Posted by bingo > 2013-04-27 21:33 | Report Abuse

KPRU: UMNO 2013 will potentially suffer the fate of MCA in 2008 Think tank Political Studies for Change (KPRU) predicts that UMNO will lose a lot of Parliamentary seats currently contested for 5th May 2013 just as MCA lost their seats on the 8th of May 2008. KPRU made these predictions based on several factors. The first factor relates closely to the fall in Barisan Nasional (BN) President, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s popularity as opposed to the steady rise of Pakatan Rakyat (PAKATAN)’s leader, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim. A survey conducted by University Malaya Centre for Democracy and Elections (Umcedel) found that that Najib’s qualification to hold the reign as a Prime Minister has fallen in which only 39 percent of respondents believes Najib deserves to be the Prime Minister as opposed to Anwar Ibrahim which gained as much as 43 percent on the same survey. This is a fall of 4 percent from the survey conducted in early 2013. This is in line with the increase of trust in PAKATAN to become the new government post 13th General Election (GE13). Just as MCA lost its support significantly during the 2008 General Election, UMNO has lost its support significantly during 2013 General Election. And for that, BN’s campaign strategy for an individual known as Najib is to portray him as a good leader even though he has no courage to face Anwar Ibrahim in a debate on policies and each other’s manifestos while broadcasted live through the television. The second factor is the failure of the 1Malaysia to raise the living standards of Malaysians. Najib announced that the poverty rate have fallen to a mere 1.7 percent. Yet, it is predicted that the real number of the poverty rate in Malaysia is actually 19 percent, taking into account the household income and the 2009 Basic Amenities Survey Report by the Malaysian Statistics Department. At the same time, the BN government had to spend as much as RM3 billion for the 1Malaysia People’s Assistance (BR1M). Also to be noted is the 60 percent of public servants are financially incapable to purchase a house as well as the failure of the First Home Scheme that failed to assist the young adults to purchase their first homes. The 1Malaysia brand is also seen as a failure of Najib’s when approximately 250 1Malaysia People’s Shop (KR1M) is opened all across the country to provide cheap items to Malaysians. Najib also plans to open another 57 KR1M shops across the country. This also means the Malaysians are financially incapacitated to purchase quality products at affordable prices as BN has to open more sundry shops that sell cheap items at lower prices at supermarkets such as Giant, Aeon and 99 Speedmart. The third factor is the individual called Anwar Ibrahim whom has a better reputation that Najib in terms of the ability to administer this country’s finances and new policies could bring about reforms in line with contemporary demands. In 2007, Malaysia’s debt was RM267 billion. In 2013, the debt have jumped to RM502 billion. During Anwar Ibrahim’s tenure as Finance Minister, the country’s deficit was actually turned into surpluses as with in 1998 before he was fired, Malaysia gained a 2.4 percent in surpluses. This surplus then became deficit right after Anwar was fired from his position. This as opposed to the deficit rate under Najib that shot up to 5.4 percent in 2010. As for Malaysia’s workforce, Najib also failed to raise the number of skilled employees in this country considering the fact that 80 percent of workforce in this country is only armed with a Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) certificate. Also to be noted is that Anwar Ibrahim has a better reputation in the eyes of the public. An example of this situation are the Indians having no interest whatsoever in the Anwar Ibrahim’s personal life and views the sex scandal towards Anwar as a mere dirty political trick of UMNO’s. Coming back to Najib’s reputation, the government’s decision under the guise of the Public Prosecutors’ Office, the sex trial against Anwar actually stains Najib and his administration as a cheap and dirty political tactic. Indians are not the only one to not care about Anwar Ibrahim’s personal life. According to the survey conducted by Umcedel, 54 percent of Malay respondents concurred that Anwar deserves more to become a Prime Minister as opposed to Najib who only gained 28 percent in the same question. The fourth factor that will influence the results of GE13 are Najib’s weak policies and his inability to have a stand firm on his decisions. This follows the sample of 10 failed policies of Najib’s administration as reported by KPRU[1] prior to this. Amongst the failed 10 policies of Najib include the Lynas controversy, the failed share swap between Malaysia Airlines and Air Asia to the failed Public Service New Remuneration Scheme (SBPA) after rejections made by the public sector. ...continue reading here please

3 people like this.

