Pariah, no doubt the worse counter from you is GENT. Everyday blowing PN17 and bankruptcy. If you can't manage your loss, hide inside your shit hole and continue eat shit. No body will care.🤣🤣🤣CNY is around the corner, alarming for the shorties.
That crazy person is a shorties, he is losing a lot of money trying to short but fail. That is why he is writing all crazy comments hoping the price will go down.
Soh hai gay clowns are likely Singaporean or base in Singapore. I'm pretty sure about it because Singaporean are commonly anti China and pro Japan given that gay clowns claimed they went on a gay cruise to Japan.
When they go on holiday they will usually choose Japan or Taiwan contrary to most Malaysian
You may ask how Soh hai is AngayKlown, he literally idolised an infamous short seller who killed himself in the early 1900 for losing all his money by using this short seller's coffin car picture as his profile picture. Then he claimed himself not short selling Genting at the same time. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 These gay clowns have f.arking low IQ.
Hope UK first card "Ace Of Spade". Then trader can sell a block of 12 to 15% shares away first to take back capital. Trader has been cash poor for a long time. Popi popi 🙏🙏
Aiya Soh Hai Chao Ah Gua Jeepon clonwn use your far.king brain la. A shortie shorting this stock will give you prompt exit warnings at peak price 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 zone whereby shorting profit is the maximum? Sibei brainless fool.
Soh hai gay clowns still repeating all his gay predictions. 🤣🤣🤣 People average price already 3.80-3.90. Thanks to the gay clowns rogue trading style. Soon they will bankrupt themselves and end up killing themselves just like their infamous idol.
Move on lah, don't stay in the past. Stay sane and stop talking about the past. The more you talk about the past, your mental problem will get worse and then ultimately end up killing yourself.
Posted by mushimushi > 16 minutes ago | Report Abuse Soh hai gay clowns are likely Singaporean or base in Singapore. I'm pretty sure about it because Singaporean are commonly anti China and pro Japan given that gay clowns claimed they went on a gay cruise to Japan. When they go on holiday they will usually choose Japan or Taiwan contrary to most Malaysian ---------
Dont anyhow assume la. Trader went back to ancestral village a few times before + been to China many more times than Jeepon.
You Malaysian but using Jeepon name also what. Another chao ah gua siow lang's illogical assumption.
Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse Bark sell soo cheap 3.55 before Christmas - ofcos ppl call AngTKlown/Balian shorty lo Balian still bark but need work harder (GB green) AngTKlown get slap soo hard by Santa Claus until dont dare bark anymore (silent donkey) kikiki ------------
MM ah, you sibei pathetic la doing all these Han Jian bad karma evil roti prata tactics + nonstop spinning lies here for years already but still lose money eventually. Immediately Buy Immediately Lose. Immediately Sold Immediately Price Rocket. The most shameless n useless fool here. This type of bad karma deeds wont make money for you one la. If can make money, you already huat long long ago lo.
KNNBCCB la Bad karma Tin Kosong MM sibei shameless liar.
Posted by mushimushi > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse Move on lah, don't stay in the past. Stay sane and stop talking about the past. The more you talk about the past, your mental problem will get worse and then ultimately end up killing yourself. -------------
Because got a chao ah gua soh hai jeepon clown nonstop doing delusional slandering that someone who gave prompt exit warnings at peak price zones 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 etc is a shortie. Must be lose money until nuts lo.... Lose money in stock market is normal la dont lose your mind, threaten to cut own JJ etc. Money can always make back la.
Posted by MoneyMakers > 53 seconds ago | Report Abuse Balian Up to u bark GB red Need bark 2x louder - old partner AngTKlown totally useless alrdy ------------
KNNBCCB la Bad karma Tin Kosong MM sibei shameless liar.
MM ah, you sibei pathetic la doing all these Han Jian bad karma evil roti prata tactics + nonstop spinning lies here for years already but still lose money eventually. Immediately Buy Immediately Lose. Immediately Sold Immediately Price Rocket. The most shameless n useless fool here. This type of bad karma deeds wont make money for you one la. If can make money, you already huat long long ago lo.
Posted by MoneyMakers > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Balian Up to u bark GB red
Need bark 2x louder - old partner AngTKlown totally useless alrdy ------------
Han Jian bad karma MM always using evil roti-prata fear mongering tactics hoping to buy cheaper. Bought liow will immediately do bullish cheering hoping to quickly sell higher to others. Useless far.ker always ready to sell-out the entire i3 community here for a few meagre sens of his own trading profit. Bad karma MM, you born in wrong era la, you should have lived during Japanese Occupation days be a "Han Jian" wear a paper bag with 2 eye holes over your head, sell-out your community to curry favour Japanese Military Police to get some brownie rewards. F.arking most useless feller still can shamelessly spinning lies and slanders here.
