Philip ( buy what you understand)

sleepywolf | Joined since 2017-11-22

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2019-02-03 14:01 | Report Abuse

Rchi, if you just want to compare only QL portfolio ( I have 5 stocks) I have not sold side 2009, and I added every quarter after quarterly report for 10 years, so you can do your own math. I reinvest my salary, bonus, commission and MLM income along with ql dividend every quarter.

For 2019, I am looking at family Mart to contribute at least 120-150 stores in West Malaysia, followed by expansion into East Malaysia, recovery in Palm oil cpo prices, consolidation of layeered poultry prices in Vietnam and Indonesia.

I think QL will do well and grow for another 5 years at least.

I don't look at market because I have no idea how market performs.

I look at my business units and execution. So far all my stocks have grown out of Malaysia market and are very recession proof stocks.

TOPGLOV is 20% of world market and growing share.
YINSON is 6th biggest FPSO and about to win Brazil super charter.
Ql is Malaysia biggest layered poultry supplier and oe of sea biggest surimi and vertically integrated company.
Public Bank has the best loan profile in Malaysia
STNE is 6th biggest payment administrator in Brazil.
PPHB is my takeover target if it ever drops low enough.

Good luck in 2019

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 12:39 | Report Abuse

I hope not, if still got people unconvinced want me to take a picture of the box I will go crazy.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 12:36 | Report Abuse

I apologize KC, my remark was not directed at you. In fact, I learned how to do technical trade and fundamental analysis back in the day by paying and attending courses same as everyone else. I have no qualms with remisiers earning from teaching and sharing their courses, only on those who sell specialists indicators and computer software that can guarantee profit but selling at high costs. I remember this american woman plying her trade in sabah and sarawak with a singaporean guy selling seminars for 10K. When I saw the course material (15 pages of pi9ctures), I thought it was the most scam thing ever!

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 12:29 | Report Abuse

oh you mean the big red box thing with all the fish paper angpow inside from maybank premier? Oh yeah, my wife hid it from me. She says PBB gives crap stuff. I wouldn't know much about those...

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 12:21 | Report Abuse

I also practise margin of safety investment. My margin of safety is knowing how my business works, and being able to look 5 years from now and knowing exactly how to get the earnings and revenue that satisfies me.

But I have newfound respect for raider la, he same same like me, put his money where his mouth is.

Raider, you said insas is a small part of your portfolio, what is your biggest part to date?

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 12:15 | Report Abuse

they dont send hampers to tanjung rambutan apparently. I do get a personal banker, those young hot girls with long legs and not good at tech support.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 12:10 | Report Abuse

Its not that I dont agree with margin buying, if you understand your stock enough definitely can try.

But sailang margin in a company with 20 years unbroken profit and growth, with almost unlimited market size (palm oil, surimi, family mart, chicken, eggs, deep sea fishing) is a totally different story. Even then I advise carefully following the stock AFTER quarterly results come out.

I would never dare ask anyone to sailang into QL, what I would ask is everyone study the business first, then the stock. Not the other way around.

Carimin got 4 other competitors in the same contractt alone.
JAKS after complete power plant got what? They are horrible at development, can't even get a shopping mall right.

FYI. Please dont go crazy and sailang into QL if you dont know what you are getting into.

Once you prove to us it really work that way, we will jump in and invest big time with you

Forget about success transformer, dksh, MBM resources

Only QL we will hold

Show us your 2 mil shares

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 11:57 | Report Abuse

This is probably more than all those sifu selling their subscription classes and their trading seminars will ever show you.

But a good advice to new investors in i3, before you go attend any classes, be sure to ask them to show you the sifu portfolio. If they dont dare to show you but willing to charge you 6K for a 3 day session, come read my articles.

I share with you for free.

And I dare to show you my portfolio some more.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 11:48 | Report Abuse

and the other stocks I strike out below yinson are all odd lots that I sold out until I could not sell anymore.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 11:46 | Report Abuse

and just in case you want to nibble nibble, PBB shares are with another institution ( let you guess which one), my NYSE: STNE shares are with another institution.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 11:20 | Report Abuse

Wow very geng, you want me to post my QL portfolio 2m size, but you don't even dare show how many shares you buy, that's a waste of time. Let me show you what is relevant information.

