Philip ( buy what you understand)

sleepywolf | Joined since 2017-11-22

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2019-04-20 13:10 | Report Abuse

Ini yg cakap tapi Tak baca annual report.

Bumi armada share price crash because payment is based on oil prices.
Yinson share price is is because payment is fixed boat rental contract, doesn't matter oil price up or down. Sewa ferry faham? Fixed rate.

Bila oil price collapsed customers u jz don't pay up

Whose credit risk is bigger? Yinson or Jaks??


2019-04-20 13:09 | Report Abuse

I already tripled more my money since 2014. I hold the shares for long long time. How long you invested in JAKS?

Who has more clarity going forward into 2025?? Yinson or Jaks?


2019-04-20 13:07 | Report Abuse

Alp appointed bod is all HIS men. Business decisions is all his end. He is using company money to do his business deals. Heads he wins, tails he also wins.

Share price drop it go up it doesn't really matter.

In fact, share price and company earnings and profits are not related ( see INSAS, forever net assets higher than market cap).

What is related is company control.

If share price low, Alp can proceed to convert at low low price. Share price high he gets to do more rights issue and private placement.

But director salary he control.
Company direction he control.
Company compensation he control.
Company wealth and rewards to SHAREHOLDER, he control.

Sarifah, baca sikit cerita xinquan, cash 1 billion (konon). Minority SHAREHOLDER 1 seen pun tak dapat. Skrng company pergi Mana? Balik China...

Faham pattern sikit.

Angkuh Dan liar bagus.... Tapi jangan bodoh ditipu management.

Share investing is not for everybody.

every 1% drop ALP stand to lose 1 million, dilution 10% does not fortune ALP, instead reduce his PP is good for the company not ALP this is confirm.


2019-04-20 13:00 | Report Abuse

Tak pernah kerja company? Don't know claim and expenses is out tender corporate not personal?

Baru first day kerja ke ni?

Atau still in school?

Do u know how much of this 1.5m has gone to "entertain" Vietnam official


2019-04-20 12:58 | Report Abuse

Yinson was a lousy transport company turnaround. I invested it after it stated it's fpso business and successfully got the charter contract up and running, and earnings clarity.

Notice I put the word AFTER. I did not invest in YINSON before, I did it after success was clear.

I earn less than those at the beginning, but I had much lower risk.

Do you see me investing in bumi armada and sapura today at low low all time low prices? No.

Do you see me buying JAKS at high prices rm1.8?. No.

Why? There is no clear prospects or earnings in the quarterly report.

Very simple. Right now is pure speculation.

If I do invest in JAKS, it will be right after the both units go operational, got earnings, payment from Vietnam government, everything running ok, and earnings and dividend reported in quarterly report. I may earn less, but I will know it's there. Better to earn 10% every year for 10 years than to earn 30% every year for 9 years and lose 50% in the last one.

Faham? Risk is the all important thing.

Safifah think u would have asked Yinson not to switch biz to FPSO more so what was happening to Armada at that time


2019-04-20 12:49 | Report Abuse

Volunteer means doing s something for free. You give me same benefits as Alp la. CAN!

I get paid to work (1.5 million).
And I get to use shareholder equity ( other people's money) to run around and make details.
And I get more of company shares even when the plant not operational try.

Boleh bah kalau kau!

Philip klau u ALP would u volunteer to do the extra 7 8 years of running around wit no guarantee of success for FOC?


2019-04-20 12:29 | Report Abuse


Cuma budak budak yg tak cukup matang akan fikirkan advice sebagai criticize.

Tak dapat cakap logic nak cakap ibu bapa mertua.

Awak jawab la.

I pay you 1.5 million every year 7-8 years to work. Lepas work minta lagi company share, fair ka?

Malu apa bossku mentality?


2019-04-20 12:23 | Report Abuse

How many shares in JAKS do you have sarifah? Let's be honest, how many did you buy and at what price? Are you stuck?

One advice I can give you, you don't have to earn back the money the same way you lost it.


