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2024-05-22 14:52 | Report Abuse

Yes, children got option to get the "why" answers if they attend the protopseudoscience classes. But there must be an honest disclaimer made clear to them that the answers are just empirical- far from absolute or evidence-based. Else how they are going to learn the basics of moral value called honesty


2024-05-22 14:24 | Report Abuse

What children fail to learn in pseudo education: The differences between science and protopseudoscience classes; and the expected learning outcomes from each side.

Most importantly, science unites, protopseudoscience permanently divides the people among themselves and the other living things irremediably

News & Blogs

2024-05-22 14:20 | Report Abuse

What children fail to learn in pseudo education: The differences between science and protopseudoscience classes; and the expected learning outcomes from each side.

Most importantly, science unites, protopseudoscience divides the people among themselves and the other living things irremediably

News & Blogs

2024-05-22 14:17 | Report Abuse

And that term is obsolete. In the hypermodern context, "Protopseudoscience" is the better term as it highlights the historical and developmental context of religious beliefs, differentiating them from modern pseudoscience, which often knowingly mimics scientific language without adhering to scientific standards.
It acknowledges that while religion once served a similar explanatory function to science, it does not meet the criteria of scientific inquiry.

Renaming provides a nuanced understanding of its historical role in human attempts to explain the natural world before the advent of formal scientific methods. This term captures both the primitive explanatory ambitions of early religious thought and its divergence from the empirical rigor that characterizes modern science.


2024-05-22 13:52 | Report Abuse

Yes, after the next GE

News & Blogs

2024-05-22 13:49 | Report Abuse

What children fail to learn in pseudo education:

Many religious narratives include creation stories that attempt to explain the origins of the universe and life. These stories were formed in an era when scientific understanding was limited, and human knowledge of natural phenomena was in its infancy. They provided early frameworks for people to comprehend the mysteries of existence and the world around them, long before modern scientific concepts such as the last common ancestor and the protocell origin were developed.

Dreamtime stories from Indigenous Australian cultures explain the creation of the world and the origins of their people. These narratives often involve ancestral beings who shaped the landscape, flora, and fauna through their actions and journeys. These stories were vital in conveying cultural knowledge and the origins of life.

### Contrast with Modern Scientific Understanding

These religious creation stories were formed long before humanity developed an understanding of the last common ancestor and the protocell origin, which are key concepts in modern biology and the study of life's origins.

1. **Last Common Ancestor:**
Modern evolutionary biology posits that all life on Earth shares a common ancestor, known as the last universal common ancestor (LUCA), which lived approximately 3.5 to 4 billion years ago. This concept is supported by genetic evidence and the study of evolutionary processes, providing a scientific framework for the diversification of life.

2. **Protocell Origin:**
The origin of life is thought to involve the formation of protocells, simple cell-like structures that preceded true living cells. Research in abiogenesis explores how organic molecules could self-assemble into these protocells under early Earth conditions. This scientific inquiry into the origin of life relies on experimental evidence and hypotheses that can be tested and refined.

### The Role of Creation Stories

Religious creation stories played a crucial role in early human societies by providing explanations for the unknown and offering a sense of order and meaning. They helped ancient peoples make sense of their existence and their environment, filling the gaps in knowledge with narratives that were accessible and culturally significant.

However, these stories were limited by the lack of empirical evidence and scientific methodology. They relied on myth, symbolism, and supernatural elements, which, while meaningful within their cultural contexts, do not align with the empirical and testable nature of scientific explanations.

### Conclusion

Religious creation stories represent humanity's early attempts to explain the origins of the universe and life, formed long before the advent of modern science. They served important cultural and explanatory functions in ancient societies but lack the empirical rigor and evidence-based approach of scientific explanations. By comparing these narratives to modern scientific understanding, we can appreciate the historical context of religious explanations while recognizing the advancements made through scientific inquiry.

News & Blogs

2024-05-22 13:44 | Report Abuse

Most religions are nothing more than proto- and pseudo-sciences can be approached by examining the similarities in their attempts to explain the world and the methods they use, while highlighting the differences in rigor and empirical validation.