Director's Particular:
Details of Changes:
Currency -
Date of Change Type Number of Shares Price
29-Mar-2018 Acquired 2,300,000 0.800
Nature of Interest Indirect Interest
Consideration RM1,840,000

See the difference between relevant information, you want me to show you 2 million in my portfolio, but you don't even show how many shares you bought (which I thought was the important thing, because you keep asking for me to show you how many shares I have?)

No problem. Easy work.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 09:55 | Report Abuse

While I wait for your stock portfolio reports reflected in this blogs.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 09:52 | Report Abuse

Sure, wait for my next blog.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 08:51 | Report Abuse

You have many buy recommendations, I await them as investors will follow you to buy.

I have zero. ( Except for PPHB, experiment).

Any further questions on who had the ulterior motive?

Are you trying to prove your case as i3 sifu by bringing someone else down?

Then I humbly step back, rest my case and let you be sifu.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 08:48 | Report Abuse

No need to follow me invest in QL. Just be honest enough to your readers and new i3ivestor's on your next blog full discloser as well is ok already.

If I do it, can you post the stock purchase invoice for your pump stock into your upcoming blogs? If you do that I will definitely do it for you.

Show me your stock purchase invoice for your purchase into hengyuan,LCTITAN, petronm, and success transformer.

Fair is fair?

Or are you more fake than me?

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 08:27 | Report Abuse

And it is a 2 year bet,

My QL at 6.7
Your mnrb at 0.93
4th January to review in 2020 and 2021 January.

Counting before your chickens hatch? Wait till quarterly results at least. See if your mnrb can survive 8 quarters in reinsurance Malaysia government which will restate a lot of bonds, and reducing takaful income.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 08:24 | Report Abuse

I thought you invested in mnrb the takaful company?

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 08:23 | Report Abuse

You have no difference with all the trainers charging money teaching trading, value investing and subscription services.

You have been in the forum for far far longer than I have. Reading all your blogs and comments, we learn nothing of importance in how you invest, how much risk you take in your investment, and the actual return on your investments. You tell people to buy, but you never tell when you have sold. Who is the fake blogger here? I at least tell everyone I have yet to sell my shares. And when I do I will definitely tell you do you can laugh out loud when the stock price goes higher or not when the shares crater after I sell

I tell you what, I'll get my daughter to Photoshop fake results from my portfolio to show in my next blog. Then you can comment further on how fake my results are.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 08:17 | Report Abuse

Even sslee, stockraider and choivo is much better than an uncle who posts what is investing? When he doesn't even say what stocks he keeps, when he buys them and when he sells them.

At least we have a line in the sand. Yours is whatever it is you want to say.

Like Calvin tan, suka suka say making money, my cost is lower than current price, I already sold long long time ago.

You see the problems with ALL your blogs?

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 08:13 | Report Abuse

Better a fake than someone who buys success transformer, but doesn't say when he bought, how much he bought and how a big a percentage he bought.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 08:12 | Report Abuse

It would never end. They would just proceed to say the portfolio image I send is fake, image is doctored to add more zeros etc.

I will let my investing do the talking for me.

I will start a quarterly report on my 5 stocks with details on why and how I make my decisions. Then you may judge or laugh at my investing methods.

I challenge all bloggers to post their buy position ( in portfolio percentage is fine) what date bought and price in their blogs. And to update their blogs when they sell their shares.

Honesty asked for is honesty given.


2019-02-03 08:02 | Report Abuse

Didn't Fitch also rated subprime loans AAA right before the crash? If you could only choose 4 companies to pay to rate your bonds, wouldn't there be a reason to choose the companies that are willing to rate you higher? I stopped believing in Moody's and Fitch and ask those best performing company award long ago.

Sapura was just awarded best o&g company. Shows you how much to believe in ratings.


Fitch upgrade MNRB financial is a confirmation of MNRB's strong financial position. Islamic insurance Takaful stock is moving recently.... MNRB will follow soon...


2019-02-03 07:40 | Report Abuse

Like I said, I take those who say they can time their investments chun chun with a huge grain of salt.