Philip hope after this morning it is clearer to u by now the reasons why u remain a small fly that rely on bapak mertua and wife u


2019-04-20 12:14 | Report Abuse

Why not applicable? We are talking about good corporate governance. Do you think the board of directors in pchem has anybody from pakatan harapan or bn politicians? Like in felda, tabung haji,epf, etc? Would you like it if pchem board of directors all bn politicians? Why not? Do you not suspect that they may approve actions which is detrimental to shareholders? Like buying a hotel for 3x the real value and kickback the difference to themselves.

Or golden keen ltd award "consulting" work of 10 million ( Expansion of JRB’s business in the power industry by venturing into renewable energy projects in South East Asia (“Renewable Energy Projects”) ). Pay to whom? Kickback where? Who benefits? Think out of the box what it means.

You don't think LTIP and PP and rights issue not detrimental to shareholders?

If I get salary 1.5 million every year, I will have a responsibility to do proper job.

Why need to have additional options and free warrants and shares etc?

Directors join is to earn money for shareholders. If you keep asking for money from shareholders, what does that mean?


not applicable to compare with Wallen Buffalo and American giants. ....all corporatised already.


2019-04-20 12:06 | Report Abuse

Neither do you. Do you want Stevens number instead and talk to him and sink drink with him? I can send you his business card. Give me your email? But let me ask him first if he wants to meet you. How many shares in JAKS do you own?


But u got no crystal ball to see what happens by 2025


2019-04-20 11:47 | Report Abuse

That's why they don't allow kyy as majority SHAREHOLDER to join board of directors.


Zero logic lasarifah, you teda beza langsung dengan spinninglotus sapura page.

Semua investment buy high stuck low now from trader become "long term" investor.

Stop talking nonsense, angkuh Dan liar boleh jangan balik balik repeat useless information macam stockraider.


2019-04-20 11:40 | Report Abuse

What do you mean foc? You tak nampak Alp get 1.5 million salary every year to work for shareholders? It is HIS job. The reason for LTIP is bod (appointed by him) approved to reward themselves. FYI still no guarantee of success yet from your power plant. Not a single cent of EARNINGS from Vietnam power plant.

What running around? Warren buffet get paid 100k a year, you think he taking LTIP? You think got ESOS? You know Berkshire with how much?

Understand what a partnership means.

If you own your own company with your brother. Both 50/50, you come out money he do the work. You don't receive gaji, he got gaji. Then after get project on top of gaji he want 60/40, you happy happy? It's your money he using, Tak payah Kira risk?

Only those who are new to investing thing in simple terms.

Angkuh Dan liar best betul, senang cara hidup ini.

SarifahSelinder Philip klau u ALP would u volunteer to do the extra 7 8 years of running around wit no guarantee of success for FOC?


2019-04-20 09:25 | Report Abuse

Sarifah :


Faham? As a Malaysian, we have the opportunity to converse in Malay, English, Chinese on a daily basis.

Rugi if your mind only don't expand only fit into small box.

China will soon own 40% of Malaysia, like it does Africa now.

Learn something new everyday, there is more to INVESTING than just one company called JAKS.

Same like learning Chinese, English and Malay.

Kena expand sikit minda tu faham?


2019-04-20 09:11 | Report Abuse

You bengap ke apa ni? Kerja CEO director take gaji ke? Ko fikir dia CEO kat Jaks ni volunteer work ka? Baca balik annual report Tu baik baik?
Ko fikir gaji setahun dia any CEO 100k per year mcm Warren buffet?
Ko fikir board of directors takde director fee?
Ko fikir geng dia appointees for compensation board fair ke?

Fikir betul betul apa itu fair.

CEO dan director company pchem setahun ada revenue 17 billion, net profit 5 billion, setiap tahun tak pernah rugi untung 25% net profit dividend setiap tahun makin besar.

Adik rasa ada LTIP? Staff kerja professional Petronas ada esos? Compensation plan ada berpuluh puluh berjuta juta ringgit?

Angkuh Dan liar memang bagus.

Tapi jangan la emosi.

LTIP to ALP not fair?

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2019-04-20 09:02 | Report Abuse

T2 is very good la calvin, can flush out people like you who manipulate market on margin.