1. **Historical Context and Proto-Science**:
- Historically, religions emerged in times when scientific understanding was limited. They provided explanations for natural phenomena such as weather, disease, and cosmic events. These early attempts to make sense of the world can be seen as proto-scientific because they sought to offer answers and predict outcomes in the natural world.
- Like early science, religions formulated theories about the origins of life, the universe, and the purpose of human existence. However, these theories were based on myth, tradition, and authority rather than empirical evidence and experimentation.

2. **Claims and Explanations**:
- Religions offer explanations for natural and supernatural phenomena, often attributing events to the actions of deities or spiritual forces. This is akin to how pseudosciences propose explanations without sufficient empirical support.
- For example, many religions have creation myths that claim the universe was created by a god or gods, which can be compared to scientific theories of the universe's origin. However, unlike scientific theories, religious explanations do not undergo rigorous testing and are not subject to falsification.

3. **Methods of Validation**:
- Proto-sciences and pseudo-sciences often rely on anecdotal evidence, subjective experiences, and non-reproducible observations. Religions similarly depend on personal faith, revelation, and sacred texts, which are not subject to empirical validation or peer review.
- Unlike the scientific method, which demands repeatable experiments and peer-reviewed results, religious beliefs are often accepted on the basis of faith and doctrinal authority, without the need for empirical evidence.

4. **Resistance to Falsification**:
- One key feature of science is its ability to be falsified; scientific theories must be testable and disprovable. Religions, on the other hand, often construct their beliefs in ways that are immune to falsification. For instance, miracles are claimed to be supernatural events that defy natural laws, making them inherently untestable by scientific methods.
- This characteristic aligns more closely with pseudosciences, which often create unfalsifiable hypotheses, shielding their claims from scientific scrutiny.

5. **Evolution of Understanding**:
- As scientific understanding has progressed, many religious explanations have been replaced by scientific ones. For example, diseases once thought to be caused by demonic possession are now understood to be the result of pathogens. This evolution suggests that religions provided early, less accurate models of understanding that science has since refined and replaced.
- Proto-sciences similarly evolve into more sophisticated sciences as methods improve and knowledge accumulates, but pseudo-sciences often cling to outdated or disproven theories.

In conclusion, while religions historically served a proto-scientific role by attempting to explain the world, they lack the empirical foundation, methodological rigor, and openness to falsification that characterize true sciences. This places them closer to pseudo-sciences, which present claims and explanations without the necessary empirical support and critical scrutiny required in scientific disciplines.

News & Blogs

2024-05-22 13:41 | Report Abuse

But I regard it and its peers as protosciences—early attempts at providing explanations about the world and a deeper understanding of life, aiming to offer guidance on how to escape sufferings

News & Blogs

2024-05-22 13:37 | Report Abuse

It is. Buddhism is unequivocally a religion:

1. **Foundational Beliefs and Practices**: Buddhism centers on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, whose insights form the basis of a spiritual path. It involves beliefs in the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, which guide adherents in understanding suffering and achieving enlightenment (Nirvana). These teachings provide a framework for understanding life, much like doctrines in other religions.

2. **Rituals and Worship**: Buddhism encompasses a wide range of rituals and ceremonies. These include meditation practices, chanting of sutras, and various devotional activities such as offerings and prayers at temples. These rituals are akin to religious practices found in other faiths, aimed at fostering spiritual development and reverence.

3. **Community and Monastic Life**: Buddhism has a strong community aspect, with lay followers and monastic communities (Sangha) living according to Buddhist precepts. Monasteries and temples serve as centers for religious life, education, and community activities. The Sangha plays a crucial role in preserving and disseminating the Buddha's teachings, similar to religious clergy in other traditions.

4. **Sacred Texts and Scriptures**: Buddhism has a rich body of sacred texts, including the Tripitaka (Pali Canon), Mahayana Sutras, and various commentaries. These texts are studied, recited, and revered by Buddhists worldwide, fulfilling a role similar to holy books in other religions.

