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137 comment(s). Last comment by 7300 2019-07-14 22:13


6,258 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-07-07 15:00 | Report Abuse

Dear all,
This is the best era; this is the worst era;
This is a time of wisdom; this is a time of stupidity;
This is a bright season; this is a dark season;
We have everything in front of us; we have nothing of meaning to us

So are we better off than our forefather?

Thank you


6,258 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-07-07 15:24 | Report Abuse

Dear Choive Capital,
You are right in saying that Tunepro don't have any edge in non travel insurance areas.
I remember, I am the one approach my colleague who is a part time insurance agent to buy my Insurance policy that I can affords. Many other people are actually pressurized by their relative, close friend (To achieved sales target and handsomely reward with car, holidays and etc) to buy big insurance policy that they can ill afford and hence the termination rate for the first 2-3 years are very high that only benefit the insurance agent.

Imagine with big customers data of age profile, travel profile, family profile in AirAsia data bank. Tunepro can easily become (Life policy, Education policy and Health policy) disruptor that bypass insurance agent and cater directly to the specific need of AA customers by direct email these packet to them. Customer now can buy direct and even told off their relative/close friend that they already bought personal insurance from Tunepro directly.

Thank you


14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2019-07-07 15:32 | Report Abuse

Figures doesnt lies.

As a developed nation in a fairness land
Can with uphold our right through Big Data ?

Will a huge or capable and powerful ruler or benefit syndicate
can stop a single individual from exercise their right to access such important data ?

What could possibly can stop us from access that data ?
Does ministry education guided our young generation to understand their right to know & questioning.
Or just obey ?
Obey blindly no different to self destruction.



14,784 posts

Posted by VenFx > 2019-07-07 15:34 | Report Abuse

imaging China a big land with dense of population,

without data , china will be a blind flies.

thanks to hua wei, thanks to those datas managers.


13,113 posts

Posted by 3iii > 2019-07-07 17:17 |

Post removed.Why?


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2019-07-07 17:57 | Report Abuse

glad you do 3ii...


6,258 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-07-07 20:49 | Report Abuse

Dear probability,
The root cause:
Doing what comes naturally https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teavjYI9pdM
For almost the whole of human history, from at least 2 million years ago, mankind has lived by doing what comes naturally, a nomadic life of hunter-gatherer where mankind move around from place to place over the seasons and year following the food trail. Men were hunter (Hunting animal and fish) in a small group and women were gatherer and caretaker of child (Gathering edible items of any kind from fruits/nuts/seeds to insects). Life in a nomadic society wasn’t bad as they were in many ways much healthier, stronger and happier as they hunt-gathered just enough of their foods and share all their food together since food cannot be stored. They enjoy hunting, feasting, spending their leisure time with family, caring for each other, tools making, cave paintings etc and live a life of peace, tranquility and social equality as everyone were hunter-gatherer (Equality in work and society).(Garden of Eden)

Things only come to a change a mere 10,000 year ago where women (Eve) after many years of gathering edible of any kind from fruits/nuts/seeds and insects and for her desire/want to settle down in more stable and secure life (Serpent) experimented and discovered that edible fruits/nuts/seeds can be cultivated and animals can be domesticated (tree of the knowledge of good and evil) persuaded Men (Adam) to become farmer.(The forbidden fruit)
From land cultivation and livestock farming, food can now be stored and thus allowed accumulation of wealth (original sin) a new sinful/evil and an inequality world was opened up to mankind in growing of wealth and safeguarding of wealth. (Greed/craving, cling/attachment, fear/insecurity, envy/resentment, distrust/anger, hate/prejudice, worship/sacrifice, divine/god, landlord/capitalist, slave/labor, trader/marketer, craftsman/artisan, thief/robber, we/us, they/them, tribes/nations, kingdoms/empires, leaders/tyrants, murderers/conquerors and etc) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFIa3FNnFZM

The Garden of Eden (hunter-gatherer) is now gone and lost forever. What we inherited is the current world with many social ills cause by human own doing of wealth creation and accumulation. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-richest-1-people-in-the-world-are-on-track-to-control-two-thirds-of-wealth-by-2030-2018-04-10
The reality check, if we humankind still continues on the current wrong track of wealth creation and accumulation but lacking in compassion, love, altruism, wealth sharing and place great emphasis on worship instead of sacrifice/good deeds then by 2030 the richest 1% will own two-thirds of global wealth.

