Insas is forever undervalue stock and it will never move up.. Dont waste time.. Buying such stock only give you feeling good factor but will not benefit your pocket
Dear all, Shared prosperity comes with shared responsibility. When we invest is public listed company we are part owner of the company and we have every right to demand for our fair share of company’s profit. And if we believe the board is no acting to protect the best interest of company and shareholders then we, as shareholders, must become active and vocal during AGM taking the board to task and holding them responsible and accountable.
Nowadays annual report had improved a lot from the old day. It contains a lot more information about the finance situation, business discussion, analysis and outlook. You just need to comb through the report and prepare the fact finding questions and make your first move to befriend the Board.
As of deMusangking comment “sslee always talk about the feel good factor!!! more so when you dun make much in bursa!!!” Please don’t worry about me as I also set aside some of my fund into trading or playing music chair game. So please be alert and not be the one holding the dead cat when the music stops.
Co sets dividend policy to identify itself tat it is a dividend yield share to guide u on wat u wil get in term dividend so tat if it is dividend tat u want then buy it
Whn there is no dividend policy set d co already made it clear it is not going to hv dividend
U can't go for a gay who has already indentified himself as such by wearing earing n then force him to be straight guy later
Dear 3iii. I already sold my HRC and no more holding any HRC shares. I found HRC either purely incompetent in their management of crude oil purchased, spending more than required on CAPEX at excessive price or manipulating their financial report to benefit the China owner. Below is my last email to SC, Bursa and HRC Board
Posted by Sslee > Nov 3, 2019 10:41 PM | Report Abuse
Dear 3iii. I already sold my HRC and no more holding any HRC shares. I found HRC either purely incompetent in their management of crude oil purchased, spending more than required on CAPEX at excessive price or manipulating their financial report to benefit the China owner. Below is my last email to SC, Bursa and HRC Board
Thank you
I was prophetic in my postings on Hengyuan. But it fell on deaf ears.
Hahahaha 3iii, you win some, you lose some. life is fair but you must find out the reason why you lose some and not act as though you are prophet able to prophetic the future without giving the fact and figure. Quote, "I was prophetic in my postings on Hengyuan. But it fell on deaf ears"
Many with some inside information "Managers of HRC" making a killing on the HRC uptrend and driving BMW now.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2,823 posts
Posted by cheoky > 2019-11-03 00:30 | Report Abuse
Proxy u