251 comment(s). Last comment by andychucky28 2013-05-04 15:53


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-04-30 09:43 | Report Abuse

And all this was created by Mahaikutty.


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-30 10:03 | Report Abuse

U know u did the studies? Sure lah PR supporters. U know who are the respondendts.Sure lah the PR supporters. Do I believe n trust? DEFINITELY NO ler!!!


4 posts

Posted by Bersih > 2013-04-30 10:09 | Report Abuse

Ranger, really represent BN.... Raciest, Rasuah and Idiot...

Nothing else. everyday raciest issues. Come on... Try to announce all the BN's minister's properties like PR do. We want action not just bla bla bla with mouth. Everyone can speak but not everyone can do.

Bla bla bla like i save money since i was young....
i dont know wat my husband bela lembu....

come on.... shame of you. Treat our malaysian like we are 5 years old child.

If you support BN, you are their crony or you are idiot.

Posted by infoumland > 2013-04-30 11:48 | Report Abuse

Yang Bersih bagi wujud, yang zalim bagi hapus.

Peter Lee

347 posts

Posted by Peter Lee > 2013-04-30 11:55 | Report Abuse

all must end,only the clean can win


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-04-30 12:03 | Report Abuse

We hope the Sarawak Investors wake up for long time sleep. Hope they are able to read all this from the i3investor forum. Please vote wisely for your children and grand children. Please.


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-04-30 12:27 | Report Abuse

The MACC can't even touch this man, Why? Because the Barang Naik needs its vote! Get rid of Barang Naik, and you will take away this tyrant who always say you sarawakian are poor because you are stupid. Watch video carefully.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-30 13:17 | Report Abuse


我是负责处理会员 PM 的 Admin 之一,这段日子里,我处理了投诉槟城国阵用 RM200 来买 IC换选票的举动几百个,要我们分享出去给大家知道,问题来了。。。



1. 想尽办法找证据证明国阵贿选!

2. 想尽办法阻止家里的老人家、亲朋戚友、好友老死。。。等等用他们的 IC 换取那区区的 RM200!要是他们都做了,请尽量说服他们出示证据给你们并立刻报警!

3. 想办法帮助那些已经换取 RM200 的人再次到 查询他们的选民资格!要是发现已经被移除,请大家说服他们站出来报警!

4. 告诉那些想要用 IC 换取 RM200 的人,你们的一张票不应该是这么低价钱的,这一张票绝对值得十万!因为他们出卖了他们的 IC 等同出卖了自己和国家,然后国家每年的黑金流失绝对不止一个选民十万那么少!钱,可以要!可是肯定不是那么少!

我真的很无奈!真的真的很无奈! 我是负责处理会员 PM 的 Admin 之一,这段日子里,我处理了投诉槟城国阵用 RM200 来买 IC换选票的举动几百个,要我们分享出去给大家知道,问题来了。。。 你们说的这些问题,我们都知道,我们统统都懂!可是,你们可不可以提供我们一些实质的证据证明?我每天面对着这些投诉,每天回复同样的投诉,可是我却不能够报导出来,因为统统都只是投诉,没有证明。。。为什么我们需要证明?我要问回大家,如果没有证明,那些中间选民会相信吗?国阵会还击吗?我们会被控告吗?煽动法令惹不起。。。 各位,我们大家都知道国阵出尽了肮脏手段,大量用金钱来挥霍企图绝地一铺一掷千金来获选,我们都知道啊。。。可是,除了我们可以帮忙发布消息之外,我恳请大家不要只是投诉,要行动!来!我们一起行动! 行动: 1. 想尽办法找证据证明国阵贿选! 2. 想尽办法阻止家里的老人家、亲朋戚友、好友老死。。。等等用他们的 IC 换取那区区的 RM200!要是他们都做了,请尽量说服他们出示证据给你们并立刻报警! 3. 想办法帮助那些已经换取 RM200 的人再次到 查询他们的选民资格!要是发现已经被移除,请大家说服他们站出来报警! 4. 告诉那些想要用 IC 换取 RM200 的人,你们的一张票不应该是这么低价钱的,这一张票绝对值得十万!因为他们出卖了他们的 IC 等同出卖了自己和国家,然后国家每年的黑金流失绝对不止一个选民十万那么少!钱,可以要!可是肯定不是那么少! 我们的能力有限,如果全民动起来,我肯定我们得到的选举舞弊肯定不止这么少!


