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Retrenchment could be an effective strategy for **POS Malaysia** to improve **immediate profitability** for several reasons:

1. **Cost Reduction**: Reducing staff can immediately lower operating costs, which is crucial if the company is facing financial strain. This helps improve profit margins and provides short-term financial relief.

2. **Streamlining Operations**: Retrenchment allows POS Malaysia to focus on core operations, eliminating inefficiencies and aligning the workforce with modern, tech-driven logistics models. This could improve productivity and reduce redundancy.

3. **Improved Financial Flexibility**: Reducing headcount frees up cash, allowing the company to reinvest in critical areas such as technology, infrastructure, and debt reduction, which can further boost profitability.

4. **Adapting to Market Changes**: In the rapidly changing logistics and e-commerce sectors, retrenching non-essential staff can help POS Malaysia become more agile, responding quicker to market shifts and competition.

5. **Aligning with Long-Term Strategy**: Retrenchment may be part of a broader restructuring to refocus on profitable areas, streamline operations, and divest non-core assets, positioning POS Malaysia for long-term success.

While retrenchment is a tough decision, it can be a necessary measure to regain profitability quickly and refocus the company for future growth.

1 week ago


Pemberhentian pekerja (retrenchment) boleh menjadi strategi yang berkesan untuk POS Malaysia dalam meningkatkan keuntungan segera atas beberapa sebab:

Pengurangan Kos: Mengurangkan jumlah pekerja boleh menurunkan kos operasi dengan serta-merta, yang amat penting jika syarikat menghadapi tekanan kewangan. Ini membantu meningkatkan margin keuntungan dan memberikan bantuan kewangan jangka pendek.

Penstrukturan Semula Operasi: Pemberhentian pekerja membolehkan POS Malaysia memberi tumpuan kepada operasi teras, menghapuskan ketidakcekapan dan menyelaraskan tenaga kerja dengan model logistik yang moden dan berteknologi. Ini boleh meningkatkan produktiviti dan mengurangkan redundansi.

Fleksibiliti Kewangan yang Lebih Baik: Mengurangkan bilangan pekerja membebaskan wang tunai, membolehkan syarikat melabur semula dalam bidang kritikal seperti teknologi, infrastruktur, dan pengurangan hutang, yang dapat meningkatkan keuntungan lebih lanjut.

Menyesuaikan Diri dengan Perubahan Pasaran: Dalam sektor logistik dan e-dagang yang berubah dengan pantas, pemberhentian pekerja yang tidak diperlukan dapat membantu POS Malaysia menjadi lebih tangkas, memberi respons lebih cepat terhadap perubahan pasaran dan persaingan.

Penyelarasan dengan Strategi Jangka Panjang: Pemberhentian pekerja mungkin sebahagian daripada penstrukturan semula yang lebih besar untuk memberi tumpuan semula kepada kawasan yang menguntungkan, menyelaraskan operasi, dan melepaskan aset yang tidak teras, sekali gus meletakkan POS Malaysia untuk kejayaan jangka panjang.

Walaupun pemberhentian pekerja adalah keputusan yang sukar, ia boleh menjadi langkah yang perlu untuk mendapatkan semula keuntungan dengan cepat dan memberi fokus semula kepada pertumbuhan syarikat pada masa hadapan.

1 week ago


Closing unprofitable post offices and replacing them with convenience stores offering mail-drop facilities could help Pos Malaysia become more profitable. This approach aligns with trends in developed countries, where postal services are integrated into retail locations. By leveraging convenience stores, Pos Malaysia could reduce operational costs, improve accessibility, and tap into the growing e-commerce market. Convenience stores are more cost-effective, have extended hours, and can offer additional services, enhancing customer experience. This shift would also allow for diversification of revenue streams, better align with customer preferences for convenience, and modernize the postal service to stay competitive in a digital age.

1 week ago


Menutup pejabat pos yang tidak menguntungkan dan menggantikannya dengan kedai serbaneka yang menawarkan kemudahan penghantaran pos boleh membantu Pos Malaysia menjadi lebih menguntungkan. Pendekatan ini selaras dengan tren di negara maju, di mana perkhidmatan pos digabungkan dengan lokasi runcit. Dengan memanfaatkan kedai serbaneka, Pos Malaysia dapat mengurangkan kos operasi, meningkatkan aksesibiliti, dan memanfaatkan pasaran e-dagang yang semakin berkembang. Kedai serbaneka lebih kos efektif, mempunyai waktu operasi yang lebih panjang, dan boleh menawarkan perkhidmatan tambahan, meningkatkan pengalaman pelanggan. Peralihan ini juga membolehkan pelbagai aliran pendapatan, lebih selaras dengan kehendak pelanggan untuk kemudahan, dan memodenkan perkhidmatan pos untuk kekal kompetitif dalam era digital.