5. **Moral and Ethical Guidelines**: Buddhism provides a comprehensive moral and ethical code, encapsulated in the Five Precepts for laypeople and the Vinaya rules for monastics. These guidelines influence adherents' behavior, emphasizing compassion, non-violence, and mindfulness, akin to the moral teachings of other religions.

6. **Ultimate Concern and Transcendence**: Like other religions, Buddhism addresses ultimate concerns about the nature of existence, suffering, and the possibility of transcendence. It offers a path to enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth (samsara), providing answers to profound existential questions.

7. **Diverse Traditions and Sects**: Buddhism has evolved into various traditions, including Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana, each with its own interpretations, practices, and rituals. This diversity within Buddhism reflects the complexity and depth typical of major world religions.

While many like to argue that Buddhism can be viewed as a philosophy or way of life, its comprehensive belief system, rituals, community structure, sacred texts, moral guidelines, and focus on transcendence firmly establish it as a religion. And many minds have been brainwashed, and their lives changed fanatically because of it


2024-05-22 12:49 | Report Abuse

Shall be back here soon.....hehe


2024-05-22 07:32 | Report Abuse

Holding all the way to fears

Sendai today is ytls yesteryear

In technical analysis, a pattern resembling a double top but occurring over a shorter time frame can often be a false double top or a "failed" double top.

### Characteristics of a True Double Top:
1. **Time Frame:** Typically forms over several weeks or months.
2. **Shape:** Consists of two peaks at approximately the same level, separated by a trough.
3. **Volume:** Volume is often higher on the first peak and lower on the second.
4. **Breakdown:** Confirmation occurs when the price breaks below the trough level between the two tops with increased volume.

### Characteristics of a False Double Top (Short Time Frame):
1. **Time Frame:** Forms over a few days or a very short period, lacking the prolonged consolidation typical of a true double top.
2. **Shape:** Appears visually similar to a double top but without the sufficient time span to establish a significant resistance level.
3. **Volume:** May not show the typical volume pattern of a true double top (i.e., declining volume on the second peak).
4. **Breakdown:** The price may not break below the trough level with conviction or may quickly reverse after a brief dip.

### Identifying a False Double Top:
1. **Examine the Time Frame:** Check the length of time over which the pattern has formed. A true double top generally takes weeks or months, not days.
2. **Volume Analysis:** Observe the volume on both peaks. If there is no significant volume decline on the second peak, it might be a false signal.
3. **Market Context:** Consider the broader market context. A false double top may occur in a highly volatile market or during a corrective phase within a larger trend.
4. **Price Action Post-Breakdown:** If the price fails to sustain a breakdown below the trough level or quickly reverses, it may indicate a false pattern.

### Implications and Strategies:
- **False Double Top Detection:** Use shorter time frames to detect the false double top. If the pattern appears over a few days, be cautious about interpreting it as a genuine reversal.
- **Avoid Premature Decisions:** Wait for additional confirmation, such as sustained price movement below the trough with increased volume.
- **Alternative Patterns:** Consider the possibility of other patterns, like a temporary consolidation or a small head and shoulders pattern, which might better explain the price action.
- **Use Additional Indicators:** Complement the pattern analysis with other technical indicators like Moving Averages, RSI, or MACD to assess the strength of the trend and potential reversals.

By recognizing the differences between a true double top and a short-term false double top, traders can avoid premature conclusions and better position themselves for accurate trading decisions.


2024-05-21 20:45 | Report Abuse

Kenyang sudah


2024-05-21 18:07 | Report Abuse

This will fly like Greatech in 2019

News & Blogs

2024-05-21 17:52 | Report Abuse

**[Title: Prime Minister's Address on Wesak Day]**

**Prime Minister:**
Ladies and Gentlemen, esteemed citizens of our beloved nation,

Today, we come together to celebrate Wesak Day, a momentous occasion that holds deep significance for our Buddhist community and resonates with values that unite us all as a nation.

Wesak Day commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and passing of Lord Buddha. It is a day of reflection, gratitude, and compassion. These virtues are at the heart of Buddhism and serve as guiding principles for harmony and peace in our diverse society.