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-30 13:20 | Report Abuse

Posted by kulimchan > Apr 30, 2013 01:01 PM | Report Abuse

大选结果当然会冲击股市。What the PAS dominating government will do

I can expect what the PAS dominating government will do:1: to abolish all Najib policies which are considered as pro China or pro Chinese. Including trade and business policies which are considered favorable to the Chinese only.(Its an open secret that the American support Anwar) 2. Impose stricter control on education ,implement higher quota for bumi in all fields(just like what they did in Kedah) in order to ensure absolute control of Muslim at all level .3.Stricter control of cultural ,entertainment activities …which are considered not conform with Islamic values. 4 Implement the Hudup law and Islamic values at all level.

Can DAP raise objection? No, PAS no need the DAP support to carry out their policies. When PAS become strong in parliament, they can invite those UMNO MPs who are not happy with Najib policies to join them. With the Chinese support, Umno can form government, without the Chinese support, umno members who want to remain in power,the only way is to join PAS.

Don call me BN crony, read the statement by Norman Fenandez(deputy DAP chairman di Johor.) : quoted below,;
The senior DAP leader said “non-Muslims must realise that PAS will do what it has set out to do if it gains power”.
The question for non-Muslims is whether non-Muslims are prepared to risk it all with PAS.}He appeal voters not to vote PAS.
BN is not perfect, but they have extensive experiment in handling multi races and multi religion issues which is most important in a country like Malaysia,do you think PAS people are more liberal than BN?
For me, PAS just care about the Islamic values,they don’t care the so called consultation, compromise. cooperation, understanding, or tolerance …you can see it what happen in Egypt and other countries.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-30 13:21 | Report Abuse

Fantastic crowd at Kuantan too.

Padang Kamunting Tanah Putih Kuantan.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-30 13:24 | Report Abuse

55, The Magic Number, eh? What's next..A.N.W.A.R?

Magic numbers?


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-30 13:26 | Report Abuse

Glad somebody worked this out nicely.

The figures speaks for itself.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-30 13:28 | Report Abuse

The same applies here in Malaysia !

Don't let politics divide us Malaysians.

This was the wish of our beloved first Prime Minister the Tunku Abdul Rahman!


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-30 13:31 | Report Abuse

Don't forget about this issue, folks.

YES... RM52,000.000,000.00 what happened to it?

Did anyone hear what Najib has to say about this?
No? Thats the problem!!!

Don't you hate it when somebody claims to be fighting for the poor but actually filling their own pockets? Somebody!

Hidup Malaysia!


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-30 13:34 | Report Abuse



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-30 13:39 | Report Abuse


Ooi Teik Bee

11,478 posts

Posted by Ooi Teik Bee > 2013-04-30 13:50 | Report Abuse

Let me add 1 more scenario to above.

Since PM took over the role of Finance Minister, it is the end of Malacca Sultanate. History repeats itself, BN had done that in 1998.

Conclusion : BN rule had been ended in 2013.


224 posts

Posted by azam87 > 2013-04-30 13:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ranger > Apr 30, 2013 01:20 PM | Report Abuse

Don call me BN crony, read the statement by Norman Fenandez(deputy DAP chairman di Johor.) : quoted below,;
The senior DAP leader said “non-Muslims must realise that PAS will do what it has set out to do if it gains power”.
The question for non-Muslims is whether non-Muslims are prepared to risk it all with PAS.}He appeal voters not to vote PAS.
BN is not perfect, but they have extensive experiment in handling multi races and multi religion issues which is most important in a country like Malaysia,do you think PAS people are more liberal than BN?
For me, PAS just care about the Islamic values,they don’t care the so called consultation, compromise. cooperation, understanding, or tolerance …you can see it what happen in Egypt and other countries.


For all i know Islamic values won't hurt anybody


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-30 13:56 | Report Abuse

The truth is revealed. The real dalang behind May 13, 1969 was UMNO. Reject racism and its racist party.

Ex-Umno man defends DAP against May 13 charge
JOHOR Tamrin Abdul Ghafar says Umno leaders including Dr Mahathir Mohamad had orchestrated the riot...