1 week ago


Oku founder of speed99, king of convenience stores jauh lebih hebat drp kroni madeykutty shit motaik; kalau shit tak tahu buat, lepaskan je shareholdings drb dalam pos. Kronisme menjahanamkan negara hehe

1 week ago


Pengasas Speed99 mungkin dianggap "lebih bijak" berbanding Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary dari segi inovasi dan kebolehan menyesuaikan diri, terutamanya dalam sektor e-dagang dan logistik yang berkembang pesat. Pengasas Speed99 dilihat lebih pantas, memanfaatkan teknologi untuk memenuhi keperluan pengguna moden, dan mengambil peluang daripada transformasi digital dalam perniagaan. Sebaliknya, kekuatan Syed Mokhtar terletak pada pengurusan industri besar dan tradisional seperti infrastruktur, tenaga, dan pembuatan, di mana pertumbuhannya lebih stabil tetapi kurang disruptif. Walaupun pendekatan Syed Mokhtar adalah konservatif dan fokus pada pertumbuhan jangka panjang yang stabil, pengasas Speed99 lebih menekankan penyesuaian cepat, pengambilan risiko, dan merebut peluang dalam pasaran yang berkembang pesat dan berasaskan teknologi.

1 week ago


When it comes to turning post offices into convenience stores with drop mail facilities, the decision of who is better would depend on several factors, including experience in logistics, retail, and customer service. Both Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary and the founder of Speed99 have distinct strengths, but let’s break down which leader might be better suited for such a transformation.

1. Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary:

Experience in Logistics and Infrastructure: Syed Mokhtar has extensive experience in large-scale logistics through his control of companies like Pos Malaysia and DRB-HICOM, which operates various logistics and transportation businesses. This gives him a strong understanding of the postal and delivery industries.
Industry Influence: He has established networks and strong relationships with government entities and large corporations, which would be advantageous in implementing large-scale changes to national services like the post office network.
Resource and Capital Access: As a well-established business tycoon, Syed Mokhtar has the financial backing and the ability to mobilize resources to invest in infrastructure and technologies needed to modernize and digitize the post office system.
Government Ties: His familiarity with working with state-linked companies and his understanding of regulatory frameworks would be beneficial in navigating the complex changes required to convert government-run post offices into retail spaces.

Conservatism in Approach: While Syed Mokhtar is successful in traditional industries, he may prefer stability over risk-taking. The shift from government-run post offices to a retail model would require a significant shift in business strategy, which may be challenging given the established nature of the businesses he controls.
Scale vs. Agility: His businesses tend to be large and bureaucratic, which could slow the pace of transformation compared to a smaller, more agile player.
2. The Founder of Speed99:

Innovation and Digital Focus: The founder of Speed99 operates in the digital logistics and e-commerce space, which is crucial in the modern business environment. Their experience in adapting to digital trends and managing modern, technology-driven services could provide a fresh perspective on turning post offices into convenience stores with mail-drop services.
Agility and Risk-Taking: Speed99's founder is likely more comfortable with disruptive strategies and rapidly evolving business models. The founder’s ability to innovate and execute quickly could be advantageous in making the shift from traditional post offices to more dynamic retail-based services.
Customer-Centric: The founder of Speed99 is likely focused on providing solutions that are customer-first. Adapting post offices to be more accessible, convenient, and digital-friendly (similar to the Speed99 model) would be a core strength in terms of customer experience.

Lack of Large-Scale Infrastructure: Unlike Syed Mokhtar, the founder of Speed99 may not have the same scale of resources or political connections to make large, nationwide changes to a government-run network like Pos Malaysia.
Experience in Traditional Postal Systems: While Speed99 has expertise in logistics and e-commerce, the founder may lack deep experience in the complexities of managing a national postal network and working within the framework of government-regulated postal services.
Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary would likely have the upper hand if the transformation of post offices into convenience stores with drop mail facilities required a large-scale, resource-heavy approach, particularly if it involved deep integration with government systems and infrastructure. His experience in logistics and infrastructure, along with his ability to mobilize capital and navigate regulatory environments, would be invaluable in executing this transformation across a wide network.

The Founder of Speed99, on the other hand, might be better suited for driving innovation and customer-centric digital transformation in the post office network. If the goal is to create a highly efficient, tech-enabled, agile model that aligns with the e-commerce boom and consumer demand for convenience, Speed99’s founder’s experience in digital logistics and retail innovation could make them a better fit for leading the change in a more modern, flexible, and innovative direction.

Ultimately, the better leader for this transformation would depend on the scale and pace of the transformation desired. If the project requires large-scale infrastructure changes and deep governmental collaboration, Syed Mokhtar’s experience would likely make him the better choice. If the focus is on innovation, agility, and meeting evolving customer expectations in the digital age, Speed99’s founder could bring fresh and effective ideas to the table.

1 week ago


Apabila bercakap tentang menukar pejabat pos menjadi kedai serbaneka dengan kemudahan penghantaran pos, keputusan tentang siapa yang lebih baik bergantung kepada beberapa faktor, termasuk pengalaman dalam logistik, runcit, dan perkhidmatan pelanggan. Kedua-dua Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary dan pengasas Speed99 mempunyai kekuatan yang berbeza, tetapi mari kita lihat siapa yang lebih sesuai untuk transformasi ini.

1. Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary:

Pengalaman dalam Logistik dan Infrastruktur: Syed Mokhtar mempunyai pengalaman luas dalam logistik berskala besar melalui kawalan syarikat seperti Pos Malaysia dan DRB-HICOM, yang mengendalikan pelbagai perniagaan logistik dan pengangkutan. Ini memberinya pemahaman yang mendalam tentang industri pos dan penghantaran.
Pengaruh dalam Industri: Beliau mempunyai rangkaian yang kukuh dan hubungan rapat dengan entiti kerajaan dan syarikat besar, yang akan sangat membantu dalam melaksanakan perubahan besar untuk menukar pejabat pos kepada ruang runcit.
Akses kepada Sumber dan Modal: Sebagai seorang usahawan yang telah berjaya, Syed Mokhtar mempunyai sokongan kewangan dan kemampuan untuk menggerakkan sumber bagi melabur dalam infrastruktur dan teknologi yang diperlukan untuk memodenkan sistem pejabat pos.
Hubungan Kerajaan: Pengalamannya bekerja dengan syarikat yang mempunyai hubungan dengan kerajaan dan memahami rangka kerja peraturan akan memberi kelebihan dalam menghadapi perubahan yang diperlukan untuk menukar pejabat pos kerajaan menjadi kedai serbaneka.

Pendekatan yang Konservatif: Walaupun Syed Mokhtar berjaya dalam industri tradisional, beliau mungkin lebih cenderung pada kestabilan berbanding mengambil risiko. Peralihan dari pejabat pos kerajaan kepada model runcit memerlukan perubahan besar dalam strategi perniagaan, yang mungkin sukar berikutan sifat perniagaan yang sudah mantap.
Skala vs. Kecekapan: Perniagaan beliau cenderung besar dan birokratik, yang boleh melambatkan proses transformasi berbanding pemain yang lebih kecil dan lebih cekap.
2. Pengasas Speed99:

Inovasi dan Fokus Digital: Pengasas Speed99 beroperasi dalam sektor logistik dan e-dagang, yang sangat relevan dengan transformasi digital. Pengalamannya dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan trend teknologi dan mengendalikan perkhidmatan berasaskan teknologi dapat memberikan perspektif baru dalam menukar pejabat pos kepada kedai serbaneka dengan kemudahan penghantaran.
Kecergasan dan Keberanian Mengambil Risiko: Pengasas Speed99 mungkin lebih berani dalam melaksanakan strategi yang disruptif dan menyesuaikan diri dengan cepat. Kemampuannya untuk berinovasi dan bertindak pantas dapat memberi kelebihan dalam menjadikan pejabat pos lebih dinamik dan moden.
Berorientasikan Pelanggan: Pengasas Speed99 pastinya lebih menumpukan pada penyelesaian yang berpusatkan pelanggan. Mengubah pejabat pos menjadi lebih mudah diakses, mesra pengguna, dan digital-friendly (seperti model Speed99) adalah kekuatan utama dari segi pengalaman pelanggan.

Kekurangan Infrastruktur Skala Besar: Tidak seperti Syed Mokhtar, pengasas Speed99 mungkin tidak mempunyai skala sumber atau hubungan politik yang sama untuk membuat perubahan besar pada rangkaian pos milik kerajaan.
Pengalaman dalam Sistem Pos Tradisional: Walaupun Speed99 mempunyai kepakaran dalam logistik dan e-dagang, pengasasnya mungkin kurang berpengalaman dalam menguruskan sistem pos nasional yang kompleks dan beroperasi dalam kerangka perkhidmatan pos kerajaan.
Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary mungkin lebih berkeupayaan jika transformasi pejabat pos kepada kedai serbaneka dengan kemudahan penghantaran memerlukan pendekatan yang berskala besar dan melibatkan banyak sumber, terutamanya jika ia melibatkan kerjasama mendalam dengan sistem kerajaan dan infrastruktur yang ada. Pengalamannya dalam logistik dan infrastruktur, serta keupayaannya menggerakkan modal dan menangani peraturan, akan sangat berharga dalam melaksanakan perubahan ini di seluruh negara.

Pengasas Speed99, sebaliknya, mungkin lebih sesuai untuk memandu inovasi dan transformasi digital dalam rangkaian pejabat pos. Jika matlamatnya adalah untuk mewujudkan model yang sangat cekap, mesra pengguna, dan didorong oleh teknologi, pengalaman pengasas Speed99 dalam logistik digital dan inovasi peruncitan mungkin memberi idea-idea segar dan efektif untuk perubahan tersebut.

Akhirnya, siapa yang lebih baik untuk memimpin transformasi ini bergantung pada skala dan kelajuan perubahan yang diinginkan. Jika projek memerlukan perubahan infrastruktur besar dan kerjasama kerajaan, Syed Mokhtar mungkin pilihan yang lebih baik. Jika fokusnya adalah pada inovasi, kelincahan, dan memenuhi permintaan pengguna dalam era digital, pengasas Speed99 mungkin lebih sesuai untuk memimpin perubahan tersebut.

