Mr Koon, i am a shareholder of VS also. May i know if there is any other potential undervalue export stocks that is worth a looking?? Can you introduce a few for us to investigate?
KYY, like buffett says, if he doesnt know something, he will put it in the 'too hard' pile. That doesn't mean it is a bad investment, it just means he do not understand it enough to value it.
He doesn't buy Amazon, Netflix, Tesla etc, does that mean they're bad business or investment? Not at all.
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so" - Mark Twain
Same theory, you buy VS base on your yardstick, doesn't mean anyone that doesn't follow you is ignorant or dumb.
If someone, with his own competencies, skills, capabilities came to the conclusion that he has found another stock that offered a better upside and lower downside at a higher probabilities than VS, he is already making the correct decision.
All investments are based on opportunity cost and optionality.
No offense, but remember this idioms "水能载舟,亦能覆舟" - Confucius. In stock market, when things are good, you can say whatever you want. But only when things gone south in the stock market, then only will you appreciate all the financials ratio and why they exist.
Before the dotcom bubble in US during 97`, many fund managers was betting big on technology stocks, ignoring financial ratios. But, by the end of 2002, many of the dot-com and telecom stocks had lost 95% of their value or more. Many never survived the tech bubble.
I really wonder is there a need to discredit honest effort of an accountant / financial analyst. Najib keeps saying 1MDB is not an issue because its Asset > Liabilities, in businessman point of view so we should all believe that and say what TheEdge did is all bull shit?
Respect the different views n method ...Many ways to skin a cat...every dog has its day..or year?? We have different phases n cycles in the stock market...bull..bear....consolidation.. Many different heroes n sifus in each phase...
Congratulations to Mr Koon and people who bought VS.
But wow! I can't believe Mr Koon bashes KC. (I can't think of other reason than he disagreed to Koon's stock). I think Koon's and KC's ideology of investing is different. That is all. Koon focuses on opportunity and trend, KC focuses on safety and value.
Scenario 1: Market is bullish In this scenario, Koon might have the upper hand as he pounces on opportunity. Thus may make more money than KC. However, if things go south Koon will also loses big as evident in his Rsawit, Jtiasa, Mudajaya etc.
Scenario 2: Market turns sour In this scenario, I think KC's ideology will save him as his extensive and discipline towards complying to strict FA guidance. However, he might or might not benefit sentiments and trend investing like Koon. But if market is sour, FA stocks will rise up since they are stronger.
Therefore, people in i3 just need to understand that their ideology and investing methodologies are different. You choose your own style. Like myself, I like KC style more since I have small capital to invest. But Koon's style can work if you have a large pile of cash too.
P/S: I am a novice investor. This is just my opinion and I can be VERY-VERY wrong in commenting this. Therefore, don't listen to me :p. And I think Koon also should give OTB some credit as if I'm not mistaken, OTB discovered his selection of stocks first.
So this is your level of wisdom at age of 80? Still get mad when people do not agree with your ideas.
You are teaching people to speculate and make money in the stock market. KC are teaching people to invest in the stock market.
Both of you are making money with different tools and measurements. YOU: choose a trend, find profit jumps, and buy with margin. KC: cash, low debt, returns margin, no margin, etc
Please tell me KC's ways of investing is not doing well. Seriously, not everyone is at the age of 80... we are investing in stock market for like another 50 years. 1-2 stock go wrong using KC's methods will not kill you while I probably go straight to holland before i could buy VS following your way of playing in stock market.
If KC's comments on VS is considered bullshit since he says Nope to VS and its price's gone up.
Mr Koon, time will tell if kcchong made a bad call on VS. Even if he did, so what ? As long as he is deploying his cash in a manner that he is comfortable with and get handsome return along the way, he can continue to go his way. In fact,if I look at investment calls between you and him over the past 3-5 years, kcchong is as good as you if not better than you.
how to made from money from stock market! empty tong kcchong better than Mr Koon! what a joke! empty tong talk PONG PONG PONG! cannot show any proof still holding stock over the past 3-5 years!
Free cash flow is not really important in the case of VS... VS has plenty of cash reserve, although now maybe negative free cash flow, but in future is very like positive cash flow...
syndicate player/leader sheep (may be Uncle Koon) want it up, it will go up, want it down it will go down...just becareful before the ending music & u cannot find a chair for u...
Mr Koon can U please comment on Latitude a bit? This stock has been on its loosing streak since 2 weeks ago, now people are rumouring abt Latitude is in an accounting scandal! Plse help!!