I await Calvin tan to come out with material disclosure in the pump and dump blogs on when he bought the stocks he is pumping and at what price. Especially for his latest pump article sasbadi and anjoo steel. For him to promote so many stocks, I really have to wonder how he monitors his stocks and how well he is really doing. For someone who paid 4 cents for talam, he tells you to buy, but he never informs you if he cut lost or still holding to 35% losses.

and icon to do the same thing. What is 2.5% actually, when did you buy LCTITAN (I believe you said you bought at 4.15, after quarter earnings.) Again I can learn many things from this, because management say their naphta feedstocks price was much higher due to sudden increase and holding old inventory at higher price vs crude price dropping to lows causing a margin squeeze. This should correct in next few quarters if things are true. However what is your conviction? How much actually did you buy so we may understand how strongly you believe in this speculation. And after you sell will you inform your readers why you left? There is so much to learn from just simple short sentence. We can analyze your investing strategy and see if really works long term. How about some clarity on your pump stock into success transformer? Made up numbers is fine, no need to verify your portfolio.

I believe there is a reason why material shareholders need to announce to bursa their purchases and sales so as to avoid fraud and cbt. And to give investors advance notice after the deed on what is going in the company.

If material shareholders do that, shouldn't bloggers and respected sifu like icon, choivo, kcchongz, CalvinT also have the responsibility to announce how much they buy, when they buy and when they sell as well?

Don't you have a responsibility to treat your readers to some honesty? After all, it is just made up numbers? You don't need to announce to bursa, but at least you can announce to i3ivestor.

I respect koon because at least his name shows up on the annual report of major shareholder.

After all it is not the gazillions you make that matters. It is the strategy, the theory and the conviction with which you invest that shows your character.


2019-02-03 07:10 | Report Abuse

Dear raider,

This I can respect. You do understand why right? This at least gives us very much information into how you structure your investments and your buying details.

For you to have bought at those prices, it is only most likely in the early January period only. Meaning you would have bought not after material information from quarterly report, or heavy insider purchase or heavy selling by retail investors. Information like this is interesting and useful to me. From what I can understand, you really do practise what you preach, where you buy based on nta, PE and market price. And not based on revenue (lowest quarter since 2009), and earnings (one of the lowest 1st quarters since 2009). I believe you use market price to dictate what you buy or sell, which I can understand and appreciate. Spending 280k to speculate on this for 2 years seems ok, as the 52 week low was 0.64. and the cap of 0.99 that it leaked for 52 week high. The big question is: will you put another 280k if the share price goes to rm1.0? And what or how confident are you the share price will rise upon 8 quarters of slow results?

I bought 50k@6.25 in Dec 2019, not right after quarterly report,
But after the share price has dropped from 7.28 to 6.10, I purchase after support by insiders, and also because QL had the highest revenue generated of all time with guidance to higher revenues incoming from family Mart and holiday season in 4th quarter.

21-Dec-2018 Acquired 600,000 6.229
Registered Name Ruby Technique Sdn. Bhd.
Nature of Interest Indirect Interest
Consideration RM6.2288 per share
The chia brother's bought their shares personally on this date. I simply joined people who had far more money than kyy,

This is how I choose to do my investing. By listening to what the management are doing and how the company is acting.

I find that I can finally have a proper meaningful conversation with Stockraider, especially when he is not capslocking everyone and drowning all comments.

Maybe it is really the Chinese New year effect. Happy cny Stockraider. You have gained my respect. I respect a man who has given his peers a chance to properly review his investing methods.

Actually i m quite late in the game on insas, I only notice the wonder of INSAS, when SSLEE, highlighted the wonder of insas, and that reminded me to buy back i have dispose all my insas of about 1900k units in 2014, at around rm 1.10 per share.

I started to buy around Rm 0.65...i think my average cost now is about Rm 0.685 although my bet with u is at Rm 0.67.

Insas is presently not my biggest portfolio now, i chose insas to bet with u, bcos it is the most complete, balance & ideal margin of safety stock i can find right now...loh...!!

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 01:45 | Report Abuse

I actually agree with everything written here. SSLee makes a good point.

i3lurker is just arguing for the sake of arguing. He has probably never planted or seen a single olive tree or process in his entire life.

Nor has he done any work in the refining process or looked carefully at the usage of palm oil.

Any and all oil used will increase the calory content of food. If you eat in moderation, you could drink coke every day and you will live till 90.

Its those who don't know how to control their body that blame the food.

I agree with calvin comment, moderation is the key.


2019-02-03 01:27 | Report Abuse

Ok raider, I believe you are right. You have long term vision in buying hong leong bank in 1998. Impressed.

I give you benefit of the doubt, as naming hong leong is good enough to earn my respect.