1 week ago


Speed99: Share Issued 8.400b Market Cap RM19.824b
Pos: Share Issued 782.776m Market Cap RM211.349m

Speed99 to takeover pos, issue Speed99 share kpd pemegang syer pos... win2... hahaha

1 week ago


Tengok OKU founder speed99 sanggup buat servis nasional tak haha
Monday, 11 Nov 2024
99SMART Nine-month net profit 365.847 million (increased 24.57%)

1 week ago


Proton(DRB-Hicom) sponsored PM-X Egypt trip? No wonder DRB keep dropping.

1 week ago


Car sales up, DH profit down 🤣🤣

1 week ago


Pos Malaysia should be taken private, much like Boustead was, in order to avoid airing its internal issues or challenges in the public eye. The phrase "don't wash dirty laundry in public" implies that some matters—especially those involving financial difficulties, mismanagement, or internal struggles—might be better dealt with behind closed doors rather than being exposed in the public domain; how the analogy in the context of Pos Malaysia:

1. Internal Struggles Should Be Addressed Privately:
By privatizing Pos Malaysia, the company could potentially restructure, rebrand, and address internal challenges without the pressure of public scrutiny. When companies face difficulties—whether it’s declining revenue, poor customer satisfaction, or inefficiencies—there’s often a temptation to try and fix things publicly, especially when shareholders and investors are involved. Privatization could allow for a more strategic, long-term approach that doesn’t need to be rushed or compromised for public relations purposes.

2. Corporate Focus Over Public Opinion:
Publicly listed companies, like Pos Malaysia, often find themselves having to balance performance with public expectations, especially when it comes to quarterly earnings reports and shareholder demands. This can lead to the “dirty laundry” being aired too often—whether it’s through bad press, underperformance, or other controversies. Taking Pos Malaysia private would remove some of that pressure and allow the company to focus purely on improving its operations and long-term vision without worrying about daily public perception.

3. Avoiding the Pitfalls of Public Scrutiny:
Boustead’s privatization allowed the company to simplify its strategy and streamline operations, without having to constantly explain itself to the market. For Pos Malaysia, the "washing dirty laundry" aspect refers to the potential embarrassment or misalignment when they miss targets or face setbacks in public. By going private, it could avoid having to constantly manage the narrative and potentially shifting focus from meaningful change to managing public relations.

However, there are downsides to privatization as well—particularly around transparency and accountability. Public companies are under more scrutiny, which, while challenging, can also provide opportunities for improvement. But in cases where a company’s challenges are so deep or complex that public scrutiny hinders real change, a shift to private ownership might be a more suitable option.

Ultimately, it’s about whether the organization believes it can turn around its fortunes and performance more effectively without the constant spotlight of public markets.

1 week ago


Pos Malaysia harus diambil alih secara persendirian, sama seperti Boustead dahulu, bagi mengelakkan isu-isu dalaman atau cabaran syarikat dari dibincangkan di mata umum. Peribahasa "jangan cuci pakaian kotor di depan orang" menggambarkan bahawa perkara-perkara tertentu—terutamanya yang melibatkan masalah kewangan, pengurusan yang lemah, atau cabaran dalaman—lebih baik ditangani secara tertutup dan tidak perlu didedahkan kepada umum.

Berikut adalah cara saya memahami analogi ini dalam konteks Pos Malaysia:

1. Masalah Dalaman Perlu Ditangani Secara Tertutup:
Dengan mengambil alih Pos Malaysia secara persendirian, syarikat boleh melakukan penstrukturan semula, penjenamaan semula, dan menangani cabaran dalaman tanpa tekanan daripada perhatian awam. Apabila syarikat berdepan kesukaran—sama ada pendapatan merosot, kepuasan pelanggan rendah, atau ketidakcekapan—sering kali ada kecenderungan untuk cuba memperbaiki masalah itu secara terbuka, terutama apabila melibatkan pemegang saham dan pelabur. Pengambilalihan secara persendirian boleh memberi peluang untuk pendekatan yang lebih strategik dan jangka panjang tanpa perlu terburu-buru atau terpaksa berkompromi demi memenuhi tuntutan hubungan awam.

2. Fokus kepada Korporat, Bukan Opini Awam:
Syarikat tersenarai awam, seperti Pos Malaysia, seringkali perlu menyeimbangkan prestasi dengan jangkaan awam, terutamanya apabila melibatkan laporan pendapatan suku tahunan dan permintaan daripada pemegang saham. Ini boleh menyebabkan "pakaian kotor" sering terdedah—sama ada melalui berita buruk, prestasi yang kurang baik, atau kontroversi lain. Pengambilalihan Pos Malaysia secara persendirian akan menghilangkan sebahagian daripada tekanan ini dan membolehkan syarikat memberi fokus sepenuhnya kepada penambahbaikan operasi dan visi jangka panjang tanpa perlu risau tentang persepsi awam setiap hari.

3. Mengelakkan Kesan Buruk Scrutiny Awam:
Pengambilalihan Boustead secara persendirian membolehkan syarikat tersebut menyederhanakan strategi dan menstrukturkan operasi dengan lebih mudah, tanpa perlu sentiasa memberi penjelasan kepada pasaran. Bagi Pos Malaysia, aspek "mencuci pakaian kotor" ini merujuk kepada kemungkinan rasa malu atau ketidakselarasan apabila syarikat gagal mencapai sasaran atau berdepan masalah di mata umum. Dengan menjadi syarikat persendirian, Pos Malaysia boleh mengelakkan perlu sentiasa menguruskan naratif awam dan mungkin lebih fokus untuk melakukan perubahan yang lebih bermakna.

