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128 comment(s). Last comment by uncensored 2022-02-12 13:46


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-05 12:17 | Report Abuse

辛灝年:民國命運與台灣前途(上) - 中華民國的坎坷命運


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-05 12:24 | Report Abuse



2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-05 12:42 | Report Abuse




2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-05 13:02 | Report Abuse

灝年妙答挑釁提問 : 我愛中国 你愛中共(高清晰版)


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-05 13:45 | Report Abuse

连任路上风雨多 习今年会否拿下这位“铁帽子王”是关键?自作自受 西安小粉红绝境求救引讥讽;北京冬奥倒计时 史上最严体育检疫正式启动(《万维读报》20220104-4 JAJJ)


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-05 21:03 | Report Abuse



2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-05 21:11 | Report Abuse

How Western Failures Are Fueling China’s Rise
When China opened up to foreign investment four decades ago, many predicted capitalism would bring democratic change. But they were wrong. Emboldened by the 2008 financial crisis and now America's catastrophic handling of the pandemic, Beijing is offering up its authoritarian model as a thriving alternative to the liberal values of the West.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-06 15:20 | Report Abuse

China hoards over half the world's grain, pushing up global prices/Prepares for famine?
On Dec.12, 2021, the front page of People's Daily, the Chinese Communist Party's top media outlet, wrote: "So what about food?" It was a question asked by the CCP leader Xi Jinping at a high-level meeting.
The issue of food security is now not just a matter of people's livelihood for China but has risen to the level of political security. It's driving the CCP to make strategic changes, namely to reduce its dependence on the West. Beijing may be making a series of plans in the direction of decoupling from the world and moving toward a closed-door state.

Have questions? Do you have something to share with us about China? We want to hear from you!
Email: Cinsights.subscription@gmail.com
Facebook www.facebook.com/EyesOnChina.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-07 20:45 | Report Abuse



2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-07 20:56 | Report Abuse

China’s plan to keep the US out of the South China Sea
Chinese occupied man-made islands in the South China Sea have been transformed into advanced radar outposts. These will have increasing importance in the control of sea lanes and the strategic posturing of most nations in the Indo-Pacific region.

These lessons have been implemented in the South China Sea on Chinese-occupied disputed islands. Beijing has created a formidable intelligence network where every move of China's competitors, like the US, India, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, and other southeast Asian countries, could be thoroughly controlled.
Through the Spratly and the Paracel alone pass 1/3 of the global trade flow, making Southeast Asia and the South China Sea extremely important to the wellbeing of Asian economies.
In the South China Sea, China has set up complex air and surface surveillance radar arrays. Chinese islands in the Spratly are also equipped with anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles, capable of threatening any forceful America-led operation in the South China Sea.
The Chinese idea of informationized warfare lays at the basis of the construction of military outposts in the South China Sea. Holding the information advantage, whilst denying it to its competitors, is essential for Beijing's strategists in securing China's maritime border and creating a buffer zone.
All in all the Spratly archipelago offers a great example of how China is implementing its military doctrine and how a conflict between the US and China could be a costly one.



2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-08 20:54 | Report Abuse

Xi'an City Lockdown Chaos; Residents Quarantined in Tunnels
Residents of the same building have started bartering for vegetables and rice in exchange for cell phones, computers, cigarettes and alcohol.
There were also patients who passed away due to lack of timely treatment. This is a stark contrast to the communities where the officials live with abundant supplies. Many people believe that Xi'an these days mirror Wuhan from 2020.
However, such rigid restrictions and prevention measures did not stop the spread of the virus. As of 9 a.m. on January 4, the number of infected cases in Xi'an was 2,435, an increase of 2,292 cases from the initial city closure. On January 1, the CCP took even more absurd measures to prevent the spread. According to instructions from Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, Liu Guozhong, the Party Secretary of Shaanxi Province, ordered that the cases in Xi'an must reach the goal of zero by January 4! This is a part of their "social clearance" plan, which means that all residents in the risk areas will be moved to other places outside of Xi'an for centralized isolation, so that the remaining people will no longer be at risk of infection, thus achieving the goal of "social clearance".


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-08 21:01 | Report Abuse



1,848 posts

Posted by treasurehunt > 2022-01-08 21:44 | Report Abuse

1 against few fellows. Salute you, Uncensored! You have posted many news or facts. Unfortunately, people don't like to read or listen information that they feel No Syok or FUN. What they want are feeling PROUD emotionally after reading. Facts is immuned to them.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-09 10:48 | Report Abuse

I do understand why you don't like to read. It is ok. The country that you resided in is a free country even though it is limited as compare to USA but still far better than China.