Now for a real question, how much of INSAS do you own currently? When did you buy it? What price did you buy it at? So at least got some clarity.

SSLEE hold for a long time, he got conviction in insas.

Since you say insas hathaway, when you really bought (if you say you bought following our stock pick competition 4th january I dont believe lo), how big was your position?

Really not measuring dicks here, but just want to know how convinced you are in your 2 year bet in insas.

News & Blogs

2019-02-03 01:17 | Report Abuse

I dont sell any subscription services,

I dont have any ulterior motive in asking you to buy my stocks ( I dont even promote my own stocks, why would I? The PPHB thing was an experiment in promoting undervalued stocks with low PE in stockraider fashion, except with a stock that genuinely in undervalued with good cash and generating money business. I wanted to see if investors would buy just because I write fancy articles like calvin tan does. They did.)

I dont have any followers or syndicates (especially because I concentrate on buying stocks that are not PENNY stocks that can be run up by syndicates. unlike small cap businesses that are easily overbought with one quarter of earnings.)

You can easily judge if the articles I write make sense or seem bullshit to you. If the reasons I bought the stock are wrong then time will definitely judge me. You can judge my character, but I am sure you have nothing to say about the quality of the stocks I buy.

Pax Vobiscum


News & Blogs

2019-02-03 01:07 | Report Abuse

Dear Icon888,

fair is fair. if you wish me to show you my portfolio images ( i have multiple cds with different agents, if you really want it), you can also show your position size amount, date bought, date sold and total amount bought in your investments blog in success transformer, hengyuan blogs etc.

you can blog, can't you? why not disclose your investment size as well? at least some clarity should do? when you bought, how much you bought, TP to sell? and of course the important number, when you sold the stock. ITs a blog. UPDATE it. Its just numbers on a screen, MAKE SOME NUMBERS UP.

CharlesT talks a lot, but never once he discloses his investments, position size, date purchased, date sold. So much clarity...

its the same like stockraider, he never discloses when he buys, total amount or when he sells in his comments, so you can never know how well he does. ASk him how much he bought his insas, when he bought it, how much is his investment size. will he tell? and suddenly got stock bought since 1998, when he never once promoted.

even SSLEE is much better than all of you combined, at least he gives his real name. and major shareholder in xinquan.

You hide behind images and comments. At least my investing strategies are clear and make sense (to me at least), and I hope to my readers.

I at least am brave enough to tell how much I bought, when I bought it, total investment size and my investing pattern. So if the stocks dont work out long term, I totally accept ANY and ALL ridicule if the stocks I buy dont do well. If QL drops from PE50 to PE18, stockraider and charlesT will be the first to laugh and criticize. I accept that, but am confident enough in my investing that I know no one is willing to bet against QL long term.

you know what I think? None of you ever post any important detail up (even made up numbers) because all your reputation dissapears the moment there is a log of when you bought and sold, and your investing theories are wrong.

at least jon choivo has the decency to post up a annual letter to his investors with negative return. So you know he is genuine.

Posted by Icon8888 > Feb 2, 2019 05:18 PM | Report Abuse

Don’t be cynical, Philips will show you his portfolio. He can blog, can’t he ?

News & Blogs

2019-02-02 14:55 | Report Abuse

Funny. Suddenly Stockraider is a long term investor.

Unbelievable, your actions, investments and your words don't link at all. From buying into hengyuan, BJCORP, jcy, etc you suddenly become long term investor in HL Bank, aji etc?

Funny, I bet you also own 25% of Maybank right?

Good luck. I knew you were bs, totally convinced now.

News & Blogs

2019-02-02 14:49 | Report Abuse

CharlesT, you are a very low class investor.

Hope your investing method works.

Because your characters doesn't.

News & Blogs

2019-02-02 14:37 | Report Abuse

See if your stock works out or not. I don't see a future for Malaysia reinvestment 2 years from now. Ashtray terminal growth ended, and can't fight foreign reinvestment firms with more capital.

I'm confident.

News & Blogs

2019-02-02 14:36 | Report Abuse

CharlesT you know me in 2019 still good, I find my 5th stock. NYSE: STNE, the 6th biggest payment company in Brazil, Berkshire own 10%, Alibaba own share also.

They are the fastest growing payment company in Brazil right now, can process credit card, online payment, points processing in one machine, and got cloud app to your phone to check your payments automatically.