Thank you


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2019-07-07 21:01 | Report Abuse

Dear sslee, there mere fact that you put effort, interest, curiosity fto think and find out whats happening with humanity...gives me pleasure..knowing someone else is concerned as much as i do



14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2019-07-07 21:09 | Report Abuse

I think one possible easy solution to this would be restricting the amount childrens the poor could have (1 for poor and perhaps 2 for the medium and 3 or more for the rich ).....as the extreme rich 1% capital (all savings goes to capital) carries no value without the existence of a future massive poor population consumption...

this should have a natural balancing effect on wealth distribution

even if this suggestion is not enforced..i think the massive future poor generation will wake up (become smarter) and agree to this principle/concept..and practice it naturally


21 posts

Posted by Unk > 2019-07-07 21:21 | Report Abuse

Auntie venfx investing philosophy
Below 1.00-deeply undervalue, buy!
0.90- buy (before second right issue)
Below 0.70-buy (after second right issue)
Below 0.60-buy
0.49-she says impossible, but she still gives buycall
0.45-she says impossible because she hates my TP
0.38,0.35,0.32-auntie venfx asks everyone to buy big

Auntie venfx 的投资法则
1.00以下- deeply undervalue,买!
0.90- 买
0.70以下- 买
0.60以下- 买
0.45- 因为她讨厌我给的TP,所以她说不可能
0.38,0.35,0.32-auntie venfx 说要大买特买


21 posts

Posted by Unk > 2019-07-07 21:22 | Report Abuse

i really admire you, auntie venfx....you bought Eg above 1.00 and average down on year 2017.... you are truely a professional trader, lol

Can you share with me your secret of success, auntie venfx? lol

Posted by VenFx > Jan 16, 2017 1:07 PM | Report Abuse

I would pay close attention to see hiw things are evolved, frankly this is an deeply undervalued counter in my watch list still.
If everything set out well accept by the market, $1.30 - 1.50 will be on the card.

Posted by VenFx > Jun 20, 2017 11:42 PM | Report Abuse

我 储备了
持续 买进
Golden EGgs
两年,,, 一来 可以平衡成本
也可以 与 金蛋 一起 发

EGgs 的 爆发期 很可能是 2018 。

Posted by VenFx > Jul 12, 2017 7:17 AM | Report Abuse

如果 投机, 肯定不爽 。
投资的 朋友照理会默默耕耘
收割期 来临
又一春 咯

Posted by VenFx > Aug 1, 2017 7:02 PM | Report Abuse

就让 EG 接下来的业绩 来 告诉他 吧 !
没有 $1.30 以上 别出货

Posted by VenFx > Aug 1, 2017 7:09 PM | Report Abuse

还可以 乘 Eg-or 出炉时
在市场 直接买了 (理想加, 不超过 $0.33)
过后缴 $0.95 的提交,
等收 1凭单 : 1 红股 吧 !

平均每股 本钱
低到不行 :)

Posted by VenFx > Aug 1, 2017 7:17 PM | Report Abuse

怕 麻烦的,
就 买 女儿 吧
$0.450 太便宜了 :)


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2019-07-07 21:59 | Report Abuse

The are two drivers to this effect:

(1) one from the poor side who naturally reduce the future poor population by having lesser children.....focusing on quality more than quantity

(2) secondly from the rich capitalist side to expect lesser return by distributing a bigger portion of the gross income from investment (capital) to the workforce as wages.....coz if they dont the workforce population would shrink in the long run

"the grass which is healthy only to seed - (case 1 above)...and the tree to sacrifice by reducing its own leaf & branch size to allow more sunlight reaching the grass on the ground - (case 2 above)"

this way you have a healthier population of grass and a smaller sized trees..in coexistence


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-07-07 22:25 | Report Abuse

This probability has communist & socialist thinking loh...!!

