My Investment philosophy: Looking for stocks that give reasonable dividend yield and capital appreciation. Understand that in order to bag a 10 bagger, need patience to wait for next market crash. If it occurs I am prepare, if it doesn’t happen I am fine with my current investments
The coronavirus crisis started to trigger DJ plunging since Monday. There is plenty of chance to buy latter or buy at the pace like a snail moving to minimize the risks.
Look at China's counts...and current death rate. It has reduced tremendously...almost becoming nil.
Global market spooked just because it entered Europe and many other countries...current alertness globally will definitely be able to control the spread.
Death rate per day - will become nil soon. Infections rate will reach a plateau in a month and very likely a vaccine/strong medicine to manage it will be found by then.
“ I think this virus is probably with us beyond this season, beyond this year, and I think eventually the virus will find a foothold and we'll get community based transmission and you can start to think about it like seasonal flu. The only difference is we don't understand this virus ”
Dr. Robert Redfield
Director, CDC US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Feb. 13, 2020
Ql now is pe 50+. Overvalue at least have growing value.
Sadly, Insas... Hard to find any value. Never have. Never will.
When will sslee start to learn from Calvin tan mistakes and improve his own journey.
If assets was the key to making money in stock market,
Why are these stocks so low in pe and appears like a great deal but no one buys them? Asiapac Talamt Bjland Mahsing Pathetic parkson (2 billion assets for only 200 million, isn't it better than Insas with a net asset of 1.74 selling for that 17 cents? Better than Insas 76 cents with 2.34 NTA value)
The real fairy value is Insas. "I believe Dato’ Sri Thong will do something about Insas share price".
November 26, 2017. Dear all, At KLIA2 terminal waiting for my flight to Medan. Just used up the door gift from INSAS AGM, DOME voucher of RM30 for food and one free coffee.shares Please check up of DOMECAFE at below link. You will be surprise and spoil of choices with so many verities of foods and drinks they are serving. The foods/drinks and services are excellent. Easily beat Kenny Rogers of Berjaya food hands down. Thank you
You have now kept Insas for 3 years. In that time they sold down almost 100 million inari shares,
Nov 28, 2017 1:03 PM | Report Abuse
Dear sparta, INSAS own 401,711,300 INARI shares. Just do the math. Thank you.
Sold roset, no growth in dome, closed vigcash. Lost money in melium, tribecar, payment system, biotech not moving.
Revenue and earnings multi year low.
In November of 2017, share price of Insas was 0.93. 3 years later, Insas is now worth 0.76.
Will you still hold shares in this fairy value company? Or sell it? Or in this best of times buy a company that will continue to grow and grow 3 years from now? A wonderful company? Have you improved your investing skill in the last 3 years to notice and find a wonderful company? Or will your fear of the unknown stop you from increasing your investment in the wonderful company which faces temporary headwinds?
Remember xinquan. No one can help you if you choose a wonderful company on paper, bad company in real life. Only yourself.
Thank you
Sslee Haha, After arguing with Philip for year on QL, finally he say QL is fairy Value at PE60. He sold some QL to top up Yinson 28/02/2020 9:00 AM
The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 60 countries and territories around the world and 1 international conveyance (the Diamond Princess cruise ship harbored in Yokohama, Japan).
Covid 19 oredi attacking 1/3 of our world.
Who know one day the covid 19 will conquer our whole world !
but virus is science.........don't play play with science.
people may think summer come , virus sure die...........but what if Singapore starts having local infections............then sure die lah..........Singapore is so capable and so hot, if virus can still of the world got chance meh?
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 29 — Bursa Malaysia is expected to continue its volatile trading mode with a downside bias next week as political uncertainty persists in the local landscape.
An analyst said the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) had reached the lowest level since December 2011, with a bearish harami pattern prevailing which marked a further downward momentum
your conclusion may be simple but you forgot year 2003 world stock markets up from record low while year 2020 besides few world stock markets tumbling from record high totally two different scenario
Icon with a quick view of Kobay and indeed it is a cheap company with good growth recent qtr. Just a question: Do we need to accumulate the tiny traded share now with no body look at it at all now? for sure this will need time to wait patiently, maybe half year, maybe 1 year when it gather the crowd attention? or we need to rush in as others when it has emitted its light and huge volume start to build up? I seen your holding at MBMR which is also this is almost situation. and this MBMR build up a very safe margin when it start to get others all attention in term of in term of pricing.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
57,857 posts
Posted by calvintaneng > 2020-02-28 07:32 | Report Abuse
old man so clever