I bought in 2019, usd19@jan4 2019.

If you say I come out in 2009, please record this date. Then you come back and check again in 10 years. See if I bring you Holland.

News & Blogs

2019-02-02 14:32 | Report Abuse

I'm not saying I've never made a mistake, like renong and aokam, sure everyone make mistakes.

But need to counter you more than 3iii or me lo...

Everyone in this forum keep buying MOS stocks, low PE stocks, safety mantra.... Without understanding what stock they are buying, how it will grow and perform 5-10 years from now.

There are more trader investors like you and sslee in i3ivestor than there are long term growth investors like me and 3iii lo.

Need to counter you more important. Go every page and keep spouting INSAS Hathaway. But 2019 stock pick not even 1 share in INSAS Hathaway. But instead buy bjcorp...

You probably don't even have 1 share in INSAS in real life, and probably lost more chasing hengyuan up and down than you will honestly admit.

In 10 years owning my pe50 stock and top up quarterly I have yet to cut loss on my QL. How many times you cut loss on your hengyuan?

Even when the stock dropped in December I bought 50k shares dec21@6.25 I still have yet to make a loss.

News & Blogs

2019-02-02 14:24 | Report Abuse

Raider keep comparing and trying to say I buy pe50 stock, as if my brain that deficient. But he refused to ask why I sailang buy bought QL in 2009 and keep until now. Most importantly no one ask me what I see in ql to buy it in 2009. All they see now is pe50.

Same thing, raider never see that I buy NYSE:STNE at usd19@January 4 2019, when it is pe27, 200k shares.

He only keep saying I know how to drive don't know how to gostan.

My question is, has the business changed in 10 years? Has pbb suddenly become risky borrowers? Has topglove decided to become a property developer instead of manufacturing 20% of world glove market? Has ql revenue and earnings dropped in 20 years? Has YINSON stopped doing transportation?

Problem is, the stocks I buy never give me a chance to gostan. Why need to learn how to reverse?

But ask yourself this. Back then what did you think?

I bought topglove pe20+ in 2010, expensive?
I bought pbb pe20+ In 2012, expensive?
I bought yinson pe20+ in 2013 expensive?

Today I buy NYSE:STNE pe27+, expensive?

Buy undervalued stock? Sure can earn. Long term can earn?

Buy quality at fair prices? Sure can earn lo.

I shut up now and let you understand.

*If INSAS was really such a fabulous company, why is it not in your 2019 stock list? Why is a company that is losing money, nta every year dropping, what form of margin of safety is there?

At least practise what you preach la.


2019-02-02 05:17 | Report Abuse

KUALA LUMPUR: Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd has bagged a maintenance, construction and modification (MCM) services contract from Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd.

filing with Bursa Malaysia, the Miri-based provider of marine support services to the oil and gas sector said this offshore job in Sarawak would span a primary period of five years with a one-year extension option. This is the Sarawak portion winner.

It was effective Sept 20, 2017, and will expire on Sept 19, 2022, at an agreed fixed schedule of rates.

Dayang did not give the estimated or actual value of the MCM services contract in its announcement.

If dayang, Petra, sapura all did not give estimate, how does Mr koon know how much carimin contract is?

Fyi, I am not saying Mr koon is wrong or anything. As if you compare with Sarawak offshore, dayang and carimin really does show 50 million per quarter increase in revenue last quarter ( for dayang it was for 2 quarters as Sarawak started earlier).

But is 50 million for 20 quarters sustainable?

Let's hope so, for the kids.

But I think I'm right in that there is no profit guarantee, and koon is wrong to predict one.


2019-02-02 05:06 | Report Abuse

If you really want to do estimation, instead of saying carimin win 1 billion contract, look at figures. Their contract win for package c is for peninsular Malaysia only.

The offshore sites are:

This is the easiest picture I could find, as everyone knows there are now o&g sites in Sabah Sarawak than in terengganu.

So if you assume that there are 100 sites in West Malaysia, carimin has to share the pie with other competitors, how do we know that the contract size is 1 billion. It could easily be more. Or less. It all depends on the manpower and resources allocation of the company.

Topside major maintenance is not so easy as you think. The work involved is labor intensive, not so profitable because of the timeline completion involved, a lot of coordination required and you can't simply bring your team from one site to the next nearest. It depends on Petronas schedule, not yours.