Enjoy yourself.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-09 10:55 | Report Abuse

【精選】三星被害慘韓「反中意識」升高 和中國從朋友走向敵人? 【關鍵時刻】-劉寶傑 黃世聰 姚惠珍 李正皓 吳子嘉 翁偉捷 林信富


6,259 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2022-01-09 11:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > Jan 9, 2022 10:59 AM | Report Abuse X

Hahahaha a liar, racist and prejudice bigot telling he told the truth with his oversimplicity slogan of 我是爱中国,你是爱中共 and some videos to spread his pro Western prejudice and hatred toward China (CPC).

I had to say he had done a fxxxking good job. You only need to open your mind to fact-check to know the truth.

The complexity of the issue cannot be reduced to a few sound bites and slogans.

12747 posts
Posted by CharlesT > Jan 9, 2022 11:02 AM | Report Abuse

Still got many wasting time to entertain this Falun Gong retaxd.......

aiyo eat too free got nothing to do meh


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-09 11:18 | Report Abuse

SSlee , who should we believe in. The person who never live nor worked in China saying how good of China verse a person who born, lived & worked as high rank CPC government official in China told us about bad is CPC ??
You let me know.

SSlee again why you need to post the liar CharlesT who told me that he stand is impartial on China...Hahaha


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-09 11:33 | Report Abuse

天津爆發奧密克戎疫情,進入軟封城,四分之三感染者是兒童,病毒傳三代,隔離7.5萬人;青海地震波及甘肅五市,民眾半夜驚逃;巴基斯坦千輛車被困大雪 ,22遊客命喪低溫。
天津爆發奧密克戎疫情 進入軟封城 四分之三感染者是兒童,病毒傳三代 隔離7.5萬人
青海地震波及甘肅五市 民眾半夜驚逃
巴基斯坦千輛車被困大雪 22遊客命喪低溫
德約科維奇12月二度染疫 才獲澳網疫苗豁免
神韻七地同時上演 再掀全球藝文熱潮



1,848 posts

Posted by treasurehunt > 2022-01-09 11:43 | Report Abuse

Everybody knows la... See one person action is good enough to know where is his heart heading. Don't like Malaysia then sell all the properties la. Not a big deal to Malaysia.


1,848 posts

Posted by treasurehunt > 2022-01-09 11:53 | Report Abuse

I know only action louder than words. The rest is empty sweet talks to fool folks...what loyalty, color, races...all is catered to gullible.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-09 12:09 | Report Abuse

福布斯:中国疫情死亡数据极不靠谱 缺乏研究价值












Posted by Investor 999 > 2022-01-09 14:48 | Report Abuse



2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-09 15:03 | Report Abuse



2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-09 15:04 | Report Abuse

低報170倍 專家揭中共疫情數據造假
首個破產地級市 黑龍江鶴崗財政崩潰
日澳簽署歷史性防務協定 抵禦中共威脅
屢遭酷刑性侵 大連市仲淑娟被監獄迫害離世






Posted by Investor 999 > 2022-01-09 15:16 | Report Abuse



2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-09 15:20 | Report Abuse

Ha...ha...ha... how about you...



2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-09 15:25 | Report Abuse

By the way do you know the difference between 新闻广播员 vs 作者 ???

Posted by Investor 999 > Jan 9, 2022 3:16 PM | Report Abuse



1,848 posts

Posted by treasurehunt > 2022-01-09 16:55 | Report Abuse

As usual, ignorants will keep denying facts and prefer living in their own world syok syok only. Ask them to study semiconductor supply chains to see who are the technology leaders. They are unwilling to explore more and understand deeply. Retirees are normally behaving like that la. It's not only them. Many seniors surrounding us also alike.


1,848 posts

Posted by treasurehunt > 2022-01-09 17:07 | Report Abuse

They are so scare of breaking their own illusion world after updating the latest facts (semiconductor supply chain) and understanding the whole situation.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-09 19:32 | Report Abuse

They are now under self hypnotised mode.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-10 10:24 | Report Abuse

华人回国入境上海遭遇最狠规定:一检测出阳性就要你狗命!高华狗喊冤被土狗围攻。又黄标喽(坐澳观天第571期 20220109)


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2022-01-10 12:18 | Report Abuse

This uncensored Talking like Silly fellow loh!

The latest past 30 years...China has more billionaires than US Mah!

This tell u that anybody can make it well in china loh!