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-04-30 14:35 | Report Abuse

Anwar Ibrahim: The Power Is With The People, The Power Is No More With Barisan Nasional


35 posts

Posted by i3fan > 2013-04-30 15:46 | Report Abuse

very good videoclip, for us to think about our future generation.......


35 posts

Posted by i3fan > 2013-04-30 16:12 | Report Abuse

They always blame SPR & Goverment....

Pengundi hantu.......!!!!!



and if they can manipulate all this thing, i believe they also will run a hanky-panky goverment with corruption and a lot more manipulation, offcourse, worse than present goverment.....



558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-04-30 16:34 | Report Abuse

i3fan, that's what they claim about the present govt. They don't even have track records to run a govt. I'm afraid the country will go haywire should they run the federal govt. All they say is 'TRIAL & ERROR'.


26 posts

Posted by wanapit > 2013-04-30 17:18 | Report Abuse

Is Malaysia in their list?..


560 posts

Posted by jacko > 2013-04-30 17:22 | Report Abuse

I am afraid of a government who chalks up 500 billion and double up in the last 5 years. Wonder how bad in maths before these ppl understand


26 posts

Posted by wanapit > 2013-04-30 17:27 | Report Abuse

Choose economy stability...intact policies...every one happy...later can fight maa...but always economy economy, how to cari makan maaa...

By Azli Jamil

PETALING JAYA: The Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute (ASLI), a private think-tank, says the ruling Barisan Nasional will win the 13th general election (GE13) and that much of the support among rural Malays, which was absent in 2008, has returned to Umno and Barisan Nasional.

In its analysis presented yesterday, ASLI said BN is expected to win 123 to 135 seats in the next elections on this basis, but could reach as high as 150 if Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak can attract Indian and undecided Chinese voters as well.
“From my interpretation of the research if the swing of Malay rural voters to Umno is strong, then the battle for rural Malay votes will favour BN.

“The coming election will basically be decided by rural voters in rural constituencies,” ASLI’s CEO /director Michael Yeoh Oon Khing told The Malaysian Reserve in an e-mail interview yesterday.
“Nevertheless, what can be certain is that the two big winners in the coming elections that are expected to be on April 14 or 21, will be Umno and the DAP.”

Yeoh said trends showed Indian rural and semi-urban voters have shifted back to BN while urban voters of all races are still with the opposition.
Undecided voters would pay close attention to choice of candidates and how the campaign unfolds to make their choice.
ASLI says it is confident that Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud would deliver 100% of Parti Pesaka Bumiputera seats, giving the majority to win Sarawak while it is confident that Umno should do well in Sabah, leading BN to regain control of the state government.

The analysis said the Pakatan Rakyat coalition should retain Kelantan and Penang, but BN could regain Penang if there is solid Malay backing and if the MCA and Gerakan could win just four more seats.
ASLI is neutral on Selangor, saying that the battle for that state would be the toughest. It is confident on BN winning Kedah and Perak on the back of support from the Malay swingback to Umno, adding that DAP will still hold on to its Chinese majority seats in Perak.

The report ended by presenting scenarios of post-election realignment possibilities such as Umno and PAS or Umno and DAP.
The analysis was done based on telephone interviews and discussions with different groups as well as other surveys done by other researchers, said Yeoh, adding that the demographics are broad-based covering different ages and ethnic groups.

In a related news, an online media highlighted a Morgan Stanley Research report that said: “If the ruling BN loses by winning less than 50% of the seats up for grabs, investors would likely see this as a ‘negative risk event’.”
It added that BN losing would affect leadership and government stability thereby “postponing the reform agenda undertaken by the country in the near term until political stability is restored”.


176 posts

Posted by ryan78 > 2013-04-30 18:05 | Report Abuse

You said:
They don't even have track records to run a govt. I'm afraid the country will go haywire should they run the federal govt. All they say is 'TRIAL & ERROR'.

What does BN have in their track record to run a good government?
Croniyism for last 50 years due to concentration of power?
Corruption to the core between family members and close friends of benefits?
Crimes and terrorism?
Encouragement of establishment of rempits?
Cheating ands scams?
Market monopolies?


