My Trading Adventure

Failing Education System

Publish date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013, 03:02 PM
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All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

It is viral ... it is another sad day for our education system ... when the UUM-case being spread. It is another person, trying to 'ampu' the gov ... and to be elected by their 'boss' showing their loyal and un-divided support. sigh .. mis-placed priority ... personal agenda .. and degrading others, to look good ... it is not accept, support BN or oppositions. To me, it is a disgrace to 'lecturers' and our education system. I thought she was the lecturer in UUM, but she is not even a lecturer there ... an invited guest to host the events?

I dont know what SW1M stands for or what it is all about. It is irritating to have the digit 1 = one, in almost every word we are writing ... 1-Malaysia ... 1-XYZ ... then, came out some smart guys ... with idea of changing the letter I  into digit 1. There ... we have BR1M ... and now SW1M ... dont try to be creative now, I know we could think of many such abbreviations or acronyms ...

I do not wish to dwell too much into politics ... especially the election is nearing. You could see how many of us could be very emotional when we speak our mind about something closed to our hearts ... EXCEPT those politicians ... or those wannabe like Sharifah Zohra ... hmm .. these are endless. No point to bantah against her ... no point of politicking on this issue ... why those politicians are so free? There are many more urgent issues to look into and we do need those politicians to LEAD the country ... to benefit the rakyat ... and keeping to their promises.

Yet, we are flooded by trivial issues ... the media trying so hard to keep update with the wrongs of other political parties. It is fault findings ... and we are going through the circles ... we are too busy keeping up with our daily lives, and that is our majority RAKYAT.

KL112 ... we all took a pause, to voice out that we do care about our de-grading country. Our so-called 1-Malaysia where polarisation is very clear. Gov trying to deny the gap(race) ... but who are we kidding? Will you sit in an Indian restaurant in Brickfields, using your hands ... to eat with our friends, in an indian restaurant? How about having our muslim friends to join us in our activities? Why not?

Rather than posting so much about Rosmah((she is getting too much of pubicity for nothing ... she did not contribute to our country's developments, get it?)). So, we should not talk about the truck-pulling lady, or the cow-lady ... or now .. the SW1M lady, who is trying to swim in the heat of political scenes?

Well ... nothing much to check on stocks ... except for some breakout and those strong uptrending stocks like Tambun, Alam, Boilermac, Pantech, Incken ... many going into new high. Ride on such uptrending stocks ...

Note : This photo was with me for years ... when I started to write this blog, before the forming of the tratles-group ... and my wife put-up the photo of the 'turtle'?

Got to go ... off

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Jonathan Keung

our education standards has been sliding backwards since 70's and 80's
the fall gradually accentuated with the phasing out of the missionary schools and the medium of instructions in the school system

the problem was further compounded with the retiring of senior (dedicated) school teachers. the new intake of teachers was flawed. what we lost (good teachers) benefit our immediate neighbours.

2013-01-15 16:35


We have the best education system in the world. When our very smart politicians send their children overseas, it is to see the FAILINGS of the overseas education system, not because ours is no good.
You see they sacrifice the education of their own children for us RAKYAT.
So now you appreciate them????

2013-01-15 16:55


To illustrate my point, after their children study overseas (and sometimes they themselves), they found that they have become immoral pigs and whores. So they introduced lots of moral and religious classes in our schools, in the hope that our kids do not become pigs and whores like their kids (or themselves).
Point proven.

2013-01-15 19:08

Ooi Teik Bee

Post removed.Why?

2013-01-15 19:42


Part of the reason could be the quality of teacher too :) some blame everything except their own methods which can be the true source of the failures.. just like listen listen listen :(

2013-01-16 08:02


The reasons for our success:
1. medium of instruction. We are what in the investment world called "contrarian". Others use English, we use .... well you know.
2. speed of change. We change our syllabus almost yearly in 'rapid' response to needs. Of course with change comes new textbooks, new stationery etc which of course is sourced from .... someone's son in law, I suppose.
3. good leaders, who are in NO WAY corrupt. Leaders who have work from the cow ranch and up. We call them cowboys.
4. lessons from the pigs and whores of the leaders.

2013-01-16 08:19


it's due to govt political agenda to create
a higher educated work force among the bumis
so they set up lots of uni resulting in mass production
at the expense of quality

2013-01-16 08:23


you're racist..thinking you're so good.Bodoh..duduk malaysia sama2 cari makan pun susah ke.negative thinking..bahlol.,kahkahkah..

2013-01-16 08:34


i'm not racist
it's a fact
only stupid ppl like u refuse
to acknowledge it
do u know alot of bumi graduates
cannot even speak/write reasonable english ??

2013-01-16 09:18


gemo racist..think special.stupid lio..hehehe..

2013-01-16 09:19


What bbull said is true, perhaps the more suitable word would be malaysian instead of bumis then won't be accused as such. But then whatever effect it may be it will be minimized in the minority and imagine when the minority drops to below 20% (very soon) who will be affected most. I always wish the politicians can see this, alas! I doubt they can.

2013-01-16 13:23


The normal politicians can.
But our politician, the 'rakyat first, performance now' type, they can see further than that. They see a "blue ocean".

2013-01-16 15:23

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