KLSE (MYR): TA (4898)
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99.9% voted in favour of the takeover and to issue shares to Tony Tiah.
2020-11-30 20:39
This TA now is bond like with return yield of 12% to 15% pa, if u buy now & hold until GO completion.
2020-12-01 08:13
以前我都說了,TA & TAGB 是不能長期投資。大老闆家族在Kluang的名聲是很差。
現在TT 已經控制了 TA,他說1,小股東不能說2。他再拉個10年, 對他來說是沒有損失。
你們要注意 :-
1) 土地是有價無市,如果一天沒有賣出,它只是一片地。如果大老闆狡猾,他會慢慢吃了小股東。
2) 土地沒有發展和種植,公司是完全沒有收入。對大老闆是小事,可是對小股東就是大事。
3) TA & TAGB 很喜歡建購物廣場,過後出租當公司的收入。想想看,現在的購物模式已經是網購的天下了。
4) 現在的疫情,高級酒店可算是寒冬。這種情況可能會到2022年。
5) 出售高級公寓也應該算是邁入寒冬。
6) 辦公樓出租也將會慢慢失去光環。
7) 當初成立TAGB,在這個10年裡面,小股東得到什麼?現在又要開始另外一個同樣的事將會發生在 TA.
8) 現在TA收購TAGB,是根據TA的估價和TAGB的估價來當交易。( Ratio ) 你們想想看,為什麼TA的估價有RM2.60左右,可是股價就是10年如一日????問題出在那裡????
9) 你們有注意到嗎?這幾年Director fee 是一年比一年高。可是小股東得到什麼?哈哈!
2020-12-04 19:10
2020-12-04 19:57
My average cost is 50.5 sen, this is indeed a very generous offer lol.
2020-12-16 09:55
Last year offer 66.5 cent now 1 cent lower. Dun think ppl like to hold their shares anymore, yeah. That includes me
2020-12-16 13:19
Do we just wait for the offer letter to arrive and indicate our preference? It should not incur any trading expense when we sell the shares back to TTK?
2020-12-17 10:22
2020-12-18 18:02
TA 的金融公司,是不能幫想要上市的公司上市,從這一點就已經輸很多了,哈哈! 。 很久以前,有新聞說,TA要把股票行賣給CIMB。 不過CIMB覺得價錢太過高了。 他的金融行業,也只是一張不齊全的 license.
他孩子走的路線是高級消費的路線,什麼都要最好,浪費太多時間在沒有必要的事情上。 看看MR DIY,走什麼路線? ? ?
他們的土地也不是很多,700多 acres,多數都是小小片,因為太小,也很難做種植業。
TA發表媒體通告知會異議股東,可以在2021年3月15日下午5時之前,按照之前的全購獻議條款,脫售手上的TAGB股份於收購方。 哈哈! 要拉那麼久,相信很多人死在TA &TAGB了。
2020-12-20 18:07
If TA will to revalue, easily more than 2 bucks. So I think tis offer will fail
2021-01-06 23:09
@hitgirl47, 他爸爸本身是有一點產業,不過都是TT的兄弟姐妹們都有份。照現在的情況看,TA是不可能有大股東會買入了,所以TT出收購價,也只是一個程序而已。他會不會收購高過75%,就看小股東們能撐多久,哈哈!相信很多以前投資的小股東都拿不回母錢。
2021-01-08 21:33
2021-01-17 07:00
佛教裡有一句話說 :“ 心善一切善, 心惡一切惡。 ” 主耶穌說 :“ 神愛世人 ”。有人說 :“ 我愛吃人。 ” 哈哈!
相信很多TA & TAGB的小股東的老本,棺材本,醫藥費,孩子大學費都給一家人騙去了。
2021-01-17 08:27
I still holding it. This listed company big share holders were too bad. Why the NTA for the TA (RM1.33) and TAGB (RM0.53) then they can offer too low price? In future, these types of big share holders holding the shares, totally cannot invest.
2021-01-18 19:16
I would like to ask, if the unreasonable offer price refuse to accept. Even it not list in the public share, if still can hold for it? Of course not expect any dividend, if got then as treat as bonus. It still as the minor share holder or just hold it until the company end.
2021-01-18 19:26
I am not accepting their low takeover offer price. Takeover closing date had been extended to 5/3/21. If we refuse to accept the takeover offer, Tony Tiah can compulsorily acquire our shares at 65.5 sen if he can managed to get more than 90% shareholdings.
2021-01-24 23:12
I'm not selling mine coz the offer price is way too low. They extended dateline again. I there are some larger shareholdersin the remaining public shareholding
2021-01-27 10:47
n an independent advice circular posted on Bursa Malaysia’s website today, independent advisor DWA Advisory Sdn Bhd said the 65.5 sen offer price for the shares that Tiah does not own (through TA Securities Holdings Bhd) constituted a discount of RM1.60 to RM1.61 or 71.11% to 71.24% to
the estimated value of TAE shares, which are between RM2.25 and RM2.26 per share based on a sum of parts valuation.
the estimated value of TAE shares, which are between RM2.25 and RM2.26 per share based on a sum of parts valuation.
the estimated value of TAE shares, which are between RM2.25 and RM2.26 per share based on a sum of parts valuation.
the estimated value of TAE shares, which are between RM2.25 and RM2.26 per share based on a sum of parts valuation.
2021-01-30 15:24
If public float goes below 10%, will the offeror do something or not? If not, then TA becomes unlisted. Currently public float is about 13 to 14% right? Latest reminder seems very threatening & scary.
2021-02-01 11:36
They are developer, is it really the benefit of privatisation outweigh the listing status?
If small shareholders don't sell/accept the offer what can they do? I think some shareholders holding small amount of shares /odd lot for many years already forgot their shares in hands.
2021-02-15 17:09
Correction: The public float must be 25%, not 10%. So meaning, it's now already well below it. Sad.
2021-02-16 12:44
2021-03-10 14:31
is this family overall hotel business going to recover or just goin downhill
2021-03-14 08:26
How nice if I could get something at a 75% discount. Sadly, small investors are always at the losing end.
2021-03-26 11:40
Chance to make up to 30% gain. Thank you to TA minorities.
2020-11-30 17:41