29 posts

Posted by bryanll > 2013-04-30 18:36 | Report Abuse

whether somebody has the ability to rule country is not depend on experiences,but the ability of the guy to thinks like a normal person.obviously,BN only has the first, not the second criteria. I think I can simply do much better than anyone of them from BN.seriously, bn dun have the strategy, direction to develop Malaysia...


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-05-01 13:49 | Report Abuse

Its very sad to see Barang Naik linking politics to religion, creating riot.


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-05-01 19:30 | Report Abuse


柔佛的朋友们,前去给阿华哥与民联领袖加油打气吧!也告诉那些无法亲临现场的朋友们,透过网络链接观赏讲座现场状况~ 传!

Jelajah Pakatan Harapan Rakyat Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim
1 Mei 2013 (Rabu) Ke JOHOR [Video @]

***** JOHOR *****

8.30-12.00 mlm – Ceramah Perdana Pakatan Harapan Rakyat
Lokasi: Jln Siakap 6, Taman Pasir Putih, Pasir Gudang

8.30 - 12.00 mlm – Ceramah Perdana UBAH – Ini Kali Lah!
Lokasi : Sutera Mall, Skudai

8.30-12.00 mlm – Ceramah Perdana Pakatan Harapan Rakyat
Lokasi: Tapak Letak Kereta, Stadium Larkin, Johor Bahru [Livestream @]

DS Anwar Ibrahim di Putrajaya menyertai sambutan Hari Pekerja bersama para penjawat awam tadi .


2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-05-01 19:33 | Report Abuse

Tony Pua: We Believe There Will Be A Major Wave From JOHOR


388 posts

Posted by tptan45 > 2013-05-01 19:47 | Report Abuse

mutants with forked tongues.


2,650 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-05-01 21:02 | Report Abuse

Undilah BN, Andai anda ingin mengkayakan kerabat dan kroni mereka

Undilah BN, Andai anda inginkan undang-undang demokrasi terus dicabul dan ditelanjangkan oleh puak mereka.

Undilah BN, Andai anda ingin menambahkan lagi hutang negara yang sudah sampai ke tahap yang menakutkan.

Undilah BN, Andai inginkan anak-anak anda terus dibelenggu hutang piutang hanya untuk secangkir ilmu sedang pemimpin anda rakus meratah kekayaan negara.

Undilah BN, Andai anda rela korupsi terus menerus menjadi asam garam pemimpin negara. Kapal selam dibeli jadi hiasan. Stadium dibina runtuh menyembah. Hutang piutang ditanggung rakyat.

Undilah BN, Andai anda inginkan perkauman terus disuburi dibajai. Islam terus dijadikan alat untuk menfobiakan kaum lain. Akhirnya, agama jadi candu untuk menghalalkan yang haram.

Undilah BN! Andai anda inginkan negara keadilan dan kebajikan terus terkubur!!


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-05-02 02:13 | Report Abuse

Why this Cow Woman still at large?


4 posts

Posted by Bersih > 2013-05-02 09:52 | Report Abuse

All ranger can play around is raciest issue....Really sad.

PR dont have experience? Then Pulau Pinang is what? Br1m is what? BN? Followed what DAP do from behind. BR1M 2.0 given because of Himpunan 428 which force BN to postpone the election last year.

All thanks to PR to let our Rakyat to compare which party can perform better.

Kotor admit kotor la....But still want to pretend like Bersih.

Cakap perangi rasuah. Harta menteri pun tak berani umum.

5 May 2013. Change.


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-05-02 11:37 | Report Abuse

Jawapan Terbuka Pengundi Shah Alam Kepada Lim Guan Eng

May 1, 2013

(Kenyataan di bawah terjemahan daripada seorang pengundi Shah Alam Azmi Arshad yang dipaparkan di laman Facebook beliau. )

Ini adalah respon saya terhadap ucapan / emel Lim Guan Eng yang dianggap oleh para penyokongnya sebagai ‘menyentuh perasaan’ dan ‘bertenaga. Saya tidak pasti, di bahagian mana yang mereka anggap sebagai ‘menyentuh perasaan’ itu. Saya sangat berharap agar pilihan raya kali ini akan memihak kepada kita agar kita dapat meneruskan kehidupan seperti biasa.

Sebab itulah saya rasa bertanggungjawab untuk memberi respon bagi menegakkan kebenaran, menolak penipuan, tuduhan, cacian dan separuh kebenaran.

