Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2023-08-31 07:35 | Report Abuse

The siths and palpatine are wrong. It's the exclusionary nature of fundamentalism that is simultaneously uniting some people while dividing others. Since such dogmatic teachings are open to interpretation, it undeniably divides those who have differing opinions on the same belief. Serious unconcilable conflict occurs between the in- and out-groups formed through different religions. Even worse, the fact that it is such a sensitive topic only makes it ripe for the picking by external forces who further these divisions for their own greenwave agenda. Therefore, as much as religion unites, its nature often results in much more deep-rooted divisions, hence dividing more than it unites.

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118 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 2024-06-02 15:12


14,752 posts

Posted by DickyMe > 2024-03-10 14:24 | Report Abuse

Malay, Science and Maths was mandatory pass subjects during my time in school.
I was one of the pioneer batch when L.C.E became S.R.P

Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)$€£¥ > 2024-03-10 14:31 | Report Abuse

While the debates go on and on, as parents please ensure your children's education is complete. Make sure they mastered B.M., English and Chinese. Mastering these 3 languages put them at an advantage for the future. Ensure that they study Mathematics well. Understanding mathematics allow them to think logically and in abstract terms. Also do not neglect the other subjects too.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-10 14:44 | Report Abuse


Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-10 16:47 | Report Abuse

Exactly, that's what Teo Cock Seong supposedly point out. The educators in these schools perpetuate stereotypes, prejudices, and inequalities among students of different religious and ethnic backgrounds. Addressing this issue requires a multi-faceted approach, including reforms in the education system to promote inclusivity, diversity, and understanding among students of various backgrounds.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-14 08:31 | Report Abuse

It is the emphasis on religious indoctrination, limited curriculum, suppression of dissent, social division, cultural isolation, missed opportunities for dialogue, and impact on academic achievement in schools that have collectively contributed to restricting intellectual growth and causing irreparable division among children categorised as believers and nonbelievers

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-23 18:41 | Report Abuse

Little does that shallow minded paper mill cock seong know that while integration has its merits, there are situations where segregation and avoidance may be seen as proactive measures for self-defense against slander and provocation in a hypersensitive community.


17,089 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 13 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Protection of young children who tend to slip tongue when criticising beliefs (vernacular schools as sanctuary - safer place to make mistakes)

**Protection of Safety and Security:** In highly sensitive environments where tensions run high, segregating or avoiding certain interactions can be a way to protect individuals and communities from potential harm or conflict. It can prevent volatile situations from escalating.


17,089 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 12 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Peaceful neighbourhood

**Preservation of Peace:** Segregation and avoidance can contribute to maintaining peace and stability within a community by minimizing contentious interactions that could lead to misunderstandings or confrontations.


17,089 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse

All done for a noble reason

**Respect for Boundaries:** Respecting the boundaries and preferences of individuals and communities is crucial for fostering trust and avoiding unnecessary friction. Segregation and avoidance can be seen as a form of respecting these boundaries.


17,089 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 8 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Suntze's art of war: To retreat by segregation is to advance harmonious agenda

**Focus on Positive Interactions:** Segregation and avoidance can redirect focus towards positive interactions and collaborations within the community, fostering a more harmonious environment where mutual respect and understanding can flourish.


17,089 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 6 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Minimize unintentional friction and unnecessary confrontation: one man's medicine can be another man's poison

**Minimization of Provocation:** By avoiding situations that are known to provoke negative reactions or slander, individuals can protect themselves and others from unwarranted attacks or misunderstandings.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-23 18:45 | Report Abuse

Half-baked cock seong fails to understand and point out that labeling children based on their parents' religion can lead to division and exclusion within a diverse classroom. When a child is categorized solely based on their parents' religious beliefs, it can create barriers to understanding and acceptance among classmates from different backgrounds. This labeling can perpetuate stereotypes, hinder genuine interactions, and promote a sense of "us versus them" mentality.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-23 18:47 | Report Abuse

Such labeling reinforces social divisions and hierarchies within the classroom. It can lead to cliques based on religious identities, where children may feel pressure to conform to certain norms or beliefs associated with their labeled group. This not only limits their freedom of expression but also inhibits the exchange of diverse perspectives and ideas among students.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-23 18:48 | Report Abuse

Vernacular schools as sanctuary for the minority

labeling based on parents' religion can contribute to discrimination and prejudice. Children may face unfair treatment or exclusion based on stereotypes associated with their labeled group, leading to feelings of alienation and isolation. This can negatively impact their social and emotional well-being, impeding their overall development and integration within the classroom community.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-23 18:49 | Report Abuse