How can u restrict the number of children that one can have leh ??

The other thing ,how can u force the capitalist to pay more wages leh ?
Wages must & should linked with productivity mah...!!

If business can make more monies, than pay more loh...!!
If cannot even compete, how to pay more leh ??

Free enterprise that encourage & create opportunity for all people are the best to uplifting the poor to greater standard of living loh...!!

Not like msia govt policy of robbing paul in order to pay peter through discriminating policy loh....!!

By interfering with free market, in a way msia govt destroy wealth loh..!

Posted by probability > Jul 7, 2019 9:09 PM | Report Abuse

I think one possible easy solution to this would be restricting the amount childrens the poor could have (1 for poor and perhaps 2 for the medium and 3 or more for the rich ).....as the extreme rich 1% capital (all savings goes to capital) carries no value without the existence of a future massive poor population consumption...!

this should have a natural balancing effect on wealth distribution

even if this suggestion is not enforced..i think the massive future poor generation will wake up (become smarter) and agree to this principle/concept..and practice it naturally.

Posted by probability > Jul 7, 2019 9:59 PM | Report Abuse

The are two drivers to this effect:

(1) one from the poor side who naturally reduce the future poor population by having lesser children.....focusing on quality more than quantity

(2) secondly from the rich capitalist side to expect lesser return by distributing a bigger portion of the gross income from investment (capital) to the workforce as wages.....coz if they dont the workforce population would shrink in the long run

"the grass which is healthy only to seed - (case 1 above)...and the tree to sacrifice by reducing its own leaf & branch size to allow more sunlight reaching the grass on the ground - (case 2 above)"

this way you have a healthier population of grass and a smaller sized trees..in coexistence


26,855 posts

Posted by speakup > 2019-07-07 22:30 | Report Abuse

when it comes to property, malaysian youngsters whine and complain about how expensive property is, but when it comes to cars, they have no qualms about buying an expensive Honda or Toyota or Nissan over cheaper Proton or Perodua. IRONIC ISN"T IT!

Posted by Mr Jho Sailang Petron & GCB > 2019-07-07 22:33 | Report Abuse

but really lah if you don't buy cars, houses still expensive. But you are right lah, some youngster got problem. However, you need to think also, Proton and Perodua cars safety not good, you buy those cars is like living 20 - 30 years less of your life. So you think lah, expensive car and live longer. Or cheaper car and die earlier. Don't deny the fact that Malaysia road is sibeh dangerous ah. This morning only limpeh see a car drive over the divider from opposite, limpeh almost die wakao.


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2019-07-07 22:40 | Report Abuse

both drivers (1) & (2) above cannot be enforced....its difficult to come with an enforcement strategy...

but through education and encouragement on appreciation of quality life....this driver (1) can be cultivated naturally


Once you have the general population having Quality life mindset...the (2) second part from the capitalist will naturally start to form.....

Capitalist will realize they have to share more of their wealth to the wage earners...

distribution of wealth from capitalist to the wage earners does not affect its competitiveness when its done at global level (when all wage earners have the same expectation globally)...its merely a transfer of wealth...i.e sharing...

just for the sake of competitiveness we cannot encourage bangla lifestyle for the malaysians (be staisfied with 2K per month and live in a rented room with a bicycle as transport)...

instead the message is about encouraging all 'bangla' globally to live like 'malaysians'

its about increasing life quality mindset


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-07-07 22:41 |

Post removed.Why?


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-07-07 22:48 | Report Abuse

I believe my children is having better life now...they work 5 days a wk...they can go oversea for holiday every 6 mths and they study in university and get a degree loh...!!

They drive better cars than raider loh...!!