MM ah, you want to buy just go n buy la. Or you can continue to do your own fear mongering tactics here hope you can buy at a few sens cheaper. Last Fri at 3.57 why you no buy??? Around 3.60 zone many buyers leh. You are already a known Han Jian here always ready to sell out the entire i3 community for a few sens of your own meagre profit. People here will understand why you always doing evil bad karma roti prata tactics.
MM ah your mother never slap you hard enough for nonstop spinning lies ah? KNNBCCB la Bad karma Tin Kosong MM sibei shameless liar.
Posted by MoneyMakers > 7 minutes ago | Report Abuse 1) Balian - crazy ppl no moral/integrity 2) AngTKlown - always cheat ppl sell low buy high 3) Eagleye - useless yesman (AngTKlown worshipper) --------------
Han Jian Bad Karma MM, your father + mother never slap you hard enough for nonstop spinning lies? KNNBCCB la Bad karma Tin Kosong MM sibei shameless liar.
MM ah, you sibei pathetic la doing all these Han Jian bad karma evil roti prata tactics + nonstop spinning lies here for years already but still lose money eventually. Immediately Buy Immediately Lose. Immediately Sold Immediately Price Rocket. The most shameless n useless fool here. This type of bad karma deeds wont make money for you one la. If can make money, you already huat long long ago lo.
Mad Monkey money loser. Don't drag me into your loser mentality. If nobody likes you in GB forum, that's bcos you are mad monster conning everyone with your flip flop msgs. When u want to buy low, u scaremonger ppl to sell low for u to buy. When u want to sell high, u say good hoping others to buy higher for u to sell.
This type of ass, bad, con, devilish, evil one making money off innocent investors.
Only Mad Monkey Money Makers/Loser can come, do & exist here in i3 GB forum.
Read his comments. Attack, Con, Disparage anyone in his way or disagrees with him.
Mad Monkey money loser. Don't drag me into your loser mentality. If nobody likes you in GB forum, that's bcos you are mad monster conning everyone with your flip flop msgs. When u want to buy low, u scaremonger ppl to sell low for u to buy. When u want to sell high, u say good hoping others to buy higher for u to sell.
This type of ass, bad, con, devilish, evil one making money off innocent investors.
Only Mad Monkey Money Makers/Loser can come, do & exist here in i3 GB forum.
@AngTayKor is a winner. He works hard for his money. He spent years learning his share trading craft. He spent thousands attending share courses. He is still learning. He is still honing & improving share trading skills. He's got an almost 90+% accuracy. That's his track record & results.
He cares and is helpful. He's a friend.
Of course, I support a good friend.
You like or dislike him, no problem. But don't accuse, attack & slander him as he's done nothing to harm or hurt you. He did not force you to buy or sell shares.
So, stop shadowing, slandering & sataning @AngTakKor.
Soh hai jeepon clown holding 30k shares, trader already said this real story many times liow. Eagleye (1invest1) has good sense who has real skill and who has no skill here. He was holding abt 300k GenB shares during 2022 n asked trader for advice. Most IMPORTANTLY, eagleye trust trader's judgment and sold right at the peak 5.30 then. Eagleye easily "saved" abt half million ringgit of potential losses if he had held on until now. I have given many prompt exit warnings here at 5.20, 4.80+, 4.50 zones + Sell At Rebound since 4.20. How many here has taken trader's advice? No gratitude at all. Sore losers can still do nonstop slandering and spinning shameless lies abt trader.
Posted by 1invest1 > 2022-06-01 16:07 | Report Abuse Thank you GB, Sold all GB. -------------- Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse 1invest1 stuck high dont jeles see others make money..ur time will come Nxt time dont be kpop fangirl - blindly believe ur ‘idol’ nonsense ---------------
ATK: Dont anyhow assume la. 1invest1 sold his shares right at the top (near 5.30 zone) during early June 2022 together with LKT and ATK.
Posted by MoneyMakers > 29 minutes ago | Report Abuse Eagleye crawl out of AngTKlown skirt alrdy kikiki ---- Remember need work 2x OT bcoz old partner AngTKlown scared bark ----------------
Han Jian Bad Karma MM, your father + mother never slap you hard enough for nonstop slandering + spinning lies? KNNBCCB la Bad karma Tin Kosong MM sibei shameless liar.