Namun, terdapat juga kelemahan dalam pengambilalihan secara persendirian—terutamanya berkaitan dengan ketelusan dan akauntabiliti. Syarikat tersenarai awam berada di bawah lebih banyak pengawasan, yang walaupun mencabar, juga boleh memberi peluang untuk penambahbaikan. Tetapi dalam kes di mana cabaran syarikat terlalu mendalam atau kompleks sehingga perhatian awam menghalang perubahan sebenar, mengambil Pos Malaysia secara persendirian mungkin merupakan pilihan yang lebih sesuai.

Akhirnya, ia bergantung kepada sama ada organisasi percaya ia dapat memulihkan prestasi dan nasibnya dengan lebih berkesan tanpa lampu sorot pasaran awam yang berterusan.

1 week ago


POS: Market Cap Rm211.349m, drb dah ada 55-60% shareholdings, take private pos, RM100m++ je just do it macam Boustead

1 week ago


kini tiada berita tentang boustead dah... peace... DRB, do it for pos...

1 week ago


Many people got margin call, market dry like desert now 😐

1 week ago


DRB: giliran pos tak lama lagi wait yah :)

Boustead Holdings Berhad was privatised in 2022 by its largest shareholder, Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT), at a price of RM 0.80 per share. The deal was valued at approximately RM 1.45 billion, with LTAT acquiring the remaining shares in Boustead that it did not already own in order to take the company private.

This privatisation was part of LTAT’s strategy to restructure and revitalise Boustead’s various business operations, particularly as the company had faced financial challenges and underperformance in recent years.

1 week ago


By taking Pos Malaysia private, DRB-HICOM could mirror LTAT’s approach with Boustead—focusing on long-term transformation without the distractions of market scrutiny. This would give the company the freedom to restructure, invest in modernization, and explore new business models (like digital services and e-commerce logistics) without worrying about short-term profit expectations. In a rapidly changing landscape for postal services, this could be the flexibility needed to make Pos Malaysia a competitive player in the future.

1 week ago


DRB maksud dia Dah Rugi Banyak

1 week ago


Bukan, DRB = Dah Rugi B4Bi🤣😂


DRB maksud dia Dah Rugi Banyak

6 hours ago

1 week ago


Shit Motaik tak kering, ada banyak wang untuk swastakan pos malaysia dengan laju, just wait n see😉


Many people got margin call, market dry like desert now 😐

6 hours ago

1 week ago


POS acquired by DRB at RM3.60.

Pos since 2019

31 Dec, 2024
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-3.5300 0.000 0.7900 482.3m -27.7m 1 2023-03-31 31 Dec, 2023 2023-05-18 -4.5% 71.9% 8.9% View
31 Dec, 2022
-12.5700 0.000 0.8300 467.2m -98.4m 4 2022-12-31 31 Dec, 2022 2023-02-20 -15.1% 192.6% 20.1% View
-4.3000 0.000 0.9600 492.0m -33.6m 3 2022-09-30 31 Dec, 2022 2022-11-21 -4.5% 540.6% 23.4% View
-0.6700 0.000 1.0000 517.3m -5.3m 2 2022-06-30 31 Dec, 2022 2022-08-22 -0.7% 82.7% 95.7% View
-3.8800 0.000 1.0000 484.3m -30.4m 1 2022-03-31 31 Dec, 2022 2022-05-25 -3.9% 75.3% 35.1% View
31 Dec, 2021
-15.7400 0.000 1.0400 528.6m -123.2m 4 2021-12-31 31 Dec, 2021 2022-02-22 -15.1% 180.7% 47% View
-5.6100 0.000 1.2000 536.3m -43.9m 3 2021-09-30 31 Dec, 2021 2021-11-16 -4.7% 64% 491% View
-15.5700 0.000 1.2500 533.9m -121.8m 2 2021-06-30 31 Dec, 2021 2021-08-16 -12.5% 160.5% 540.6% View
-5.9800 0.000 1.4000 595.3m -46.8m 1 2021-03-31 31 Dec, 2021 2021-05-25 -4.3% 79.9% 5% View
31 Dec, 2020
-29.6800 0.000 1.4600 544.6m -232.3m 4 2020-12-31 31 Dec, 2020 2021-02-22 -20.3% 3028.4% 35.8% View
-0.9500 0.000 1.7600 623.0m -7.4m 3 2020-09-30 31 Dec, 2020 2020-11-24 -0.5% 61% 74.7% View
-2.4300 0.000 1.7700 606.1m -19.0m 2 2020-06-30 31 Dec, 2020 2020-08-25 -1.4% 61.4% 26% View
-6.2900 0.000 1.8000 558.5m -49.2m 1 2020-03-31 31 Dec, 2020 2020-06-15 -3.5% 71.2% 65.1% View
31 Dec, 2019
-21.8600 4.000 1.8500 559.6m -171.1m - 2019-12-31 31 Dec, 2019 2020-02-25 -11.8% 483.3% 1214.4% View
-3.7500 0.000 2.0800 550.0m -29.3m - 2019-09-30 31 Dec, 2019 2019-11-25 -1.8% 94.3% 77% View
-1.9300 0.000 2.1500 573.0m -15.1m - 2019-06-30 31 Dec, 2019 2019-08-20 -0.9% 89.3% 403.3% View
31 Mar, 2019
-18.0300 0.000 2.1900 594.7m -141.1m 4 2019-03-31 31 Mar, 2019 2019-05-21 -8.2% 983.9% 586.1% View
-1.6600 8.000 2.3700 581.2m -13.0m 3 2018-12-31 31 Mar, 2019 2019-02-27 -0.7% 21.4% 237.4% View
-2.1200 0.000 2.3900 588.7m -16.6m 2 2018-09-30 31 Mar, 2019 2018-11-21 -0.9% 432.9% 188% View