As we gather to honor this sacred day, let us be reminded of the timeless teachings of Lord Buddha. His message of kindness, non-violence, and the pursuit of wisdom is not confined to any one faith but is universal in its relevance. In our multicultural and pluralistic society, these teachings encourage us to embrace our differences and to celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures, beliefs, and traditions that make up our nation.

Today is also a time for us to reflect on our shared values and aspirations. The principles of compassion and understanding can guide us in our interactions with one another, fostering a spirit of unity and mutual respect. In our daily lives, let us strive to practice these virtues, ensuring that our nation remains a beacon of tolerance and inclusivity.

On this Wesak Day, I urge all citizens to take a moment to engage in acts of kindness, to extend a helping hand to those in need, and to contribute to the well-being of our community. Whether through volunteer work, charitable donations, or simply offering a smile to a neighbor, each act of kindness strengthens the fabric of our society.

As we light the lanterns and offer prayers, let us also remember those who are less fortunate and those who face hardships. In the spirit of Wesak, let us reach out to them with compassion and support, embodying the true essence of this sacred day.

In conclusion, I wish our Buddhist community a blessed Wesak Day. May the teachings of Lord Buddha continue to inspire us all towards a path of righteousness, peace, and harmony. Together, let us build a nation where every individual, regardless of their faith or background, can live with dignity, respect, and a sense of belonging.

Thank you, and may peace and joy be with you all.


**[End of Address]**


2024-05-21 14:08 | Report Abuse

Huat ar....



2024-05-21 10:32 | Report Abuse

Yea, I'm back today


2024-05-21 10:31 | Report Abuse

I believe u


2024-05-21 10:29 | Report Abuse

Mood too euphoric now....let klse calms down


2024-05-21 10:20 | Report Abuse

Day 1: Diversification

Which to buy?


2024-05-21 08:43 | Report Abuse

I'll back soon...


2024-05-21 08:42 | Report Abuse

Still holding all my tickets tightly. Not selling TG until another UL


2024-05-21 08:40 | Report Abuse



2024-05-21 08:16 | Report Abuse

Net cash & earning like Kretam 100%; but price double, how?


2024-05-21 07:39 | Report Abuse

I sold all then, but bought back 0.825 last week


2024-05-21 07:28 | Report Abuse

...are asking ppl to chase high & over goreng your overbought tech stocks

While you're throwing to them to reload cheap palm counters!!!


2024-05-21 06:59 | Report Abuse

Yup. To make millions, it's time in the market that works in the long run......


2024-05-21 06:58 | Report Abuse

Double to 100 mil, divide by 100 days

News & Blogs

2024-05-21 06:56 | Report Abuse

Yup. The best time to buy when vstec below 2.50 recently. Second best time is now....


2024-05-20 21:02 | Report Abuse

Ok ok.....coming back after wesak


2024-05-20 20:59 | Report Abuse

TQ for helping to break the blocking walls. Shall climb higher in the next one month


2024-05-20 20:58 | Report Abuse

Ya, not rsawit, jtiasa, etc etc


2024-05-20 19:35 | Report Abuse

Finally back here after selling above rm2 years ago....


2024-05-20 19:31 | Report Abuse

If high why they need to hire promoter Calvin?


2024-05-20 17:27 | Report Abuse

Huat ar


2024-05-20 16:51 | Report Abuse

From below 0.78 again?


2024-05-20 16:46 | Report Abuse

Wesak holiday week...I wait for next month


2024-05-20 16:35 | Report Abuse tricked by LTH selling


2024-05-20 16:18 | Report Abuse

Will overtake KSL


2024-05-20 15:02 | Report Abuse

But COvid is coming. How?


2024-05-20 11:42 | Report Abuse

Guys, just close eyes add/buy........................throw in your underwear, socks and handkerchieves


2024-05-20 11:37 | Report Abuse

Let's keep singing:

If you miss the train below 1.00 you'll cry for your life time........You can hear the whistle blow a hundred miles & wait for another decade to buy below one