Raider only study up to form 5 and cannot afford further study mah..!!
There are less opportunity during my time loh....!!


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2019-07-07 22:48 | Report Abuse

In general today we have higher standard of living...just look at the luxury cars around and alot of families can afford to go oversea holiday 2 times a year ( Raider time once in 6 yrs usually singapore & thailand use bus loh..! }


i am not too sure about the above applies to majority & if the measurement of quality of life is purely measured on travel options and car your won....

as i dont really see that current generation can afford to own home and raise 4 childrens...


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-07-07 22:58 | Report Abuse

If this is not measure of standard of living and richer nation then what leh ??

I believe my indicators of living standard are correct loh ;

The higher standard of living can be seen from :

1. We work less hours today.

2. We can afford more luxury things like cars.

3. We can go oversea holidays to enjoy life loh...!!

Just think of the bangla, the nepalis and the burmese they cannot afford that, they go oversea to work very hard to make a living mah..!!

Posted by Mr Jho Sailang Petron & GCB > 2019-07-07 23:01 | Report Abuse

probability keeping it nice and real, I really start to like you more and more! His comments are all words of wisdom. If you ever want to become the Prime Minister, I will give you 1,000 votes!


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-07-07 23:07 | Report Abuse

The current generation do not want to have more children bcos they want to have better luxury life loh...!!

There may not afford luxury house of Rm 1m but they definitely can afford low & medium cost house around Rm 100k to Rm 300k loh...!!

There are still plenty of this type of house even in the klang valley loh...!!

If they prefer better house in good location, renting a terrace house in bandar utama above rm 1 million only cost u rm 2300 a month, if u buy it will cost u rm 7k a month n need to service 35 yrs loh...!!

Thus if u rent is a cheaper alternative loh..!! U can save up & invest in insas more loh...!!


2,152 posts

Posted by 7300 > 2019-07-07 23:20 | Report Abuse

wei,wei,wei.......sorry but prepared to be slave the next 15 year cycle....https://www.orientaldaily.com.my/news/xiliezhuanti/2019/07/07/297185?fbclid=IwAR3EAgNpKOEmXueSxvnCSwnpLp1xe2_wdJP29KzsNpUIdc5zZR0xelAfJ_I

Posted by Mr Jho Sailang Petron & GCB > 2019-07-08 07:02 | Report Abuse

stockraider don't bullshit, don't want to have children because can't even afford for ownself to survive. What afford better luxury? Buy Insas pigi hollando la

Posted by Mr Jho Sailang Petron & GCB > 2019-07-08 07:03 | Report Abuse

property slave or mortgage slaves - FoolsGold is the first one hahaha


430 posts

Posted by Sami_Value > 2019-07-08 08:30 | Report Abuse

Fallacy. Corrupted money can be traced. You can't buy asset with unidentified source of income. If you do, LDHN will start knocking on your door. This is one of the mechanism to pin point / suspect any corruption activities by LDHN.


430 posts

Posted by Sami_Value > 2019-07-08 08:37 | Report Abuse

the moment you purchase a big chunk item - your sources of income are already a target by LHDN. just wait for the time to come only before they come knocking on your door.

Those who dare to purchase, declared their incomes.


2,152 posts

Posted by 7300 > 2019-07-08 10:21 | Report Abuse

Those weak property prices are just beginning to fall.wait for those die die with debts still forced to hold with big lossess,and real npl will come next few months or year. Only those with budget money want to buy for own stay ,now have to look see job can sustain.greedy n hallucinated ones cant boast anymore....:(

NO more cerita donggeng speaks from the nose.


18,163 posts

Posted by apolloang > 2019-07-08 10:41 | Report Abuse

hawkers in penang secretly been buying condos in penang,so penang overhang not much,not like in johor depend to Singaporean to buy and they are not buying now.....hehe


2,152 posts

Posted by 7300 > 2019-07-08 10:49 | Report Abuse

A good n smart government (esp with huge debts,n looking for more funds)will always manage citizen cost of living with foods on table,education n etc.So priority is enough for everyone needs.

