain drain cos they are training many more overseas to replace those that have left. Remember one Chinese convert said that there are 5 million waiting to replace.
Don't understand why Chinese in Malaysia feel sad when Chinese leave Malaysia. They are selfish and want to face all these discrimination together. There are greener land out there, and why you need to come back when you have everything oversea? For better future of your children and yourself, Malaysia is not the place.
I was born in 1957, completed HSC in 1977 with disticntion in Pure math apllied math and physics. Mind you those day, being a poor farmer's son, no tuition, no study time, no counselling etc etc, managed to score good results, the only way was to apply for Local Universities ( that time only 5). Rejected by Uni for three straight years, then I applied for Teacher Training Colleage. The interviewer's reasons for rejecting me were my results were too good and afraid that after accepting me I might leave for Uni one day and while the other reson was I didn't have BM. Being East Malaysian, I was not offered BM in school all throughout my schooldays. Decade later, the Education Minister was saying our country severly lack science and Math teacher. What a Joke? I started working an many fields from the very lowest salary....I didn't have a chance to immigrate but now I am encouraging my children.
that's right M'sia got lots of half past 6 ministers (laughing stocks). For me, i encourage more shall go S'pore rather than stay on in M'sia. It will 4ever like that & just let it be.........
Ya lor....I also want to migrate lah....Malaysia everything lousy lah...PM lousy...Minister lousy...Goverment Lousy....Education system lousy....Staying with Brown Tongkat katak people (No Class as what the chinese says) lousy....
Hmmm...I am thinking to go a place where No Corruption with First Class mentality...China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, UK, US,canada....I already asked my children to stay put overseas....Malaysia lousy place....or you will end up staying under the bridge along klang river or 2 rooms bandaraya flat with all NO CLASS brown katak tongkat people...Aiyooo...I want to Migrate lah...
hahahahahaha huhuhuhuhuhu i suka gunakan tongkat tongkat sahabat karib i kenapa sang jero takda tongkat? kenapa nak berhijrah? takda tongkat ke? hahahahahaha huhuhuhuhuhu
Mitras......If I migrate I can get Tongkat like brown Katak Tongkat people and become Billionaire like YTL, Quek leng chan, Robert Quok, Vincent Tan, Ananda, Lim Goh Tong, Tay Hong piow, and many other Chinese Towkays....
Malaysia lousy lah.....NO CLASS staying in this country with Brown Katak Tongkat People like what the chinese says.....
Aiyoo ahlongkai...Don't talk like that lah.....I also want tongkat mah...iF no tongkat how to become billionare like YTL, Quek leng chan, Robert Quok, Vincent Tan, Ananda, Lim Goh Tong, Tay Hong piow, and many other Chinese Towkays....
Ok lah...I want to migrate lor...hmmm maybe Tibet or Nepal...very peaceful...No Corruption....Sungai still not corrupted like Klang River...
In Malaysia...Sungai also corrupted......Haiyaaaaa
Warning !!! I3forumers , "tongkat" word will be banned soon. BN Govt scare that siTongkat will go amok that will serious jeopardize national security.So Nobody is allow to use the word tongkat any more except siTongkat.......
Only in Malaysia, ppl use tongkat but still feel proud. Tongkat ppl can drive lamborghini and ferrari, you can or not? You cannot mah. For them successful is something that ppl help them and feed them not through hardwork. Cannot argue their culture.
Mr Koon Yew Yin and all Chinese forumers....I read your articles...Honestly speaking....Don't make it too obvious if you are anti Malay.....I am a Chinese but I am feeling very uncomfortable with all this provocation.....Inter race relationship is all time low...Don't make it worse....
Just to share......I came to know from an Arab colleague the reason why Palestinian is mentally & physically resilient despite being slaughtered by the JEWS for many decades.....The Palestinian told the JEWS being a Muslim that they love death as much as the JEWS love their live. They will fight the JEWS until Dooms Day....because they believe they will die as martyr....
In General...Malays being Muslim may have this kind of inner strength in them....Don't provoke........I love peace and I want my children to grow up in peace.....
These are the only 3 sentences written by koonsyioksendiri "Mahathir fault for kowtow to chineses until economy suffer. Now PM Najib no more give ass to chineses. Economy now rate among the best the in the world".
salute to Mr Koon Yew Yin, and the idiot--koonsyioksendiri talked alot of rubbish and defame chinese and other races. This fella even said Najib's administration is the best--NOW SEE THE 1MDB, and national debts 0f more than 52%......already reaching passage of go to hell, but still good in cheating and put blame to other races....MALAYSIA TYPE OF POLITICIANS, THE UMNO ILL-STYLE OF POLITICING. SHAME ON THESE FELLAS
Friday, 22 May 2015 Units adalah matawang terbaru dan video Muhyidin Yassin.