Vernacular schools as sanctuary for the minority

Fostering unity in a diverse classroom requires embracing and celebrating differences rather than categorizing and dividing based on parental backgrounds. By promoting inclusivity, empathy, and open-mindedness, educators can create a more harmonious and supportive learning environment where all children feel valued and accepted regardless of their parents' religious beliefs. This approach not only promotes unity but also cultivates a culture of respect, understanding, and cooperation among students from diverse backgrounds.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-28 08:52 | Report Abuse

Proto-terror, Proterror Vs Peace Within cultivation

When teaching school children about the root of terrorism, it's important to approach the topic with sensitivity and accuracy. Here are some key points they could learn and understand:

1. **Definition of Terrorism:** Start with a clear definition of terrorism as the use of violence, intimidation, or coercion for political or ideological purposes.

2. **Historical Context:** Provide historical context about various terrorist groups and movements, highlighting their origins, motivations, and actions.

3. **Factors Contributing to Terrorism:**
- Ideological Factors: Teach about extremist ideologies that promote violence, such as religious extremism or political radicalism.
- Socioeconomic Factors: Discuss how poverty, marginalization, and lack of opportunities can contribute to feelings of resentment and alienation, which may be exploited by terrorist groups.
- Political Factors: Explain how political grievances, including issues like oppression, injustice, or perceived foreign interference, can fuel terrorist activities.

4. **Impact of Terrorism:** Help students understand the devastating impact of terrorism on individuals, communities, and societies, including loss of life, fear, economic disruption, and social division.

5. **Counterterrorism Measures:** Educate students about efforts to combat terrorism, including law enforcement, intelligence gathering, international cooperation, and community resilience programs.

6. **Promote Critical Thinking:** Encourage critical thinking skills by discussing propaganda techniques used by terrorist groups to recruit and radicalize individuals, and how to critically evaluate information from various sources.

7. **Empathy and Understanding:** Emphasize the importance of empathy and understanding towards different cultures and beliefs, while also promoting tolerance, respect for human rights, and peaceful conflict resolution.

By providing a comprehensive and balanced education on terrorism, school children can develop a nuanced understanding of this complex issue and contribute to building a more peaceful and resilient society.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-03-31 08:49 | Report Abuse

Mentality of educators: noble verna Vs ignoble natio

Educators' mentality can either embrace universalism, promoting a multiracial, diverse society, or fall into the trap of "katak di bawah tempurung," fostering narrow-mindedness leading to antisemitism, and a monoethnic exclusivity that divides rather than unites.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-05-22 14:24 | Report Abuse

What children fail to learn in pseudo education: The differences between science and protopseudoscience classes; and the expected learning outcomes from each side.

Most importantly, science unites, protopseudoscience permanently divides the people among themselves and the other living things irremediably

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-05-22 14:54 | Report Abuse

Many things science methodology not able to explain why.


17,919 posts

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 29 seconds ago | Report Abuse

Yes, children got option to get the "why" answers if they attend the protopseudoscience classes. But there must be an honest disclaimer made clear to them that the answers are just empirical- far from absolute or evidence-based. Else how they are going to learn the basics of moral value called honesty.

And disclaimer no.2: They must be made to understand the risk - while science unites, protopseudoscience can permanently divide the people among themselves and the other living things irremediably.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-05-25 09:21 | Report Abuse

Apartheidism, defined as a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination, is one of the worst forms of moral and humanism violation.

1. **Denial of Basic Human Rights**: Apartheid denies individuals their basic human rights solely based on race or ethnicity. This includes the right to access to certain universities and employment/promotion opportunity. Such systemic exclusion violate the sense of moral, nobility and humanism.

2. **Perpetuation of Inequality**: By design, apartheid enforces and perpetuates inequality. It creates and maintains an unjust hierarchy where one group is considered superior and the other inferior, leading to widespread social and economic disparities that causes disunity.

3. **Psychological Harm**: Apartheid inflicts deep psychological wounds issues in the society, compromising harmony.

4. **Social Division and Conflict**: Apartheid fosters division and animosity between different racial groups. By institutionalizing segregation, it creates a society rife with mistrust, resentment, and often violence, leading to long-term social instability and conflict.

5. **Violation of Ethical Principles**: Apartheid stands in stark opposition to fundamental ethical principles such as justice, equality, and respect for human dignity. It represents an extreme form of moral failure by institutionalizing the belief that some human beings are inherently worth less than others.

6. **Global Condemnation**: The global community widely recognizes apartheid as a grave moral wrong. Historical examples, particularly in South Africa, have led to international sanctions, widespread condemnation, and efforts to dismantle such systems, underscoring its universal recognition as a profound injustice.