Those who live by the margin die by the margin.

FYI, if you are a big time trader ( I'm sure you are Calvin, right?) You can still enjoy t+10 with some of the securities firms out there.


2019-04-20 08:57 | Report Abuse

Just ignore icon8888 he is a big time troll. He acts as if he is very good in investing with 160% returns in his portfolio, but his actual long term returns are very poor ( he thinks bursa is a poor performing stock exchange) and his actual portfolio is actually very small.

No difference between him, Calvin tan and choi yi kit capital.

Add his long term winners and his long term losers, all you get is a very bitter old lady.

His views are actually very harmful especially because like Calvin tan (who hides his losers under the rug and promotes his winners) he actually has a few followers who read his "beliefs".


How many pages of Howard Mark has you read ? I have read the entire book. You can fool others, but cannot fool me.


Whatever Howard mark said doesn't bother me . I didn't even watch his video

I am just saying it casually (the bull market until 2020). I could be wrong, doesn't matter. No harm having a view on certain thing, but bear in mind there is not sufficient data to deem it a high probability event


2019-04-20 08:20 | Report Abuse

This is silly, arguing for arguing sakes. Its very simple to see that Howard marks buys when it has value and sells when everyone is overvaluing. I learned from him you buy for the long term but you monitor quarterly.

If you have a paid subscription to gurufocus, you will know that he has 84 stocks currently in his portfolio list. Some are distressed debt, held and sold within 3 years, some are undervalued growth which is kept within 5 years, and some like unitau the Brazilian bank he has bought for a long time and adds more with every 10k submission ( +8 years). Stop pigeonholing Howard marks into one simple metric, that man is wiser than you think.

Stop just reading his old books, if you invest in oaktree capital funds( my wife does), you get to enjoy his memos and letters and his investment philosophy.

Warren buys and hold companies ( or like me legacy stocks with strong long term performance) because you need to keep up a reputation as a caretaker of business.

In terms of stocks you can only enjoy capital gains and dividends as a minority investor. Your only true compass is yearly earnings growth.

So yes Warren buffet and Howard marks both hold long term ( coca cola and banks) and short term ( Berkshire bought 2b oracle in 3q and zero shares in 4q).

And no both of you are wrong. Howard marks doesn't buy based on market cycle ( like Calvin tan with his o&g calls and ecrl etc), he uses it as a guide to understand RISK ( where we are in the business cycle). He still buys COMPANIES based on its individual merits, margin of safety and long term prospects.

Like any normal investors should.

He however judges by how much he can lose in relation to the success probability, rather than how much he can earn.

Posted by Icon8888 > Apr 19, 2019 11:49 AM | Report Abuse

When come to timing market cycles, I agree with you it is easy say than done

I am seldom successful in doing that

But we are not arguing about the merit of timing market cycles, we are arguing whether Howard mark holds long term. The answer is NO, because Howard mark times market cycles

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2019-04-20 06:28 | Report Abuse

It doesn't work like that. Any stock that you don't understand week is speculating. What do I mean understand well? If you can remember from the top of you head the last 20 quarters revenue and earnings, what corporate actions was taken, what business growth was taken, what contracts, order book and profit margin, warrants buybacks esos figures? Then you are starting to know more about your stock.

If you invest based on listening to other people's stock recommendation ( I did not recommend QL btw, I bought bulk of it 10 years ago), you will be speculating.


Unker like that I not bad leh... I have QL (after Unker Philip advice), Serba, Harta.... Means I think i am not speculating already wakakaka

Pchem can include or not?

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2019-04-19 12:26 | Report Abuse

It is a really good time to go all in. Fixed deposit rates at 5% CIMB latest offer, Maybank is giving out 6.4% dividends at trailing prices. A lot of good companies selling at cheap prices with his performance.

At this rate buying companies instead of industries and indexes is more important than ever.

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2019-04-19 07:10 | Report Abuse

As long as you understand that JAKS is a mix term investment where you goal is rm1.5 tp sell then I am sure you will make money. It is a far cry from some of the other investors on the i3 Jaks voucher where they suddenly think Jaks will be a tp7 and rm9 company.