Don't ask how to save those greedy n loopholes unproductive kaya cepat speculators that have bought damaged to economy sustainable growth.


2,152 posts

Posted by 7300 > 2019-07-08 10:59 | Report Abuse

Malaysia have large landbank compare to population,developments should not be concentrated in cities that brought away workforces from kampong.Those reason cities are flooded with talents from small town n kg lack of better infras n not cities to vice versa.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-07-08 11:28 |

Post removed.Why?


430 posts

Posted by Sami_Value > 2019-07-08 12:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by i3lurker > Jul 8, 2019 8:52 AM | Report Abuse

heard rumour dunno true or not got 1 specialist doctor anesthesist own 7 shophouses never paid a sen of income tax for 30 years already.

maybe need another 30 years later after he died for tax to "discover"?


Malaysia got a lot of red eyes ppl. If it was rumors, most likely the the said specialist already kena logged report by public. You get rewarded if really LDHN catch the culprit who dodges the tax base on report lodged. If after reported, LHDN cannot find anything because the individual can defend their sources on incomes, most likely it will be put to rest. Other ppl wealth, no need red eyes la.


430 posts

Posted by Sami_Value > 2019-07-08 12:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by 7300 > Jul 8, 2019 10:59 AM | Report Abuse

Malaysia have large landbank compare to population,developments should not be concentrated in cities that brought away workforces from kampong.Those reason cities are flooded with talents from small town n kg lack of better infras n not cities to vice versa.


Only possible with the HSB - internet connectivity. After that, if the local companies culture can be changed - for instance, they do not required the employees to work at offices, as long as can delivers the documentations, complete the work, attend the virtue meeting using video conference ( Webex, Go To Meeting c/w Skype, etc ).... living at country side with less hectic schedule is an ideal choice. Cheap living expenses, you can buy more with what you earns.....


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-07-08 13:05 |

Post removed.Why?


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-07-08 13:36 |

Post removed.Why?


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2019-07-08 17:26 | Report Abuse

Business will become competitive also right? Lol!


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2019-07-08 17:30 | Report Abuse

Bring indians from India...they dont mind getting half the salary of malaysian and work double the hours...they are more knowledgeable and competent too..

Surely malaysian businesses will become more profitable


4,131 posts

Posted by ks55 > 2019-07-08 17:33 | Report Abuse

The first chief executive of Hong Kong, Tung Chee-wah, did the right thing with his housing policy in 1997, aiming for at least 85,000 flats a year in the public and private sectors, a home ownership rate of 70 per cent within 10 years, as well as a reduction in the average waiting time for public rental housing to three years.

However, he caved in under public opinion (from people already owned a property) and pressure from property tycoons like Li Ka-sheng and others to hold property price firm amid the Asian financial crisis. So the plan was shelved.

Otherwise, you will not see Hongkong coffin homes that need 2 generations to pay off the mortgage.

Malaysian govt should take this opportunity to let housing price fall to a more affordable level, without any dampening policy or subsidy.

Let the housing price find its own equilibrium, where supply and demand crosses.
Let those fly by night developers pack and go home.
Let the flippers go bankrupt.
AND let the fittest survive..............


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2019-07-08 17:34 |

Post removed.Why?


4,131 posts

Posted by ks55 > 2019-07-08 17:49 | Report Abuse

If we had followed reason instead of the masses ... today’s housing problem would have been resolved.

Statement by former chief executive Leung Chun-ying

BUT Govt of the day prepare to let Maybank lose money?
Is govt prepare to let developers close shop?
Is developer prepare to put up more low to medium cost housing like HDB flats?
9 millions willing buyers (from 26 to 38 yo) just waiting for a suitable house to call home. Is govt deaf? Are developers blind?