Respon saya ini tidak berhasrat untuk menyinggung sesiapa tetapi hanya mahu menyangkal setiap sindiran, dakwaan dan tuduhan-tuduhan dari LGE. Mungkin dengan kata-kata itulah yang dimaksudkan sebagai ucapan ‘menyentuh hati’; langsung tidak menyatakan sebarang kejayaan Kerajaan selama ini. Saya faham, mungkin itulah politik. Tetapi sebagai rakyat, kita tidak boleh mempercayai pemimpin yang sering melampaui batas atau langsung tidak menghiraukan batas-batas tertentu.

Saya mengubah mana-mana bahagian dalam ucapan/ emel beliau untuk memastikan ia sentiasa ‘menyentuh perasaan’ dan ‘bertenaga’ daripada awal hinggalah akhir:

Kata LGE: “Sejak Merdeka, seramai 2 juta rakyat Malaysia telah berhijrah ke luar negara kerana mereka tidak nampak masa depan masing-masing di Malaysia. Masanya telah tiba untuk kita memastikan agar kehidupan kita tidak dibayangi dengan masa-masa lampau kita yang penuh perasaan benci dan takut. Kita perlu sentiasa memandang ke hadapan dengan harapan dan semangat keharmonian di antara rakyat Malaysia.

Terdapat banyak sebab mengapa ramai rakyat berhijrah. Rakyat dari pelbagai negara berhijrah ke negara lain. Bukan hanya Malaysia. Antara di antaranya yang memilih kehidupan Barat, ada juga yang mahu mendapat pendapatan lumayan, mendapat duit yang lebih cepat, ada juga yang mahu menikmati kehidupan di luar negara, ada yang mengikut pasangan mereka berhijrah, ada yang mencari jodoh, ada yang memilih sistem pendidikan dari negara lain, ada yang melakukannya kerana alasa politik, ada yang mahu melarikan diri dari Ah Long manakala ada juga yang hanya mahukan perubahan dan ada juga yang mahu memaksimumkan perniagaan mereka dan pelbagai alasan lain lagi. (Cari alasan-alasan lain di Google).

Tidak kira apa pun alasan dan punca mereka, adalah sangat menyedihkan apabila anda memberi gambaran kepada rakyat Malaysia yang lain dan masyarakat antarabangsa seolah-olah mereka ditakdirkan tinggal di negara mereka hingga ke akhir hayat mereka. Ini sebenarnya tidak benar sama sekali. Sebetulnya ramai yang meninggalkan negara kerana anda memupuk kebencian dan ketakutan dalam diri mereka.

Kata LGE: “Untuk meletakkan kenangan lampau di belakang kita, politik perkauman dan agama perlu dihentikan.”

Tapi Tuan, anda adalah individu yang bertanggungjawab membangkitkan isu penggunaan kalimah Allah ketika isu itu dilihat semakin dilupakan, walaupun anda tahu yang ia sangat sensitif untuk orang Islam. Kenapa anda masih beria-ia memainkan isu ini? Kenapa tidak mahu menggunakan perkataan ‘Tuhan’ dan masih mahu menggunakan ‘Allah’ dalam kitab Injil berbahasa Melayu?

Kenapa anda mengenepikan sensitiviti umat Islam? Kenapa anda memilih untuk menyinggung perasaan umat Islam? Saya rasa terkejut bila anda menggesa supaya ‘politik perkauman dan agama dihentikan’ sedangkan parti andalah yang sentiasa memainkan strategi berkenaan meskipun anda sering menuding jari kepada BN/UMNO sedangkan mereka hanya mempertahankan setiap tuduhan berunsur provokasi daripada anda.

Kata LGE: Untuk melupakan kenangan lampau, kita perlu menghentikan rasuah.

Saya sangat bersetuju dengan anda bahawa kita perlu mencegah kegiatan rasuah. BN juga bersetuju dengan anda sebab itulah dalam manifesto BN kali ini ada menyatakan bahawa Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) akan bekerja keras untuk memastikan kegiatan rasuah dapat dicegah. Mengapa anda tidak menyokong usaha Kerajaan itu, tetapi sebaliknya sering mengutuk dan memperlekehkan usaha mereka?