Have a happy good Friday!


2019-04-19 00:13 | Report Abuse

dK66, if you will listen to a tired old man, and find the allure of making 160% in warrants in a few short months, or tripling your money in a year, I recommend you reading this. I hope it helps you in your investing journey.



2019-04-18 23:55 | Report Abuse

Sorry I'm not a trader, I try to avoid stocks with volatile big swings in the short term. This one let you win, I don't know how to play trading game. If you say compare batang over longer period 5 years, then it's my forte, I'm confident yinson will do wonderfully well over a long period.

The trick is always to stay invested in the market and make a long term profit.

Qqq3, seriously I'm not trying to pour cold water on your investment in JAKS, in fact if all of you do well ( including icon8888) I am more than happy for you guys. I'm just trying to provide more boxes for you to tick off so you will not find a nasty surprise like kyy did.


I didn't say same......I say lets enter big batang competition, end of the year.


2019-04-18 23:44 | Report Abuse

I did not want to point out the obvious, if the share price drops, JAKS still needs the money to complete the IPP project. Meaning they will be forced to issue more shares at lower prices to complete their cash call. And if private investors get cold feet, what then? Raise bonds with high coupon rates? If the IPP returns were so wonderful, why did they not raise high coupon sukuk bonds in the first place? (This one need to ask sukuk specialist ex investment banker icon8888).

Current price not 80 sen why said RM 1? PP at 72 sen? If tomorrow drop to 75 sen PP at 68 sen?


2019-04-18 23:26 | Report Abuse

You already have a biased remark as an investor with this statement. As you already think it is a lifetime opportunity and nothing anyone can say will sway you. That is good. Confidence is to be commended.

But let me bring you to mind what Mr Lee has remarked especially in the qualitative side ( as you only concentrate on quantitative analysis)

1. Do you know what is in the PPA agreement or is it an assumption based on a woman is fat so you don't need to know how much she weighs.
2. The returns, actions taken and the figures given by CFO, public bank analysts, CEO does not jive with what you believe is happening, so they must be wrong and you must be right?
3. The figures brought up by people who have been to Vietnam, seen the location, spoken directly to the management seems overly conservative so they must be inaccurate?

I do hope you do well, as I'm sure you have already made money averaging down your investments.

But I do feel the not knowing and knowing part can be hubris.

Especially now you know why I was reluctant to speak further about my conversation with Steven and the private placements that came just a few weeks after my discussion( and his share sales).

Now that the cat is out of the bag, I leave it up to you to consider if share dilution is a good thing or a bad thing.

Those who do not know will think investing in Jaks is a speculation. However, for those who know, is a lifetime opportunity.


2019-04-18 23:15 | Report Abuse

The difference between a private placement and a IPO is the IPO is a fixed rate. The private placenent is in tranches with agreed upon rates when they close the deal. In this case the management has agreed on maximum of 10% BELOW market rate.

This is designed to protect the private investor with additional discount so he have a built in profit to justify purchasing shares in JAKS. So if say the current share price is rm1, they will be able to buy the shares at rm0.9 to pump in money to jaks directly, and prices to sell the shares off directly to you and earn the percentage difference immediately ( or hold it longer).

Otherwise what would be the benefit for an institution to put in money in a "private IPO", understand?

I am sure you already know this as an accountant, I am just a jungle living Sabah engineer amateur investor.

There is no free lunch.

both need money for business lah.


2019-04-18 22:54 | Report Abuse

If you don't know the difference, then I really nothing more to say.


what is the difference?

no difference lah.


2019-04-18 22:53 | Report Abuse

Qqq3, all the oil and gas counters dropping, only one is holding steady and going up. Guess who? Give you clue, the company starts with a Y... Performing better than bumi armada. And it just bought back 2.6 million shares last month, at rm4.58. and got good news with new ordering coming in soon.


2019-04-18 22:08 | Report Abuse

Yes as rights issue allows existing shareholders to keep their share percentage, not that minor shareholders like icon8888 know what that means. He only wants short term profits.

