Play is not a good term. Better term is invest. Gold futures is a form of derivatives. Most derivatives are simply speculations. My idea is stay in stock investments as the best means of creating wealth.
Rhb Ib has issued Supermax call warrant to Bet Against Supermax and as such you cannot listen to their target price with vested interest against Supermax
You should see the bigger picture
In Singapore Riverstone glove closed firm while Ansell Gove Australia is up
Riverstone will face high tariff and yet it closed firm
Ansell glove will face high tariff and yet it closed up
By right Supermax with zero tariff and 100% complete freedom to export to USA should be up (so down is due to artificial suppression by lies and underhanded means)
. Syndicates + a few-FUNDS n + Analists-reports: r playing our Theme-PLAYS on news-flow, from Palm.Oil to Gloves n Tech to DC stocks n etc.
For many yrs we never see pure huge syndicated-plays, like dataprp, cheeetah, hextech, hongseng n etc.
AWAS: Syndicates will never be investors. they will hoot.9.e n loot.9.e to the max on pumping up, n then must DUMP all, i.e. pure ZERO sum game = Syndicates, the pure BIG winners + retailers the pure losers as reluctant investors.
SELL PT at euphoric peak, to do n audit on every mkt day. always at 1st LH at 2 hr macd DC, then at 1st LL, then at 2 hr macd<0.
UOB kay hian analyst attributed bursa sell off these few days to a bad china economy that had affected msian exporters to china,and also to usa strong economy thus obstructing fed rate cut course.
Although on hindsight it was jumping the gun a little too early, no one did dollar-cost averaging 38X like me to bring my cost down from $3.2 to $1.1888. Even with 3 decades behind me, there is still much to learn about timing & execution & that's what makes markets exciting & satisfying to extract $ from because every participant is hustling furiously to earn from other participants.
Shouldn't be afraid of IB because Trump was here to support Supermax . We must control our emotion and don't let IB to control us . First of all we should thanks Calvintaneng and secondly Trump2 .
I am with Calvin.. I am buying potential ( vision) not gamble for short term gain.. That's my 1st rules when I start buying share.. You can't predict up or down but you can see potential of the company.. Hope it drop a little more this morning. Better buy call..
RHB downgrade of Supermax together with jitters from Wall Street over higher future inflation, interest rate and unemployment's statistics were partly to blame for general decline in Bursa and Supermax in particular. However, current fragile sentiments can quickly transform once there are positive news which can cause Supermax to gap up. Make no mistakes, the fundamentals for investing in Supermax is strong and solid. It's a matter of time before Supermax share price climbs up again.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
124 posts
Posted by JalanTembok > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Play is not a good term. Better term is invest. Gold futures is a form of derivatives. Most derivatives are simply speculations. My idea is stay in stock investments as the best means of creating wealth.