Dan kenapa anda tidak melakukan apa-apa ketika DAP di Selangor dikaitkan dengan budaya rasuah yang berleluasa sehingga dikaitkan dengan kematian Teoh Beng Hock? Kenapa DAP tidak membenarkan contoh DNA diambil dari suspek di kalangan ahli DAP yang dikaitkan dengan pembunuhan itu? Kerajaan telah melabur banyak wang ringgit dan masa untuk membersihkan segala-galanya tetapi DAP juga perlu melakukan sesuatu dalam pentadbiran mereka bagi memastikan gejala rasuah dapat dicegah ( di mana tuduhan itu dilemparkan oleh ahli parti anda sendiri terhadap pemimpin tertinggi DAP).

for more...see


74 posts

Posted by AJ AJ > 2013-05-02 11:46 | Report Abuse

Seorang pengundi je???ishhhhhh....lalalalalalaaaa


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-05-02 11:52 | Report Abuse

Lets VoTE PAS!


1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-05-02 12:01 | Report Abuse

To all Sarawakians, remember this


2,650 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-05-02 12:08 | Report Abuse

Respond bodoh Azmi tak selaras dengan apa dibuat oleh BN.
"Terdapat banyak sebab mengapa ramai rakyat berhijrah.... "
Response tok bang babi pertama, kalu begitu kenapa Pok Jib nok tubuhkan Talent Corporation jika tak prihatin terhadap masaalah tersebut atau pun koncu2 nya nok buat duit tok diri kerana berjuta2 dan berguni2 duit dah belanja tok Talent Corp?


74 posts

Posted by AJ AJ > 2013-05-02 12:39 | Report Abuse



558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-05-02 12:41 | Report Abuse

LIM GUAN ENG ABOVE THE LAW???? Penipuan dalam pemilihan ...oleh LGE



2,677 posts

Posted by bingo > 2013-05-02 12:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by andychucky28 > May 2, 2013 11:52 AM | Report Abuse

Lets VoTE PAS!



1,600 posts

Posted by andychucky28 > 2013-05-02 12:52 | Report Abuse

STOP all corruption, cronyism and conman from UNMO!


2,650 posts

Posted by alenac > 2013-05-02 12:53 | Report Abuse

Respon kedua,
Semenjak tahun 1970, bila Sekolah Rendah dan Menengah Ingeris dihapuskan dan ditukarkan bahasa penghantaranya ke BM, ramai penduduk2 kampung yang beragama kristian di Sabah dan Sarawak hanya mengunakan bahasa tunggal dan rasmi ia itu BM. Dah 40 tahun kitab injin dalam BM telah dipergunakan dan sekarang ni dah ramai orang2 Kristian Sabah dan Sarawak telah berhijrah ke Barat semenanjung kerana tiada peluang pekerjaan di tempat asal membawalah kepercayaan dan Gereja mereka bersama2.Kerajaan BN bukan tak tahu orang bumiputra kristian ni dah lama dan turun menurun mengunakan BM di Kitab Injin mereka. Kenapa diam berpuloh2 tahun!!!!! hingga sekarang saja nok cari pasal.

Mengapakah menjolok sarang terbuan sekarang? Kerana timbulnya politik anti kristian dan rasis UMNO/BN pada masa kuasanya semakin lemah dikalangan melayu setelah PRU Ke12.

Cara yang mudah tok selesaikan perkara kalimah allah, kita tukar bahasa pengantaran kapada Ingeris sekarang. Kita biarkan orang melayu mengunakan Allah secara exclusif.


176 posts

Posted by ryan78 > 2013-05-02 13:26 | Report Abuse

Saiful's Father Retracts Conspiracy Claims?

I don't know what to say about Malaysians. Got money into pocket everything also can. Most Malaysians(very few which are not) are self centered selfish people who only takes good care of their own skin.This kind of people will only vote for themselves.

I also believe that many Malaysian politicians are also like that. Every one of them have a price no matter how staunch a supporter he/she is for a party. With the right price you can buy him/her over to your side.

Becoming a DUN or MP is considered a luxury for Malaysians to strike rich. Not becuase of the official pay or the lifetime pension, they are showered with lots of unofficial side incomes that make them millionaires.

The other problem is the multiracial complex.