Konman Uncensored is totally naive & wrong loh!

Posted by uncensored > Jan 9, 2022 11:47 AM | Report Abuse

"By the age of 40, your fate is already set"/China's class structure has become more solidified
After more than 70 years of development, China’s economy seems to be maturing. However, many indications suggest that the ascension from bottom to top in social class has virtually come to a halt.
On the path to the upper echelons of society, children from the rich and politically connected elite families have a clear advantage, and children of poor or rural families have less and diminishing access.


1,848 posts

Posted by treasurehunt > 2022-01-10 12:41 | Report Abuse

Action louder than words. Our wealth storage place is an indicator where our heart heading to. The rest is nothing more than nonsenses.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-10 14:06 | Report Abuse

天津爆奧密克戎疫情 感染者多爲學生
西安防疫漏洞 不為人知傳播鏈曝光
庭審違法 佳木斯法官成被告
瑞士交出銀行客戶資料 中共權貴失「藏錢天堂」
福州殘疾人遭警毒打 每天到公安局舉牌抗議
河南疫情波及多省 許昌稱「圈住封死」


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2022-01-10 14:29 | Report Abuse

Do not be silly, if u compare the USA great recession and sub-prime problem vs china current temporary property setback....is just a small issue, but being blow out of proportion by this conman uncensored with intention to bad mouth china & to mislead u loh!

China temporary property setback are driven by the smart chinese govt, to release air prematurely in order to avoid the future & further risk like the usa subprime that affect the whole economy, when the bubble eventually burst in 2008 loh!

This reflect strength of Chinese Govt, in its ability able to recognise things early & take appropriate corrective action earlier, unlike the west who always need to do deal with boom & burst situation loh!

The china govt system is definitely more superior than the west mah!

Posted by uncensored > Jan 10, 2022 2:14 PM | Report Abuse

Andrew Hunt is CEO of Hunt Economics and former adviser to Dresdner Asset Management in Asia. Ben Ashby is a former managing director in JPMorgan's Chief Investment Office.

The well-documented problems at some of China's largest property developers are merely symptoms of the deeper structural challenges the country now faces.

We previously highlighted in the article "Why Ray Dalio is wrong about China" published online on July 11 that China was highly incentivized to encourage foreign investment in order to delay hard domestic decisions.

These inbound capital flows are however unlikely to be sufficient, and they would leave China vulnerable to foreign monetary policy. Since China will likely prioritize domestic order and control over a shorter lived but painful structural adjustment, a Great Pause in their economic growth seems probable.

How long this 'great pause' will take is hard to say. Yet despite the clear signs, investors are still to fully price the implications of this hiatus and what it means for industrial commodities or regional demand for goods.

Given many developing countries' high dependence on the Chinese economy, the next few years could be particularly difficult and make their recovery from COVID even harder.

The roots of these problems run deep. China's economic model has traditionally relied on the intensive use of credit in order to finance the country's impressive growth. As a result, the rate of increase in China's debts has been fast, outgrowing the economy itself: a dynamic that is ultimately not sustainable.

Though some of this credit was used to fund the creation of industrial capacity, much of it was used to fund a rapid and massive expansion of housing stock.

China's property and construction sectors have therefore become extremely large by comparison with the overall economy. Our research suggests that these sectors have been more than twice as important to the overall economy as their equivalent sectors were in Japan during that country's property bubble, or even the U.S. in 2005-2006.

We also estimate that property wealth is at least as important to China's savers' wealth as financial assets are to U.S savers at present. A decline in the fortunes of the property market will therefore depress domestic growth for a considerable time.

China's property-driven growth has run into several constraints of late, including affordability, market saturation and access to funding. Its banking system has also reached an unprecedented size, not just in relation to the size of China's own economy but increasingly in relation to the entire global economy.

Real estate-related lending and property-based collateral have come to dominate the system. China's banks themselves are deeply exposed to the sector, to the exclusion of other sectors, and will struggle to maintain their balance sheets if problems in the sector increase.

These problems imply two sets of consequences. First, China will not be able to liberalize its savings markets anytime soon to the disappointment of many Western financial institutions. Second, credit growth in the future will likely be much more carefully controlled.

Every day, then, credit to China's private sector is becoming more constrained and this, of course, means that lending has to be rationed among competing uses.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the authorities in Beijing have decreed that the property and construction sectors, together with a number of other sectors that have been deemed unproductive or not aligned with the government's vision for "common prosperity" will be largely excluded from the credit markets. These important sectors now face years of enforced austerity.