6,258 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2019-07-08 18:09 | Report Abuse

Dear ks55,
Martin Jacques: Hong Kong is a typical colonial economy; it is not a competitive economy, it’s a monopolistic economy. It basically preferred or empowered the tycoons to run Hong Kong to divide up the spoils between themselves above all in the field of property where most of the money was made. So this is an oligopolistic and monopolistic economy.

Thank you


4,131 posts

Posted by ks55 > 2019-07-08 18:18 | Report Abuse

Simply there are too many people complaining houses are beyond reach.
Govt also like to say the same so as to put up PR1MA, Rumah Selangor Ku, and so on and so forth.

Is HDB flat expensive?
They are simply given for 'free' to all eligible!
Is private housing in Singapore cheap?
But there are still so many buying up as investment after they bought first HDB flat.

Singapore houses are not cheap, could be 5 to 10 times more expensive than Malaysia. But no one complain they could not get married because of housing problem!

AND NOW is Malaysian housing expensive?
Up to you to gauge yourself.
If you choose to buy a house with mortgage up to 30% of your household income, it is not expensive.
If you want to buy a house that take you 2 generations to pay off your mortgage, you are simply wearing hat too big for your head!

All in all, I would say it really depends on your mentality whether you are kiasu, or down to earth.......


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-07-08 18:48 | Report Abuse




Posted by probability > Jul 8, 2019 5:30 PM | Report Abuse

Bring indians from India...they dont mind getting half the salary of malaysian and work double the hours...they are more knowledgeable and competent too..

Surely malaysian businesses will become more profitable


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-07-08 19:09 | Report Abuse

U r out of point loh....!!

A local fellow want to buy a house should consider the advantage or cost & benefit of rent v buy mah...!!

Take for example a Double storey house in bandar utama, costing Rm 1m can be rented for Rm 2.3k per month, whereas if they buy it will cost Rm 7k a month and this is based on financing over 35 yrs loh..!!

Thus it is much better to rent Rm 2.3k per month instead of buying instalment Rm 7k per month loh...!!

Save up the diff , & u can buy insas to hedge against inflation n participate with economy growth loh...!!

The reason why it is chaper to rent is that the landlord is subsidizing your accomodation loh...!!

You need to be businesslike, when handling finance in a savvy way loh.!

Posted by i3lurker > Jul 8, 2019 6:58 PM | Report Abuse

stockraider already mentioned


do not buy

KISAH BENAR EXAMPLE, GENUINE example Bangsar double storey house

MV = RM1.6 million to RM2 million

local family offers RM1,500 rental per month

Bangla offers RM2,500 rental per month

who you want to rent to?
of course Bangla lah, they stay 30 person per house that's problem belong them.

so RM2,500 X 12 = RM30,000 per year

= 30,000/2,000,000 = 1.5% yield per year...

of course stockraider says rent lah

bloody stupeed to buy is it not?

why buy? put FD better lah


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2019-07-08 19:37 | Report Abuse

aiyo raider..singapore citizens are like shareholder of the businesses set up there...they dont compete for wages with the foreigners..

they milk them!

olders citizens already have established assets...and their younger generation net worth is being enriched by reducing/maintained population..


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2019-07-08 19:45 | Report Abuse

i think malaysians (majority) will not be able to compete with even bangla..if given fair chance to compete...

dont let the malaysian become slave in their own country in the name of competitive business.. no harm raising wage at the expense on ROE...it does not reduce your competitiveness...as the majority business compete internally within Malaysia

malaysia have all the resources to ensure a wealthy nation...provided managed well and wealth is evenly distributed..

education, skills and competency is something the citizens definitely need to improve...but not at the expense of foreigners getting all the benefit they can get as a citizen


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2019-07-08 20:23 |

Post removed.Why?


14,490 posts

Posted by probability > 2019-07-08 20:29 | Report Abuse

aiyo raider...though i dont have the numbers with me...i can tell that the country's gdp per capita ratio to the average (majority population) wage earners's wage...would be having a steep difference...

the argument is more on what can be done to distribute the wealth..

all the natural resources money is going into a few crony pockets

this is not good for malaysia

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