681 posts

Posted by max8 > 2013-05-02 13:47 | Report Abuse

PKR: PM's Office linked to flying in dubious voters

The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) is allegedly involved in purported operations to fly in dubious voters from East Malaysia to the peninsula, PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim said today.

He said that his party has obtained photographic and documented evidence that 16 chartered flights have been flying to Peninsula everyday from various locations in East Malaysia.

He added that by polling day, at least 40,500 people would have been flown in via such flights, while passenger manifests which he claimed were in PKR’s possession reveal that the passengers are mainly foreign nationals.

Anwar also said that the party has obtained a copy of email communications within Malaysian Airlines (MAS) that made a direct reference to the PMO in relation to the chartered flights.

However copies of the said documents were not shown to the media as the party has not decided on the next course of action, said the opposition leader.

More Muddy Leaks.


127 posts

Posted by Jamesdean > 2013-05-02 13:53 | Report Abuse

Tiiieeewww.......this must be Rangers father flying in the dubious voters. That's why he is so confident BN will win.


558 posts

Posted by Ranger > 2013-05-02 14:08 | Report Abuse

Ibrahim Ali Dakwa Nik Aziz Dan Isteri Dapat Tanah Jutaan Ringgit

Oleh: Zul Rawi

Gempar sebelum pilihan raya menjelang kurang dari lima hari lagi. Calon bebas Parlimen Pasir Mas, Datuk Ibrahim Ali telah membuat pendedahan dan kenyataan yang mendakwa Nik Aziz. Menurut Tok Him, Nik Aziz telah menggunakan kedudukan beliau sebagai MB untuk mendapatkan beberapa lot tanah yang dianggarkan berjuta ringgit.

Namun, beliau tidak berhasrat untuk melaporkan perkara ini kepada Suruhanjaya Pencegah Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM). Walau bagaimanapun, Datuk Ibrahim Ali akan bekerjasama dengan SPRM sekiranya pihak tersebut ingin menjalankan siasatan keatas perkara tersebut.

Inilah orang cakap, cakap siang pandang-pandang, cakap malam dengar-dengar. Kalau tidak sebelum ini pembangkang tak kira siapa pun ligat mengata orang UMNO dan BN ni kuat makan harta rakyat. Sekarang ini, tuhan bayar cash. Tak kira lah siapa pun dia itu. Tau-tau TGNA pun ambil kesempatan juga mengumpul harta sementara masih menjadi MB Kelantan.

Ni baru tau, patut pun dah sampai berjuta dia menyimpan harta. Rumah yang sederhana itu mungkin sekadar ingin menutup segala kekayaan dan kemewahan yang didapatkannya itu. Ingat lagi, mereka-mereka ini galak menyalak mencari kesalahan dan mereka kesilapan UMNO dan BN.

Rasanya, semua itu dilakukan bagi menutup apa yang mereka buat lah. Sudahlah memerintah dah berapa abad, sedap pula dia mengumpul harta. Kemajuan apa yang dibawa di Kelantan melainkan projek yang serba tak siap. Berapa banyak masjid yang dibina PAS selain masjid tinggalan binaan BN?

Tak mengapalah, nasib baik Tok Him orang yang gentle man. Tak mahu merosakkan mood mengundi rakyat. Yelah, kalau dibuat laporan sekarang, mau haru juga rakyat Kelantan meleleh air mata kalau terbukti betul harta yang dikumpul TGNA sampai berjuta nilainya.

Nampaknya, Tok Him pun bijak membuat keputusan. Mahu bertanding dan berkempen cara bersih. Beliau juga nampaknya mengambil pendekatan yang baik agar tidak berlaku apa-apa kekacauan melibatkan kedua-dua penyokong parti masing-masing.

Sama-samalah kita berdoa, agar pilihan raya yang bakal berlangsung beberapa hari lagi ini akan berjalan dengan aman dan bersih. Moga apa yang terjadi menjadi satu asas atau ukuran untuk apa yang akan kita lakukan pada masa hadapan.

Pilihlah dengan kewarasan akal dan keluasan minda kalian. Semoga semua rakyat Malaysia memperoleh keamanan selamanya.


100 posts

Posted by mansor80 > 2013-05-02 14:13 | Report Abuse

hahaha....ranger, show me the proof

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