Right issue is fairer to existing shareholders as PP is issued at a discount to a selected few.


2019-04-18 21:31 | Report Abuse

Jangan beli gkent tak ape. Gkent is shit stock, not with investing in. No future. No problem.

But understand what is risk:

Risk is about the unknown things happening in the future.

Fixed deposit= no risk no share dilution guaranteed payment
JAKS = risk? = Any guaranteed payment to minority shareholder= any rights issue= dividend?= Share buyback?

If 10% pp dilution in real terms your 150m a year becomes less 10%> LTIP? Dilute your earnings again. Warrants? Once converted dilute even more.

You should know the difference between trading, speculating and investing.

Jangan salah faham.

You make money or lose money in JAKS i don't really care, make 160% in warrants i could care less (it's not a competition baby icon8888, who cares?)

Investing should be less about emotion and more about making rational decisions.

Icon8888 is too guided by emotions to make rational investment decisions. I hope salifah and dk66 can learn from this, that there are many stocks in the market, stick to buying wonderful companies at fair prices.

FYI, I couldn't reveal before the pp information told to me, but now you know why CFO sold his position. There will be more dilution, more rights issue and warrants before this is all over. Good luck at the AGM.

More chances to buy shares at lower prices. Right?

And yes they are still short on the payments due for the project. Only fake investment bankers like icon8888 will think funding 1.87b USD for a project is a simple all or nothing deal. I doubt he ever bought a second house.


2019-04-18 21:14 | Report Abuse

Tak payah surprise, gkent tak perlu buat rights issue, private placement, warrants apabenda. Cash in hand 200 juta. Ada net profits ( tak pernah rugi), Ada dividend 6%.

Susah sangat ke nak faham?

Gkent for trading? Dah undervalued Ada good future, no debt,

Jaks for trading nak main long term investment? Faham faham sikit la apa dipanggil speculation.

The last time i sell my share was public Bank for PCHEM. Dah 7 tahun tak jual share.

Icon8888 tu? Jaguh kampung nak fikir pro? Time will tell.

Tengok ja investment dia 2014 tulips article panjang panjang promote asianpac, skrng dimana? Di longkang. Long term investing pui!

Fake engineer fake investment banker.


Gkent for trading ok

philip beli buat long term investment? Sarifah surprise


2019-04-18 19:38 | Report Abuse

Share price go up, i dilute my shareholding. Share price go down i dilute less. I put rights issue, price placement, warrants sales, share splits all in the same genre.

Make no bones about it, dilution of shares without growing revenues and earnings is never a good thing.

Only newbies think share dilution is a good thing. Qqq3, call it what it is.


if they can sell 60 million shares, its good news


2019-04-18 15:34 | Report Abuse

Stick with the facts. You have 6% dividends every year, sustainable. You have 16.6b order book from lrt3. Others are all a bonus.

How sure are we that GKent is going to bid for ECRL? How sure are we with the new leadership in MRCB, that it still wants to partner GKent?

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2019-04-18 07:26 | Report Abuse

Having said that, the main issue with Sendai is not technical, it's main issue has always been financial management.

I doubt they are doing it well, which is shown by the share price.

However very few people remember Geico was also doing very badly when they expanded and did bad investments in the 60's causing is share price to crater. however Warren buffet saw the value in Geico and realized even though the financial management is poor, the business fundamentals and competitive advantage of the company is still there.

For Sendai their book order is a sign of technical efficiency and a competitive advantage. They are competing on an international stage. The investing part is understanding if their financial capability will catch up.

But like kcchongz says I like to climb 1 foot poles and invest in boring things like eggs and fish, rather than dig myself out of the mud with complex investments where I don't understand where the future earnings and revenues are coming from.

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2019-04-18 07:18 | Report Abuse

Hi Jason, KC chongz is very wise in remarking in its relationship with gamuda. You should understand in construction there are many portions, piling, structural, interior, exterior, mechanical, electrical, high voltage, low voltage, control systems. You need to understand which part they are in so you can have clarity on detail.

