common prosperity as a governing principle , is fine but what government policies will have to change? That will have to be done organically, many of which will be bottom up from the local levels/ province levels up....crossing the river as they feel the stones. Keeping in mind the clear objectives for 2050.
Ha...Ha...Ha... if you have the same mentality & understanding then we would not be arguing... "Leave no one behind (LNOB)" you could mean that if you suffered you wants everyone to suffer together with you.
_________________________________________________ Posted by Sslee Haha @uncensored I actually feel sorry for you that you even can't understand plain english: "Leave no one behind (LNOB)"
The spirit of the Chinese is always capitalism and this have made what is China today as envisaged by Xi Jinping who branded it and made China today in such a short time that the so called world power is so frightened that they all do all they can to stop the growth of China.
As a capitalist they have never and will not ever want to control the world which is a FOOLISH NOTION.
I hope that you do not have a hidden agenda since you all so engrossed in this subject.
That's all I have to say. Rest assured I am not a fan of communism
notionally a socialist revolutionary country with such a high Gini Xi also someone else will come along to do some thing about the high Gini Index.......................................
John either you are ignorant or purposely being one... from day one till now CPC are communist regime. Marxism till now still their core principle. Do you know the cult revolution created is mean to be anti capitalism. So many China leader that sided capitalism during that time are either being killed or tortured. Please read your history. Till now Mao still their respected leader. Mao definitely anti capitalism
________________________________________________________________________________ Posted by John Chong The spirit of the Chinese is always capitalism and this have made what is China today as envisaged by Xi Jinping who branded it and made China today in such a short time that the so called world power is so frightened that they all do all they can to stop the growth of China.
As a capitalist they have never and will not ever want to control the world which is a FOOLISH NOTION.
I hope that you do not have a hidden agenda since you all so engrossed in this subject.
That's all I have to say. Rest assured I am not a fan of communism
I really don't understand your mentality. What is the problem if your country become a stooges of USA. But if come under CPC controlled then big problems as big changes going to happen & be big losses will happen... no more facebook, intagram, Twitter, Google..etc... no more rally, no more free speech, no justice... more & more corruption etc..
_____________________________________________________ Posted by John Chong Look at China today before you make all, kinds of rubbish talk.
Without China and Russia all would have become stooges of US. 18/12/2021 2:31 PM
SSlee even if you live in China, you will still face the same issue. This time not the issue of colour skin but issue of how well are you connected as you being bullied by those more connected than you.
Hahahaha @uncensored I work for Indonesia Boss in Indonesia and get my pay in USD. So even though I has my disdain view on US Politicians, I still love United States Dollar.
Once covid is over I will definitely go touring China (Xinjiang). My last tour to China is Hainan Island in year 2018. I wonder why need to apply visa for China tour when India government give all overseas Indians Overseas Citizenship of India. Most likely China afraid I balik Tongsan.
不只是情歌? What makes China cry because of this song? The Making Of【The Wall 牆外】Namewee 黃明志 Ft.Flower 小花
小花現身啦!大家不用擔心,她現在很安全,就像溫室裡的小花一樣安全。 為了拍攝這支MV,團隊花了很長的時間試鏡找演員,也從台灣飛到金門好多趟。甚至跑到北京去錄交響樂,還找了各國的音樂人參與。看到有那麼好的成績,真的很欣慰。尤其看到留言欄幾萬個來自世界各國華人的留言,能夠感動到大家,一切的辛苦都值得了! 感想演員和幕後製作團隊,感謝參與這首歌曲的每一位音樂人。最重要要感謝金門縣政府的信任和支持。大家有空可以到金門去走走,那裡真的太美麗了! I hope that the songs I created are not only good-sounding and catchy, but also can spread some messages to everyone through the lyrics. Thanks Musician, MV Production Crew & Kinmen County Government for supporting me to complete such a beautiful Music Video.
The last thing the world needs is another Cold war. Some people blame Xi blame the wolf warriors for the situation.....but are they to be blamed? Could Xi have done better? I doubt it....nobody can change uncle same once uncle same wants to attack u no matter how unfairly ..that is the current western world order and western rule of law order....any change in attitude have to have from American the meantime more of the same and cold war not just a possibility but already here
I don't really care whether you all like CPC, CCP or PCC or not. It is actually nothing of my business... as I hardly know you all. Just chit chat, & irritate some of you for fun... HaHaHa
Who care where are you living in... or going migrate to which country is your own decision & any consequence that are your own problem. Nothing to be with me...
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2,694 posts
Posted by uncensored > 2021-12-18 14:15 | Report Abuse
sslee or everyone eating KFC together ???