The authorities are, of course, still underwriting the flow of credit to its favored sectors as they seek to increase productivity and support activities that add more value to the economy. They will also want to ensure that the export sector can contribute at least some growth to the economy.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-10 16:15 | Report Abuse



2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-10 16:26 | Report Abuse

Some chip prices rose 5 times compared to 2020 in China/A lot of unqualified and fake chips appear
Due to the U.S. technology blockade and the global pandemic, chip shortages are intensifying in China, affecting production in several industries, from cars and cell phones to home appliances.

According to a business website in mainland China, the head of an electronics company said: “Now, chips aren't available even with additional money. Speculation in the chip market is widespread, and the price of some products has increased five times compared with the end of 2020.”



2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-11 15:27 | Report Abuse




2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-11 15:42 | Report Abuse

5 Lies China Told the World
Have you heard people say China has lifted millions of people out of poverty?

How about that China is a "developing" country?

Or that the CCP has never invaded another country?

In this episode of China Uncensored, we debunk some of the most common lies that China has told the world.



1,848 posts

Posted by treasurehunt > 2022-01-11 16:10 | Report Abuse

Uncensored, you keep posting hidden news like this. Many old pinky cannot tahan loh.


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-11 16:17 | Report Abuse

Ha..Ha...Ha.... aiyo... fact do not care about how they feel la...


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-11 20:48 | Report Abuse

習地位受挑戰 上海輿論場暗示政變;普京另有目的 台海明年有兩大考驗【希望之聲TV-兩岸要聞-2021/12/23】
中共 20大前,上海与北京舆论场展开较量, #习近平 连任仍有挑战; #台湾 因乌克兰局势面临考验。

二十大前內鬥白熱化 上海官場一篇特稿映射政變
台海明年或成黑天鵝 普京放狠話另有目的
不許過洋節 中國多地禁任何形式聖誕聚會
「國殤之柱」深夜被拆 高志活發聲
外媒:中共施壓 意外催生台語熱度



2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-11 21:36 | Report Abuse




2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-11 21:44 | Report Abuse



31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2022-01-12 12:18 | Report Abuse

Correctloh...leave it to China loh!

They are the best mah!

Posted by qqq3333 > Jan 12, 2022 11:57 AM | Report Abuse

U want freedom, western style democracy?

well, they want prosperity, stability, responsibility, meritocracy, and even common prosperity.

and they don't want interference and will not interfere with the internal politics of others.


1,848 posts

Posted by treasurehunt > 2022-01-12 12:31 | Report Abuse

Sell all your belongings and migrate to Mainland and Western since they do good and nice. We remains living in Boleh land.


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2022-01-12 14:01 | Report Abuse

Correctloh...this silly Uncensored everyday badmouthed china for nothing loh!

Surely a country like china able to bring 800m out of poverty within 20 yrs over a short period and become the 2nd biggest economy, must have done alot of great impressive things mah!

We should learn alot from china the successful formula mah!

Posted by xiaoeh > Jan 12, 2022 1:50 PM | Report Abuse

China Chinese and Malaysia Chinese is good, China is good too, we learn from each other from good and bad aspect

Posted by xiaoeh > Jan 12, 2022 1:52 PM | Report Abuse

we take what is worked and avoided what is dont worked.

Posted by xiaoeh > Jan 12, 2022 1:53 PM | Report Abuse

do not take only what is good but turn a blind eye on what is worst


2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-12 14:18 | Report Abuse

Liar, 無賴, selfish, snaky

stockraider liar , evil hearted self proclaimed RICH means owning 15 unit of Low Cost Flats.


Lying on:

1. Fire insurance matter
2. Helping the poor
3. TP on shares
4. Buying price on shares
5. China CPC matter
6. USA matter
7. Hong Kong matter
8. Falun Gong
9. Common prosperity
10. Your motive


31,556 posts

Posted by stockraider > 2022-01-12 14:22 | Report Abuse

Very naive uncensored loh!

Someone need to help them by renting to them mah!

Posted by uncensored > Jan 12, 2022 2:19 PM | Report Abuse

Liar, 無賴, selfish, snaky

stockraider liar , evil hearted self proclaimed RICH means owning 15 unit of Low Cost Flats.



2,694 posts

Posted by uncensored > 2022-01-12 14:22 | Report Abuse

stockraider liar , evil hearted self proclaimed RICH means owning 15 unit of Low Cost Flats.
Made money on the P..O...O...R
Getting rental from the P..O...O...R
Profit from selling flat to P..O...O...R


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