Here is a good mental model for you. Gamuda is in charge of civil work and structural. They have won the Penang job for construction. Gkent has always been a mechanical (water) end control systems expert, for example like in mrt2 where they handled the rail cars, maintenance and trackworks for 1 billion.

You have to understand that in construction no one company can handle everything well. They will sub out some items and do the rest ( financial, c&s, m&e, elv, automation choose a few) to reduce their cost.

On top of that you have a PDP or project delivery partner whose job is to select and manage the best companies with proven skillset in handing over those jobs.

There is an onrush of new rail jobs in Penang, Johor, Singapore, kl, Sabah.

You can count the number of local Malaysian companies that have done rail projects successfully with one hand. On time. On budget. Well maintained.

I think Gkent will maintain and expand its dividend in the coming years.

Do you think GKENT will continue to be able to pay a dividend next year? Or will it turn sour you think?


2019-04-17 22:43 | Report Abuse

Here is a better way to do it. Just stop investing in penny stocks. Much easier. There are many companies out there which can be bought that are serious in growing their business prospects and rewarding their minority shareholders.


2019-04-17 09:48 | Report Abuse

I'm sorry to hear that Calvin. Hopefully we all learn sometime. Meanwhile, companies like PCHEM continue to grow its earnings and dividends, YINSON buys back 2.6 million shares and keeps the share price and earnings growing, and gkent is giving out 6% dividends a year. Ql may be expensive now, but I continue to hold because I get 10+% on my dividend yield ( based on my buying cost) every year.

I hope you can refine your investing methods and invest more in strong profitable misunderstood companies instead of buying and leading investors into poorly managed companies like karambunai, protasco, talamt and asianpac. Don't be fooled by ephemeral things like land and property ( which valuation is based on estimate and not fixed income generating) but focus more on iculs, debt and borrowings ( which is a fixed amount and you have to pay interest every year).

Look to responsible companies with strong earnings that reward minority shareholders with share buybacks ( increase per share earnings), dividends ( rights issue and share splits are not "rewards"), and understand where the earnings are coming from.

The days of the corporate raiders and leveraged buyouts ( breaking and selling companies for parts) are long over and will not exist in Malaysia.

As a minority shareholder you can only hope for increasing earnings, share capital gains, dividends and share buybacks.

Hope things work out for you.

No cutloss. Holding firm.

Though 99% of people don't have faith Calvin will hold.

Now below my cost.

And buy when there is blood on the street. Even if it's my own blood


2019-04-17 08:16 | Report Abuse

Yinson has currently bought back 2.6 million shares at 4.57 range in April. That is around 12 million ringgit worth of stocks. Management obviously thinks the share is undervalued at this price. I concur. I think I am also going to start increasing my buying back of YINSON stock soon.

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2019-04-17 07:28 | Report Abuse

Ugh. Happy investing my young friend. Like you said, there are many ways of investing, many roads to Rome.

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2019-04-17 06:06 | Report Abuse

There is value is what kcchongz says. The trade receivables and the rush of impairments tells a huge story of its long term prospects. I also do not invest in Sendai for a similar reason.

I don't agree with this remark though. There is always a push and pull where debt is always necessary if used within controlled bursts (like nitrox) to give that turbo boost for companies to grow faster.

If a company is too conservative, then the management is a poor one in getting a good return in shareholder equity.

Too aggressive, and you have Ayrton Sena.

I don't get the remark revenue is vanity though. Revenue is revenue. You cannot have earnings and profit without any revenue. To say revenue is vanity is to give an incomplete picture.

For me revenue is very very important as it gives me a clue as to who the customers are, what the market size is and what the long term prospects will be.

Sendai business model is still intact. It is a very very (technically) well run company. Financially not so well run. I believe once the oil prices in the middle East go up ( it will trust me), the fortunes of Sendai will go up along with it. Watch the annual reports and trade journals for clues.

I think Sendai will survive this, but the investment may stay dormant for a very very long time.

KYY works on a very simplistic set of information, OTB more but still governed by the same set of restrictions. I think KC chongz knows this and I applaud that. Just make sure you don't fall into the same trap.

You cannot use one simple metric (cash, golden rule, technical analysis) to define ALL companies. It will not work out.