1 week ago


Drb’s pos cost per syer: rm3.60, fell to 25sen now😜😅😂

1 week ago


Anwar to save pos from crony madeykutty syed taik

1 week ago


wait for khazanah to sapu syer pos pending go ahead approval from anwar

1 week ago


Pos: a pollitical battle between bapak cronyism madeykutty & crony syed with anwar b4 anwar was put into jail dulu2

1 week ago


Khazanah Nasional mungkin menswastakan Pos Malaysia dengan restu Perdana Menteri Anwar Ibrahim untuk meremajakan syarikat itu, meningkatkan kecekapan, dan menyelaraskan dengan matlamat transformasi ekonomi negara. Penswastaan boleh mengurangkan beban kewangan kerajaan, menarik pelaburan strategik, dan memastikan perkhidmatan yang lebih baik untuk rakyat. Langkah ini juga melindungi kepentingan negara, meningkatkan daya saing Pos Malaysia, dan menunjukkan komitmen kerajaan terhadap reformasi ekonomi dan tadbir urus yang baik.

1 week ago


Di Pos Malaysia, kami percaya bahawa komunikasi adalah kunci kepada perkhidmatan cemerlang.

Kenali Nurul Nadia Binti Hamisran, yang memulakan perjalanan bersama Pos Malaysia bersama Khidmat Pelanggan pada 2013 sebelum berpindah ke Operasi. Melalui pengalaman berinteraksi dengan pelbagai kerenah pelanggan, beliau telah memupuk kemahiran komunikasi yang hebat.

Kami amat berbangga dengan Nurul Nadia yang sentiasa memastikan pelanggan mendapat pengalaman yang terbaik.

Nak tahu lebih lanjut tentang perjalanan transformasi Pos Malaysia? Terokai disini:

#PosMalaysia #SayaBersamaPosMalaysia

1 week ago


Dari pekerja sambilan ke Pengurus Cawangan, perjalanan Nooraziane binti Hashim bersama Pos Malaysia mencerminkan ketabahan dan dedikasi sejati. Selama 18 tahun, beliau menyaksikan dan turut bersama dalam transformasi Pos Malaysia. Dari sistem manual ke digital yang lebih canggih!

Pos Malaysia amat bangga dengan pencapaian beliau, bukti bahawa setiap langkah kecil membawa perubahan besar. Terima kasih, Nooraziane kerana menjadi sebahagian daripada keluarga Pos Malaysia dan terus maju bersama kami!

Nak tahu lebih lanjut tentang perjalanan transformasi Pos Malaysia? Terokai disini:

#PosMalaysia #SayaBersamaPosMalaysia

1 week ago


In conjunction with the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2024 (WDoR 2024), observed annually on 17th November, Pos Malaysia’s Wira, En. Syafique from Cawangan Serahan Sg. Besi is ​ featured in this powerful safety awareness video created in collaboration with The Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) and ​ Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ). This film tells a moving story of this Pos Wira who survived a tragic road accident and served as a reminder to all about responsible driving and adhering to traffic rules to ensure everyone's safety.

The focus of this year’s remembrance is to raise awareness of the dangers of speeding and to emphasise the shared responsibility of reducing fatal road accidents. This alliance strengthens our #WeDeliverResponsibly safety initiative, reflecting Pos Malaysia’s unwavering commitment to road safety through impactful and meaningful efforts.

#PosMalaysia #JPJ #CorporatePartnership #RoadSafety #WeDeliverResponsibly #WDR2024 #SafetyFirst ​ #PanduCermatSampaiSelamat

1 week ago


Meet Senthilwasan S/O Chellaraju, who has dedicated 25 years to Pos Malaysia, starting as a Constable Auxiliary Police and rising through the ranks to become an Inspector. Along the way, he has experienced transformation, change and leadership, making a lasting impact on the company.

With gratitude and pride, he continues to embrace new challenges, inspired by the relationships built and the shared vision for Pos Malaysia's future.

Want to learn more about Pos Malaysia's transformation journey? Explore here:

#PosMalaysia #ImWithPosMalaysia

1 week ago


At Pos Malaysia, we believe in making life simpler.

