KLSE (MYR): AJI (2658)
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-0.06 (0.39%)
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15.20 - 15.50
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I saw AJI price start going up today, any idea what will happen until the day before the ex-date and after the ex-date?
2024-05-09 14:14
Aji is around 17 ringgit ex dividend, which is attractive in value with projected growth due to its more efficient new plant, better cost control n its inelastic monopoly demand.
2024-05-09 20:25
Nevermind about that......sold @ RM21 oredi
Recollect slowly below 15.00 later.....
2024-05-10 13:50
Ajinomoto Malaysia Sells Land to TS Law for RM408 Mil Cash, Plans Special Dividend of RM2.12 Sen Per Share
Today is last date for ex-devidend.
2024-05-14 10:34
It seems share price adjustment nearly complete
Top up some at RM 16.xx to get ready for good QR announcement
Wish me good luck
2024-05-16 07:58
My guess the coming qr is good. There will be substantial relating as it is pressed down a lot
2024-05-18 09:09
current price 16.70+dividend price 2.12 = cum dividend price approx. RM19..still ok near recent high RM 21 not far away
2024-05-23 10:11
Hi experts, I'm curious Why is this keep falling? I read their report it wasn't that bad, or I missed something that make people lost confident?
2024-06-25 14:45
evryting is fine. Its quarterly sales down and up thus affecting the NP. One time gain fr sale of land resulted in huge jump in NP in the last qtr. The impt point is aji is a solid co ddespite the land sale.
2024-06-28 16:27
38.4 sen dividend, if you buy now, say 2000 shares, return is only ~ 2.4% on the investment cost. You must pray that the price doesn't slide down otherwise you will be hugging the bear.
2024-07-01 22:43
At this price RM 15.1x, anyone dares to buy in..
Whether it is at the bottom or not definately need to see what the operator thinks this price is sufficient to force out the unstable buyers or not..
2024-07-12 09:21
Ajinomoto bottom line over the past 12 years was boosted by 2 land gains that resulted in about the same contribution to the past 12 years' earnings as the operating profits. The land gains are one-off items and moving forward we have to rely just on the operations.
Ajinomoto is a mature company with revenue growing at 6.1 % CAGR over the past 12 years. So you may think that there is not much hope for better results.
But the company relocated to a new plant in 2022 and its operating results since then provide a good picture of its future. It is also financially sound. On such a basis I found that there is more than a 30% margin of safety making it an investment opportunity.
2024-07-17 14:00
top up some at RM 15.12
that day i attended agm. company said they don't manufacture MSG . They import MSG raw material and do packaging and halal certification. With strong RM, i believe Aji will be benefited
2 months ago
There is report that Aji's rival is selling its products cheaply. Any impact on Aji. Your take
1 month ago
Finally it becomes NET CASH COMPANY
You can expect generous dividend in foreseeable future
1 month ago
Target market cap 1.2 billion with assumption AJI need to deliver 80m net profit with PE 15 next financial year.
1 week ago
Target EPS 120 cents and 90% dividend payout or dividend yield 7% on the back of high net cash in its piggy bank.
1 week ago
middle east countries is new growth engine, will see the company hit history high soon..
5 days ago
Yes, UP is a good one, very consistent growth since 12 years ago.
2024-05-08 12:47