7. **Long-term Damage**: The effects of apartheid extend far beyond the period of its enforcement. The societal scars, economic damage, and entrenched prejudices it leaves behind can take decades, if not centuries, to heal, impacting multiple generations.

In essence, apartheidism's systematic denial of fundamental human rights, perpetuation of deep social and economic inequalities, and long-lasting harmful effects on individuals and society make it one of the worst forms of moral violation. Its comprehensive assault on human dignity and justice places it among the most reprehensible practices in human history.


3,263 posts

Posted by chinaman > 2024-05-25 15:04 | Report Abuse

sound like our bumi affirmative action. ketuanan melayu wakaka

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-06-01 19:09 | Report Abuse

Jepun Boleh!

Japan is indeed working on an ambitious project related to space transportation, but it's not exactly a bullet train to the moon in the traditional sense. The project, spearheaded by Kyoto University and Kajima Construction, involves the creation of an interplanetary transportation system known as the Hexatrack. This system aims to facilitate travel between Earth, the Moon, and Mars by using capsules with a hexagonal shape that maintain Earth-like gravity (1G) to mitigate the effects of prolonged exposure to low gravity during space travel.

Additionally, the project includes developing a habitat called "The Glass," a rotating conical structure designed to create artificial gravity and replicate Earth's environment with amenities such as green areas and water bodies. These habitats, dubbed "Lunaglass" on the Moon and "Marsglass" on Mars, are envisioned to support long-term human habitation..

While the complete implementation of these projects is expected to take several decades, with prototypes anticipated by 2050, the ultimate goal is to enable space migration and interplanetary tourism by the latter half of the 21st century.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2024-06-02 15:12 | Report Abuse

Academic apartheidism in Bolehland refers to the systemic segregation and preferential treatment in the education system based on ethnicity. This practice has contributed significantly to brain drain, where highly skilled and educated individuals leave the country for better opportunities abroad. Here’s how academic apartheidism has fueled this exodus:

### 1. **Quota Systems in Higher Education**
The implements of quota systems that favor certain ethnic groups, particularly in university admissions. This policy often limits access to higher education for qualified students from non-preferred ethnic groups. As a result, many talented students seek education opportunities abroad where admission is based solely on merit.

### 2. **Limited Scholarships and Funding Opportunities**
Government scholarships and funding are often distributed unevenly, with a preference for students from specific ethnic backgrounds. This disparity discourages talented students from non-preferred groups, pushing them to pursue education in countries where financial aid and scholarships are more equitably available.

### 3. **Job Market Discrimination**
Even after obtaining higher education, graduates from non-preferred ethnic groups may face discrimination in the job market. Preferential hiring practices and limited career advancement opportunities can drive these individuals to seek employment in countries with more equitable job markets, leading to brain drain.

### 4. **Stifling of Academic Freedom**
Academic apartheidism can create an environment where academic freedom is stifled. Researchers and academics may find their work undervalued or underfunded based on their ethnicity, leading them to move to institutions abroad where their research and contributions are more appreciated and supported.

### 5. **Lack of Inclusivity in Policy Making**
Policies shaped by academic apartheidism often exclude voices from diverse ethnic backgrounds. This lack of inclusivity can result in educational and research policies that do not cater to the needs of all groups, prompting those who feel marginalized to seek opportunities in more inclusive environments abroad.

### 6. **Impact on Social Cohesion**
The systemic segregation and discrimination foster a sense of alienation among affected groups. This erodes social cohesion and creates a less conducive environment for collaboration and innovation, pushing talented individuals to leave in search of more supportive communities.

### 7. **Global Opportunities and Competitiveness**
In an increasingly globalized world, many Malaysians are attracted to the idea of studying and working in countries that offer better infrastructure, research facilities, and career opportunities. Academic apartheidism amplifies this by making the local academic and professional environment less appealing in comparison.

### Consequences of Brain Drain:
1. **Loss of Talent**: The departure of highly skilled professionals leads to a shortage of expertise in critical sectors.
2. **Economic Impact**: The loss of potential innovators and entrepreneurs can stifle economic growth and innovation.
3. **Reduced Competitiveness**: A country’s global competitiveness is hampered when its brightest minds contribute to advancements elsewhere.
4. **Social Fragmentation**: Brain drain can exacerbate existing social divides, as those who feel marginalized leave, leading to less diverse and inclusive communities.

Addressing academic apartheidism and its resultant brain drain requires a comprehensive approach to creating a more inclusive and merit-based education and employment system, promoting policies that value diversity and equal opportunity for all citizens.

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