Matawang yang terbaru dalam dunia dijumpai di Malaysia. ia dinamakan units. Satu syarikat Malaysia yang tersohor, yang dikenali sebagai 1MDB telah membawa balik 2.318 billion units dan menyimpan nya disebuah bank Singapura bernama BSI. Syarikat Malaysia ini telah menggunakan units untuk bayar hutang dan menggunakan nya sebagai sekuriti meminjam RM3.6billion dari consortium bank yang diketuai oleh Deutsche Bank Singapura. Dari 2.318billion units ini, 1.215billion units telah digunakan untuk membayar faedah pinjaman dan juga membayar satu pihak yang dihutangi oleh 1MDB. Nama pihak itu ialah Aabar. Baki nya, sebanyak 1.103billion units masih ada dalam bank BSI. Menurut Husni Hanazliah, kerajaan akan cuba membawa pulang 1.103 billion units ini dengan kadar segara. Apa yang hendak dibawa balik? Soalan saya ialah Dato Husni Hanazliah ini tidur atau minum air ketum? saya tidak faham satu perkara. Macam mana mahu bawa balik sesuatu yang kita tidak hak milik keatas nya? Bukankah 1.103 billion units ini telah digunakan sebagai sekuriti untuk pinjaman sebanyak RM3.6 billion dari Deutsche Bank? Tentulah deutsche bank ada lien keatas 1.103billion units ini bukan? Mengikut Husni 2.318billion units ini bernilai USD2.318 billion juga kerana ia disokong nilai nya oleh beberapa dana daulah atau sovereign funds. Ini satu matawang baru mungkin digunakan oleh organisasi penyamun sedunia. Isiu apa benda yang sebetulnya disimpan dalam akaun BSI Singapura menjadi lebih mengelirukan hari demi hari. Orang putih kata it’s getting more bizarre by the day. Seperti yang dikata dalam Alice in Wonderland- it’s getting curiouser and curiouser …. Kali ini, Husni Hanazliah menyebabkan kita tambah keliru dan pusing kepala. Memang kerja pemimpin kerajaan memutar belit kah? Tolong beritahu rakyat Malaysia supaya kita semua jangan keliru- apa benda nya units itu. Tolonglah beritahu. Bila di tanya pemberita apa units itu dia jawab units, just units. “They are units, backed by sovereign wealth funds. Benda apa pulak ni? Can’t the government be upfront and direct? But I don’t know what are units. Please explain. Juga sila beritau- sovereign wealth funds mana pulak? Adakah Husni mahu gali lubang lain pulak dan menyebabkan banyak persoalan lagi. Husni Hanazliah kata Putrajaya salah tafsir units yang di-redeem atau ditebus oleh 1MDB dari Cayman Islands. Siapa salah tafsir? Adakah maksud Husni - pegawai di kementerian kewangan tidak tahu membezakan antara wang tunai dengan benda yang disebut sebagai units. Malu nya pegawai di kementerian.dari KSP, TKSP, dan pegawai2 lain. Rupa2 nya bukan wang tunai. Tapi units. Saya sendiri pun tak faham apa dia units. Dan Husni tidak menerangkan apa dianya units itu. Kalau kita belajar ekonomi dan saya diberitahu Husni pun belajar ekonomi- unit of account itu ialah duit. Jadi apa dia units yang disebut Husni? Kertas siberhutang? sijil saham?, bon perbendaharaan? Token? Inikah yang dibayar oleh yang berhutang kepada 1MDB? Some form of debt papers denominated in US currency? Membuat orang bertanya- mengapalah pandir sangat 1MDB menerima bayaran selain dari wang tunai? Bukankah PM Najib selalu kata cash is king? Apa jenis pengurusan dan lembaga pengarah yang menerima bayaran orang yang berhutang pada mereka dalam bentuk units dan bukan tunai? Cerdik atau tidak? Sedangkan bukan main lagi cakap besar nya pengurusan 1MDB kata pengurusan mereka terdiri dari individu yang cerdik pandai. Dan lembaga pengarah 1MDB- bukan kah mereka pandai2 belaka? Kenapa syarikat 1MDB menerima bayaran hutang mereka dalam bentuk units yang bukan tunai? Siapa pula yang mengelirukan Putrajaya? Jadi yang mengelirukan Putrajaya ialah pengurusan dan lembaga pengarah yang tidak menerangkan kepada Putrajaya, terutama kepada pegawai di Perbendaharaan- benda yang di tebus dan dibawa pulang ke Singapura itu bukan wang tunai USD. They are units, just units. Dan bayaran dari tranche pertama yang digunakan oleh 1MDB untuk membayar Aabar dan faedah pinjaman – adakah juga dalam bentuk units? Saya harap Husni Hanazlah boleh menerangkan kepada semua. Jika tidak, mana boleh tranche pertama dalam bentuk wang tunai USD tapi tranche kedua dalam bentuk units? Apa kena dengan kepala 1MDB? PAC patut menyiasat apakah benda yang dimanakan ‘units’ oleh Husni Hanazliah yang digunakan untuk bayar faedah hutang dan membayar Aabar. Panggil Aabar dan pemberi hutang yang menerima bayaran dalam bentuk units keatas faedah pinjaman yang mereka berikan 1MDB. Ini mesti kes pertama dalam dunia, peminjam menerima bayaran dalam bentuk units- apa lah agak nya yang disandarkan kepada USD. Mungkin units ini ukiran binatang yang diperbuat dari jade yang setiap satu dinilaikan dalam USD. Tranche kedua, sebanyak US1.03billion, juga dalam bentuk units disimpan dalam BSI Singapore. Saya hanya tidak faham- jawapan yang diberi menyebut perihal da
The terms units is really versatile. If you wish, you can let it be USD. If you wish, you can let it be RMB. If you wish, you can let it be Sing dollar. If you wish, you can let it be Aussie dollar. If you wish, you can let it be Sterling pounds. If you wish, you can let it be Thai Baht. If you wish, you can let it be Philippine peso. If you wish, you can let it be Indon Rupiah.
muhibbah has to build on equality and fairness only can sustain; 1 Malaysia is just only used by the govern for the purposes of election. to the malays, it is their privilege to have tongkats and nothing is wrong with it, on the expenses of the others.
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This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
27,422 posts
Posted by speakup > 2014-06-24 11:12 | Report Abuse
Even bola-sepak, we used to be best in Asia in the 1970s, look where are we now?