MM ah, you sibei pathetic la doing all these Han Jian bad karma evil roti prata tactics + nonstop spinning lies here for years already but still lose money eventually. Immediately Buy Immediately Lose. Immediately Sold Immediately Price Rocket. The most shameless n useless fool here. This type of bad karma deeds wont make money for you one la. If can make money, you already huat long long ago lo.
Posted by MoneyMakers > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse Disappointed - hard to drop AngTKlown/Balian no bark Last Christmas 3.55 everyday nonstop bark - now 3.6 no bark ------------
Aiya Han Jian Bad Karma MM, everyone here also know you no skill Han Jian shameless liar spinning lies daily to blemish skillful trader. Got skill no skill people will know one la. Everyday see sore loser Han Jian Bad Karma MM eating crates of sour grapes here. You not sian meh? Really a SHAMELESS + USELESS loser. Go and chiak sai la.
All these DUMP, FOOLISH & STUUPID bumps have no FA & TA skills who knows nothing other than attack @ATK only.
Their posts quoting news abt meager events show how much or rather little they know.
Everyone in this forum surfs the net and already read the normal news.
Other than the positive or negative breaking news about GB, Taurx, GM, GS, RWLV, related G subsidiaries' news, most of the other so-called news are non-newsworthy and have no material value and has little to no effect and impact on G related group of companies.
Yes, weather, geo-political, local govt & related developments may have some effect and impact.
The purpose here is to make money in investing or trading GB. But instead, 3 crack-headed nuckle heads spend their time attacking @ATK on this forum.
They got distracted, became delusional and are fast falling into dementia as they forgot their purpose in this forum are to learn from others and contribute in sharing meaningful and intelligent insights garnered.
With their unintelligible concocted venom spewed onto @ATK, they think they outsmarted everyone, but alas and aiyo, they reveal themselves to be no smarter than smartasses. Read their posts & you will revel in laughter over their 3 stooges and Mr bean antics.
Posted by MoneyMakers > 42 minutes ago | Report Abuse Eagleye no need complain others when ownself useless yesman Other ppl contribute more in 1 sentence than ur rubbish long paragraph ----------
Aiya Eagleye listened to trader's advice n "saved" MYR half million ringgit lo.... It is real. Everyone here also know Han Jian Bad Karma MM no skill shameless liar spinning lies here daily on trader. You not sian meh? Really a SHAMELESS + USELESS loser. Everyday see sore loser Han Jian Bad Karma MM eating crates of sour grapes here. Go and chiak sai also la.
Han Jian bad karma MM always using evil roti-prata fear mongering tactics hoping to buy cheaper. Bought liow will immediately do bullish cheering hoping to quickly sell higher to others. Useless far.ker always ready to sell-out the entire i3 community here for a few meagre sens of his own trading profit. Bad karma MM, you born in wrong era la, you should have lived during Japanese Occupation days be a "Han Jian" wear a paper bag with 2 eye holes over your head, sell-out your community to curry favour Japanese Military Police to get some brownie rewards. F.arking most useless feller still can shamelessly spinning lies and slanders here.
Mad Monkey money loser is a mad man run amok. Mother never slap him. So, he became spoilt Brat. Now, a fully grown man baby, he whines day & night on i3, complaining & crying nonstop abt @ATK. He feels isolated in life, so, he takes it all out in i3 on @ATK.
He blames everything on @ATK.
Win blame @ATK bcos win not enough. Lose blame @ATK bcos can't cut loss fast. Either win or lose, blame @ATK !!!
Solution crawl back into mother's womb for safety.
Han Jian MM always doing evil roti prata bad karma deeds. I see him most of the time immediately buy immediately lose, immediately sold immediately price rocket. Can make money ah? Kena heavy bad karma liow la. Honestly la stock market is a crocodile den. No skill dont punt the stock market la you will die poor. Add all the bad karma deeds MM has done over the years here. Can huat meh?
Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse Other ppl contribute more in 1 sentence than ur rubbish long paragraph ---------
MM ah you contributed what here? Show you some of bad karma contributions here:
(Before MM buy, will do nonstop fear mongering here hoping to buy cheaper)
Posted by MoneyMakers > Report Abuse No wonder soo cheap US regulator sue RWLV (money laundering violation) + GenS QR terrible ------------ Dont bother with TauRx - got hundreds other alzheimer med under Phase 2/3 clinical trials Current share price values TauRx at 0 - so TauRx failure only minimal affect share price ------------ Stuck even when bursa up 1650 pts Feel people wait sell expecting bad QR soon ----------- 2 more days margin call b4 bad QR (expected Thur) - lets see how low can go ----------- Late selloff continue ystrdy red Seems people want exit b4 bad QR (GenS bad) out ----------- Crazy evening selloff - wait&see how bad QR later ----------- Woww big revenue drop + profit cut half..bad econ people no money travel?? Ystrdy Dollar General shares drop 30% after bad QR (weak consumer) Economy soo bad..GB Q2 revenue alrdy drop 1st time - disaster if nxt QR more revenue drop ----------- 2023 still ‘covid recovery’ so shouldnt compare y-o-y Q2 suppose seasonally strong (raya holiday etc) but QR soo bad - Q3 later even worse?? ----------- Everywhere weak economy - GenS/GenM alrdy affected Inflation destroy wealth ----------- Ding3 4.01 closing new low unlocked Will get uglier tomorrow after IB analysis - definitely something fishy (“Resorts World Bimini’s 2022 financials showed that the company was effectively insolvent - with $191 Mil in assets dwarfed by $885 Mil in liabilities”) ---------- GenM kickout klci yr end - soon not bluechip anymore --------- U happy buy 4.0 - big fund happy dump 4.0 ---------- Relax EngineerLoss be happy u collect big fund dump ---------- Last hr - lets see if big fund big dump like ystrdy --------- Walao 1st time closing under 4.0 (3.97) 16Mil volume vs ystrdy 13Mil - big fund big dump in progress -------- If tomorrow budget got sin tax - downgrade PE 9 become 3.60 ---------- Closing under 4.0 again (3.99) - huge late dump Tomorrow budget (sin tax) lets see if another big dump --------- Dont trust GB longterm with such terrible QR Strong MYR not good for SG/US biz..rate cut savings also wont see in coming Q3 QR
(On 23/10/2024, 2 days after trader sold at 4.07, MM bought at 4.03)
Posted by MoneyMakers > 2 months ago | Report Abuse Hope everyone alrdy load up - we’re going up --------- Nice morning rally - 4.0 super strong support. Lets see how high can close today -------- Dont soo pessimistic leh - 4.0 alrdy super cheap ---------- Little green day - 4.0 super strong support Lets see if bigger green tomorrow ************************************* PRICE COLLAPSED TO 3.52 (IMMEDIATELY BUY IMMEDIATELY LOSE) ======================
After MM bought liow, will do a major U-turn non-stop bullish cheering hoping to lure in fresh buyers so MM can quickly sell at higher price. Same old evil Roti prata bad karma tactics. Deserve the bad karma.
Han Jian bad karma MM ah, another of your bad karma contribution. Immediately sold liow start fear mongering nonstop. Then price immediately rocket. You see for yourself la:
Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-10-05 00:00 | Report Abuse
Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse Dont trust GB longterm with such terrible QR Strong MYR not good for SG/US biz..rate cut savings also wont see in coming Q3 QR --------- Just matter of time break under 4.10 - might take few days (slow week) --------- Walao touch 4.10 again - looking good ------------ Only want see divergence under 4.10 by Friday kikiki ------------ Bearish closing 4.12 - gonna challenge 4.10 again nxt week ======================== PRICE IMMEDIATELY ROCKET TO 4.31 ========================
Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse Aiyoyo AngTKlown I nvr say ‘sell’ 4.10 - I only share perfect TA (nvr care others buy/sell/hodl) Empty tin milo nonstop BS fake story other people aiyoyo P/s: mybe my fault prove u wrong too many times - nothing else can do except BS kikiki *********************
Tin Kosong MM no need to spin BS check your own records here la.
"Just matter of time break under 4.10 - might take few days (slow week)".... Immediately gave your TA, immediately price rocket to 4.31. Your perfect TA ah? Hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MM ah you are biggest clown here la. Or you dont know how to spell the word S-H-A-M-E thats why you are always so shameless??? MM kena bad karma sold off just before the big rally now eating sour grapes jealous skillful trader made some profit. Aiya small profit only la. MM ah, go and learn real TA skills instead of eating sour grapes here la
MM ah, you sibei pathetic la doing all these Han Jian bad karma evil roti prata tactics + nonstop spinning lies here for years already but still lose money eventually. Immediately Buy Immediately Lose. Immediately Sold Immediately Price Rocket. The most shameless n useless fool here. This type of bad karma deeds wont make money for you one la. If can make money, you already huat long long ago lo.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
5,998 posts
Posted by yfchong > 1 week ago | Report Abuse
RSS @ 0.99., let's see which mode it would drift.