Revenue is vanity. Profit is sanity. Cash is reality.

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2019-04-16 16:07 | Report Abuse

You are too emotional. You should stick to investing in reliable companies and good healthy management. I think even if you borrow all your family money will not be enough to buy 1% of johotin? It is your best investment ( next to hssbe. Why don't you stop throwing money into bad investments and concentrate all your money into a good investment like johotin? You would make much more money in the long term instead of making money here but losing it all in the next badly researched stock?

Cut your losers and follow your winners.


All keeping quiet... Is the editor and the team swopping up the shares until the right time come?

News & Blogs

2019-04-16 15:38 | Report Abuse

Anyone that has the qualitative skills to invest long term in QL I like. Good article.


2019-04-16 10:09 | Report Abuse

I remember I bought initially was around rm400k on margin, then top up slowly until now.

News & Blogs

2019-04-16 05:53 | Report Abuse

No I don't see any definite link. A definite link would be either sign a mou, or grab buy a minority shareholding in cuscapi. Or better a moa or sign a JV. If this is investing, I must be doing things wrong the last 20 years.

News & Blogs

2019-04-15 12:20 | Report Abuse

Please show any documentation or proof that this is known and knowable. Other than analyst reports, verbal communication and press releases with the keyword "estimates".

FYI you do know IRR is not an actual formula right? it is merely a close approximation based on assumed factors to get at the figure you want.

In either case, I will stop commenting as there is no end to this. You dont have the power purchase agreement details, you think anyone that sells jaks shares is stupid (including CFO), and your figures are literally pluck from whatever figure you want it to be (ignore bearish analysts and cherrypick bullish analysts, not based on real results and performance).

Good luck all, up to you to hold it long term until the power plant becomes operational.

I really doubt JAKS can become your 4 billion market cap company the way you think it will.

If it does, I salute you, well done!


Upon completion, its $ 150 m profits from the IPP net of tax.

Discounted at 12% divided by 600 million shares, its $ 2 per share.....and this not including any other assets they have.

I will take this as 12 months target price, not bad compared to 85 sen.

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2019-04-15 12:09 | Report Abuse

We refer to the fire incident that occurred on 12 April 2019, at approximately 1:25 a.m. at Pengerang Integrated Complex (PIC), Johor.

The said incident has no financial or operational impact to our current business.

This announcement is dated 15 April 2019.

News & Blogs

2019-04-15 12:08 | Report Abuse

have you been to the mall yet? other than basement food court and ground floor, 1st floor above all empty and you can do a scene from walking dead.

News & Blogs

2019-04-15 12:06 | Report Abuse

maybe you should stick to your own investments and stop hard sell and recommending you other "better buys" which always break down in the long term?

News & Blogs

2019-04-15 10:44 | Report Abuse

Your IPP gain is not knowable. Otherwise you would not get a TP from 2.5 to 7, giving it a market cap between 1.5 billion and 4 billion after all warrants are converted, an astounding number for a company which hasn't even started IPP operations.

This is not called analysis. This is called speculation.

Call it what it is.

Jaks gain is known and knowable in advance. Its call analysis.

News & Blogs

2019-04-15 10:39 | Report Abuse

Come on qqq3, I was not born yesterday, 300 mortgage loan got fixed interest payment yearly.

600m book value got dividend payment based on 600? This is just an estimated valuation. If it is called at 600 who is it no one wants to buy the mall? This is because the real intrinsic value is not 600m. It is whatever someone wants to pay for it. And for him he will value the mall based on its income generation value. How much is it generating versus maintenance cost? Negative? That is why JAKS unable to sell the mall until today.

As for the Mall.....$ 600 m book value, $ 300 mortgage loan, worry for what?


2019-04-15 09:46 | Report Abuse

Like I said, still under construction, the risk is borne by contractors and installers.

We refer to the fire incident that occurred on 12 April 2019, at approximately 1:25 a.m. at Pengerang Integrated Complex (PIC), Johor.

The said incident has no financial or operational impact to our current business.

This announcement is dated 15 April 2019.