Kc invest based on his professor knowledge, Koon invest based on his entrepeunership experience
If professor is correct, you will see them appear in the top 100 forbes list already, book worms cant replace people like Mr Koon la, Kc Chong will miss a lot of stocks definitely
Mr. Koon since u also hold Latitude shares why is this company shares in the doldrums. Hardly moves and no excitement like the other furniture stocks...Poh Huat, Lii Hen Hevea & Homertiz. Happy to hear yr comment
Unfortunately, KC Chong cannot forecast figures for the next few years. His bull shit attracted so many ignorant admirers. Currently VS is being traded above Rm 7.60 showing that KC Chong is wrong. I hope he realizes his mistake in misleading readers.
how you know it will not go back to RM5 level next yr? TOO EARLY TO JUDGE NOW
Simple idea of trading. As long as company is earning money, share price will surely go up. Too much of analysis will only make you fail. Entrepreneurship of Mr Koon made him a successful man. You cannot listen to a blogger and compare them. Listen to the people that have already succeeded.
People already succeeded then have the right to condemn other people? Don't be too obvious to show you wanna lick his balls.
Miss out opportunities does not affect anything. Still plenty of stocks to choose. Its about survival and money will come later.
Now, this article is to tell people that whoever don't agree with him is bullshit. It's a new label. Previously who disagreed with him is labelled as ignorant, stupid and poor. Today we have a "bullshit".
who made the most money is always right.stock market exists for this reason alone and only this reason.
economist,stock market analyst from investment bank well equipped and informed with data,financial ratio but do every them is successful?write,analyse and no action can be justified as rubbish.
I dont get it why people considered looking at cash flow as academic, if business isn't build to generate profit and in turn generate cash flow, then i dont know what it is for.
William Thorndike wrote in his book - The Outsiders, featuring 8 unconventional CEOs all focus on cash flow generation. I am more than happy to send you a link to have a read.
The conclusion is - The job of a CEO is to allocate capital to generate high return. Looking at VS past, their ROE/ROIC had been mediocre, would that improve from now? Report card is still being return. Does that mean you can't make money from it? Nope you still can. Does it mean you are a failure if you miss it? No ure not.
Tom Murphy - Capital Cities Broadcasting - 29 years - Total return 20,400% or CAGR 19.9% Henry Singleton - Teledyne - 27 years - Total return 18,000% or CAGR 20.4% Bill Anders - General Dynamics - 17 years - Total return 3,000% or CAGR 23.3% John Malone - TCI - 25 years - Total return 9,000% or CAGR 30.3% Katharine Graham - Washington Post - 22 years - Total return 8,900% or CAGR 22.3% Bill Stiritz - Ralston Purina - 19 years - Total return 5,700% or CAGR 20% Dick Smith - General Cinema - 43 years - Total return 6,840% or CAGR 16.1% Warren Buffett - Berkshire Hathaway - 46 years - Total return 626,500% or CAGR 20.7%
I dare to put it out there, those that followed KYY or anybody out there without a firm understanding what theyre buying, following blindly and enjoy themselves in those feel good stories of growth, close to none of them would have made any money if you look across a 5 years span.
In the short term, everyone looks like a hero. In the long term, you can differentiate who has real caliber and who doesn't
Posted by JT Yeo > Oct 20, 2015 04:12 PM | Report Abuse
I dont get it why people considered looking at cash flow as academic, if business isn't build to generate profit and in turn generate cash flow, then i dont know what it is for.
how a business generate profit?simple answer is grow the business which kyy is company can grow forever,identify and buy and sell when profit drop - this is growth investing style.
Posted by JT Yeo > Oct 20, 2015 04:22 PM | Report Abuse
I dare to put it out there, those that followed KYY or anybody out there without a firm understanding what theyre buying, following blindly and enjoy themselves in those feel good stories of growth, close to none of them would have made any money if you look across a 5 years span.
In the short term, everyone looks like a hero. In the long term, you can differentiate who has real caliber and who doesn't
how do you know growth investors made no money across 5 years span?kyy has shown success story with holding made public through official bursa announcement and proof.the one kc you worship has shown NONE or ZERO proof.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
Jeff Lee
327 posts
Posted by Jeff Lee > 2015-10-20 10:35 | Report Abuse
Mr Koon, i am a shareholder of VS also. May i know if there is any other potential undervalue export stocks that is worth a looking?? Can you introduce a few for us to investigate?