From paying bills to picking up snacks, we’ve got everything you need, all in one place! 🛍️💸

Swing by your nearest outlet and experience the convenience we offer: bit.ly/48UVkTs

1 week ago


Pos x Galado is back, and it's better than ever! 😎

It's various innovative phone case designs and fashionable accessories gives you the chance to redefine your phone's style while safeguarding it. ✨📱

What are you waiting for? Get yours now: bit.ly/3UX9kae

#PosMalaysia #PosxGalado

1 week ago


Kenali Siti Fatimah Mahayuddin, yang telah berkhidmat di Pos Malaysia selama 23 tahun. Sepanjang perjalanan ini, beliau telah menghadapi pelbagai cabaran dan sentiasa berusaha untuk memperbaiki mutu perkhidmatan.

Dengan prinsip "Gagal belajar bererti belajar untuk gagal" beliau terus maju dan menjadi inspirasi kepada semua. Kami bangga dengan dedikasi dan komitmen yang telah ditunjukkan dalam memperkukuh perkhidmatan Pos Malaysia.

Nak tahu lebih lanjut tentang perjalanan transformasi Pos Malaysia? Terokai disini:https://posmy-world.pos.com.my/

#PosMalaysia #SayaBersamaPosMalaysia

1 week ago


The likelihood of *Pos Malaysia* being taken over like *Boustead Holdings* is supported by several factors:

1. **Government Ownership**: As a government-linked company, *Pos Malaysia* could face restructuring or takeover if it struggles financially, similar to *Boustead*'s situation when it was absorbed by LTAT.

2. **Financial Struggles**: *Pos Malaysia* has seen declining revenues, mainly due to decreased mail volumes and intense competition in logistics, making it vulnerable to acquisition or restructuring.

3. **Industry Shifts**: The rise of e-commerce and the digital transformation of the postal sector have put pressure on *Pos Malaysia*, leading to potential privatization or partnerships.

4. **Historical Precedents**: The Malaysian government has previously intervened to restructure companies facing financial difficulties, like *Boustead* and *Felda Global Ventures*.

5. **Strategic Vision**: The government's interest in improving key sectors could drive the restructuring of *Pos Malaysia* to align with national economic goals.

Given these factors, it’s plausible that *Pos Malaysia* could face a takeover or restructuring similar to *Boustead Holdings*.

1 week ago


Kemungkinan *Pos Malaysia* diambil alih seperti *Boustead Holdings* disokong oleh beberapa faktor:

1. **Pemilikan Kerajaan**: Sebagai syarikat yang berkait dengan kerajaan, *Pos Malaysia* mungkin menghadapi penyusunan semula atau pengambilalihan jika ia menghadapi masalah kewangan, sama seperti situasi *Boustead* yang diserap oleh LTAT.

2. **Masalah Kewangan**: *Pos Malaysia* telah mengalami penurunan hasil, terutamanya disebabkan oleh penurunan jumlah surat dan persaingan sengit dalam sektor logistik, menjadikannya terdedah kepada pengambilalihan atau penyusunan semula.

3. **Perubahan Industri**: Kebangkitan e-dagang dan transformasi digital sektor pos memberi tekanan kepada *Pos Malaysia*, membuka kemungkinan untuk penswastaan atau perkongsian.

4. **Preseden Sejarah**: Kerajaan Malaysia pernah campur tangan untuk menyusun semula syarikat yang menghadapi kesukaran kewangan, seperti *Boustead* dan *Felda Global Ventures*.

5. **Visi Strategik**: Minat kerajaan dalam memperbaiki sektor-sektor utama mungkin mendorong penyusunan semula *Pos Malaysia* untuk menyelaraskan dengan matlamat ekonomi negara.

Berdasarkan faktor-faktor ini, adalah wajar untuk menganggap bahawa *Pos Malaysia* mungkin akan menghadapi pengambilalihan atau penyusunan semula seperti yang dialami oleh *Boustead Holdings*.

1 week ago


Potential for Real Estate Monetization
Land and Building Sale/Leasing: The revaluation of land and buildings may also provide an opportunity for monetization of assets in the future. If Pos Malaysia is able to sell, lease, or redevelop its properties, this could unlock additional capital for reinvestment or debt reduction. Taking the company private could allow more flexibility in how it manages its property portfolio without public disclosure or pressure.
It could indeed be a good time for Pos Malaysia to consider privatization or delisting, particularly if the revaluation of its land and buildings reveals a significant increase in asset value. This would provide an opportunity to realize the value of its real estate assets that may be underappreciated in the public market. Moreover, privatization would offer flexibility for long-term restructuring and optimization of its operations without market pressure, which could be particularly important if Pos Malaysia is facing challenges in its core business segments.

1 week ago


Retrenchment coming for sure for those underperformance employees. Its a not a goverment entity. Just cut those low performers include manager level lah.