Can someone please show me where is the public disclosure from Mr koon that the contract sum is a fixed 1 billion, 200 million yearly work?

I'm really confused.


2019-02-02 04:49 | Report Abuse

I tried asking my H&S old ex colleagues in Samarang and bintulu as far as I know, the contracts everyone has the same unit rates negotiated, and based on completion speed it will be merit based to request for next job. So if the team is fully utilized on site on the platform, they wont be able to do other works and will be awarded to other contractors.

Petronas Carigali vice president of Malaysia assets and chief executive officer Mohd Jukris Abdul Wahab said new requirements were introduced to encourage collaboration across the industry supply chain.

“These contracts encompass requirements such as the utilization of marine vessels from Malaysia-owned companies only and the mandatory participation of 20 per cent local state service providers to spur value-added services that ensures growth in Malaysia’s oil and gas upstream services industry,” said Jukris.

With 200 offshore platforms in operation under Petronas Carigali in Malaysia, Petronas continues to encourage merit-based participation from local contractors to achieve value-driven production growth for the long-term progress and sustainability of the oil and gas industry.


2019-02-02 04:41 | Report Abuse

As barakah has essentially the same contract except need to give commission to sapura, you can see increases of rm40 million in revenue and lower net loss, meaning the MCM work is tight and not so profitable you would think.

KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 2): Carimin Petroleum Bhd has won a five-year contract from Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd to provide maintenance, construction and modification (MCM) Services (Package C (Offshore) Peninsular Malaysia Oil) for an undisclosed sum.

I think it is undisclosed not because it is hyper secret or anything, but more because it is a on call work order with no clear visibility of revenue or profits, but a 5 year agreed upon work rate.

Carimin is not the only winner, the are others.

KUALA LUMPUR: Petroliam Nasional Bhd’s unit Petronas Carigali Sdn Bhd has awarded contracts to provide maintenance, construction and modification services at its offshore facilities in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak to five local contractors.

Carimin Engineering Services Sdn Bhd, Dayang Enterprise Sdn Bhd, Deleum Primera Sdn Bhd, Petra Resources Sdn Bhd, Sapura Fabrication Sdn Bhd and its joint venture partner Borneo Seaoffshore Engineering Sdn Bhd were selected for a five-year contract each with an option to extend another year, effective last September.

“Under the terms of the contract, the engineering and maintenance services will include topside major maintenance and facilities improvement projects,” Petronas Carigali said in a statement yesterday.


2019-02-01 08:11 | Report Abuse

Actually all those info do mean something, it shows that like Jaks and carimin it is case of manipulated pricing of chasing carimin up based on reading the November quarterly report of earnings of 5 cents or power projects that yet to materialize.

I at least appreciate the honesty.

Volume is created by Mr koon and OTB followers to run up the volume based not on multiple quarter fundamentals earnings, not based on multiple quarterly long losses each year. But based on 1 quarter of earnings on a 5 year contract that started in 2017.

I had thought that there was some material information not found publicly available that was privy to the koonbee syndicate and stockraider that would allow them to so confidently speculate carimin.

Thank God.

I can sleep well at night. There is no crystal ball.

Good luck in 2019 mr koon, wishing you all the best. Hope you do well, because if you do well more kids will get a scholarship. I sponsor as well via my rotary club, which I find a lot of personal satisfaction.


2019-01-31 22:30 | Report Abuse

It's really too difficult for me this kind of investing. Maybe I'm just to dumb for active investing.

Isn't it more plausible that 3ii and I just found a stock that has the criteria I was looking for when I first bought it ( revenue, earnings increasing or stabilizing quarter after quarter, year after year) good management in increasing roe and debt without heavy rights issue and loans, new business expansion plans yearly,increasing dividend amount yearly, no nasty surprises quarterly losses etc.

I can't predict the future, but each quarter the business just chugs along criteria hit same as when I first bought the stock, so I just keep following and buying the same stock.

Imagine if I could predict the future, if I could buy the dips and sell on the rise of the stock wouldn't I be able to earn even more?

But that is a foolish fallacy. I don't know if it can be done, or how I would even go about doing such a thing.

How do you know how to buy the dips and sell the peaks if you knew INSAS was undervalued at 0.67 and fairly valued at 2.54.

Can someone tell me? How long do I wait for the stock to reach 2.54? Will raider keep it and sell at 2.54?