1 week ago


Kroni madeykutty; Syed Akan kena siasat Selepas kroni daim? Pinpoint why madey let POs Msia dilepaskan kpd drb Syed 😆

1 week ago


Syed perlu swastakan POs secepat mungkin; barangkali disiasat macam daim

1 week ago


Retrenchment at POS Malaysia boleh dibuat secara sah & besar-besaran sebab pos rugi sejak 2019, kegagalan madeykutty lepaskan pos kpd drb Syed 🤑🤑🤑

1 week ago


Mungkin POS dijual balik kpd khazanah untuk membuktikan kegagalan kegagalan kronisme madeykutty dulu. Wait n see

1 week ago


Drb Syed patut take pos msia private sebelum disiasat oleh macc macam fashionvalet😅

1 week ago


As of now, there are no public reports indicating that Malaysian tycoon Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary is under investigation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) or any other authority. While former Finance Minister Tun Daim Zainuddin faced legal scrutiny, including charges related to asset disclosure , no similar proceedings have been reported concerning Syed Mokhtar.

Syed Mokhtar holds significant business interests, notably through his majority stake in DRB-Hicom Bhd, which in turn owns a controlling share of Pos Malaysia Bhd . Pos Malaysia has experienced financial challenges in recent years, reporting losses over multiple financial periods. Despite these setbacks, there have been efforts to modernize and improve operational efficiency within the company .

In November 2022, Sharifah Sofia Syed Mokhtar Shah, Syed Mokhtar’s daughter, resigned from her position as a non-executive director of Pos Malaysia to pursue interests in emerging market investments . This move was part of a broader trend of corporate restructuring within the company.

While Pos Malaysia’s financial difficulties have been a topic of discussion, there is no publicly available information linking these challenges to any investigations involving Syed Mokhtar. The company’s efforts to address its financial performance are ongoing, and any developments in this area would likely be closely monitored by stakeholders and regulatory bodies.

In summary, there is no current evidence to suggest that Syed Mokhtar is facing investigations similar to those of Daim Zainuddin, nor is there any indication that Pos Malaysia’s situation would trigger such proceedings.

1 week ago


Increment of salary will boost saga sales ,while pressure in the middle class will shift them from 150K++ car to x70/s70. but the reason to reload drb below 1 is not because of this , is about privatization next year. after share price hang below 1.2 for few months, , the unfair but reasonable privatization will take place. IPO bank muamalat will benefits retailers, but privatization best to the boss.

5 days ago


MACD divergence , TR or RT?

4 days ago



1 day ago


POS: Harga belian yg dibayar drb@RM3.60 kini 24-25sen🫢

18 hours ago


If DRB-HICOM were to take Pos Malaysia private via a share swap, the rationale could be justified by several professional and strategic reasons:

1. **Operational Synergies**: DRB-HICOM and Pos Malaysia could achieve significant operational synergies if combined under one entity. DRB-HICOM, a conglomerate with interests in automotive, logistics, and property development, might see opportunities to integrate Pos Malaysia's extensive network and logistics capabilities to improve efficiency across its divisions. For example, DRB-HICOM could potentially leverage Pos Malaysia’s existing infrastructure to streamline delivery and service capabilities, especially in the e-commerce and logistics sectors.

2. **Cost Savings and Efficiency**: By taking Pos Malaysia private, DRB-HICOM would have greater flexibility to implement cost-cutting measures, restructure operations, and improve profitability without the pressures of quarterly financial reporting to shareholders. This move would also allow for a more long-term strategic focus, potentially transforming Pos Malaysia’s business model to adapt to changes in the postal industry, including the decline of traditional mail and the rise of e-commerce-driven logistics.

3. **Market Value Considerations**: Pos Malaysia’s current market value may not fully reflect its potential, especially considering the challenges it faces, such as declining mail volumes and competition in the logistics industry. A private deal, especially a share swap, could allow DRB-HICOM to acquire Pos Malaysia at a more attractive valuation, aligning the company's long-term strategy with market realities. Additionally, the share swap structure could be used to mitigate cash outflow concerns for DRB-HICOM.

4. **Strategic Realignment**: DRB-HICOM may seek to realign its portfolio of businesses for future growth. By integrating Pos Malaysia, DRB-HICOM could create a more diversified business model, particularly by expanding into logistics, an area of growing importance in the digital age. A private structure would provide DRB-HICOM with more control over how Pos Malaysia is developed and would allow for quicker decision-making in terms of investment and innovation.

5. **Shareholder Alignment and Incentives**: In a share swap arrangement, existing shareholders of Pos Malaysia would exchange their shares for DRB-HICOM shares. This can be attractive if DRB-HICOM's shares are seen as more stable or have a higher growth potential. This incentivizes the shareholders of Pos Malaysia to support the deal, as they would benefit from the future upside of DRB-HICOM's broader business.

6. **Regulatory and Control Advantages**: Taking Pos Malaysia private could allow DRB-HICOM to address any regulatory or governance concerns without the scrutiny of public shareholders. This would enable DRB-HICOM to have greater flexibility in decision-making and to implement strategies that might not align with the short-term interests of public investors.

In conclusion, a share swap arrangement where DRB-HICOM takes Pos Malaysia private would be a strategic move aimed at realizing operational efficiencies, improving cost structures, leveraging synergies, and ensuring long-term growth. It would also allow for better alignment between the companies, benefiting from a more integrated and streamlined approach to business operations.

6 hours ago

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