2019-01-31 22:25 | Report Abuse

How do I get this guy to stop? It's like he has a crystal ball can catch every single uptrend downtrend sell before danger "Will Robinson" trend?

If his every move is perfect maybe I should just sell all my shares and pay him for his subscription in exact date and time to sell or buy a stock.

If really can predict buy INSAS at 0.42 and sell exactly at 1.10 then I feel very embarrassed for myself, I don't know how to even begin to learn how to crystal ball my way out

Sometimes I really wonder am I missing something. I really want to know, how to buy at bottom and sell at the top, I want to LEARN!

Can someone teach me how to do this? Buy at 3, sell at 19 when you can calculate to up to 45, then sell at 13 when you know the quarterly earnings is not out yet, but figures still show earnings projection at 45…
Hengyuan gain is tremendous from Rm 3.00 to Rm 19.00 in a period of less than 1 yr mah..

Or even this?
insas bought at Rm 0.42 in 2011 and sold over rm 1.10 in 2014,
How could anyone predict this exactly? I looked through the earnings and revenues and growth triggers and fundamental, technical and business sense indicators. Nothing in those makes any sense.
Right after his stock plummeted in December 2014, it was due to record revenues of INSAS at 100 million and poor earnings of 9 million. For that the stock was punished immediately to from 1.25 to 1.1. but the very next quarter they again had record revenues and earnings. Why then did the stock crash to 0.82. how do you even predict this.

If prediction was even possible, then the question is to learn. How on earth do you know?

INSAS to buy at 0.67.... nta at 2.54. the intrinsic value to sell at what price? How does it work? Do you only sell when it reaches 2.54? Or do we sell when we make double the profit at 1.34? Or do we still look at earnings growth, if suddenly growth goes nuclear, do we say the intrinsic value becomes 45, can continue to hold? If the stock keeps oscillating beyond our expectations, how do we invest without a crystal ball? Isn't this a miracle investment?

News & Blogs

2019-01-31 19:03 | Report Abuse

Okok I face reality. INSAS is the best. Ql is the worst most overbaked stock ever. Right?

Can you just shut up and review after 1 year performance of INSAS Vs ql? ( like you say quarterly result not important is yearly audited report is important?)

Instead of repeating your bs every day for a entire month?

Really a loser attitude, worse than pasar ah fah...

News & Blogs

2019-01-31 18:52 | Report Abuse

Really? Really need to pollute every page like this? Can you just post on your own INSAS blog ask your insights? Very irritating and childish everyday repeat the same thing over and over until hell freezes over?


2019-01-31 18:44 | Report Abuse

Come on, this is getting irritating. Can you just wait until end of February when the quarterly results come out to decide if QL is overvalued or bad? Anything listed right now is just hearsay.

Just be patient and wait until after Chinese New year to make up your mind!


2019-01-31 18:36 | Report Abuse

CHIA SONG KUN 10-Jan-2019 Acquired 280,000 6.594 View Detail
CHIA SONG KUN 07-Jan-2019 Acquired 247,000 6.597 View Detail
CHIA SONG KUN 28-Dec-2018 Acquired 210,000 6.694 View Detail
CHIA SONG KUN 27-Dec-2018 Acquired 150,000 6.668 View Detail
CHIA SONG KUN 26-Dec-2018 Acquired 670,000 6.533 View Detail
CHIA SONG KUN 24-Dec-2018 Acquired 150,000 6.526 View Detail
CHIA SONG KUN 21-Dec-2018 Acquired 600,000 6.229 View Detail


2019-01-31 18:06 | Report Abuse

$1,623.00 price

Oh no this stock also doesn't pay any dividend its so horrible... Pe100!! Oh gosh. It's so overvalued we should short it now!!!

Maybe i3lurker should just invest in REITs? Or guy buy ASB account?


2019-01-31 08:42 | Report Abuse

I plan to ask neither in law go agm, and tell them if they take less director salary say 5 million only, give shareholder some confidence and security with 2 million dividend ( they also earn 1 million as majority shareholder), after completion of quay hotel earnings rerate go up, sure confidence will soar and stock price will go up to at least 150 million. Worth what. They earn so much more if interests aligned with shareholders. (40 million networth become 70 million).

Hopefully they wont go to Holland and go nuts.


2019-01-31 08:09 | Report Abuse

Qqq3 when you started position in vitrox? Recently? Interested in looking at it more.