2000 lots accumulated by EPF from 4- 6 July. I think the average cost is about 1.34 to 1.35. Pls take note, i marked down this information is for my reference. I have no intention to made any buy call for this counter.
2) Current year prospects Barring any significant economic changes and unforeseen circumstances, the Group’s performance for the forthcoming quarter is expected to be challenging.
3) Profit forecast The Group did not make any profit forecast or profit guarantee during the current financial period.
Skliew, EPF is not a god. They were selling Bumi Armada at 0.60 and buying at 0.80. They don't have any more information than you and I do (generally). They do not get insider information. They have one annual meeting with management, that's it. Everything else they read in the media, read from sell-side analyst recommendations, and do their own in-house buy side research. They attend AGM. They scrutinize financials.
EPF returns are generally not great, heck they actually lag the market returns in aggregate. So WhyTF are you looking at EPF for guidance? To comfort yourself?
Also the director buying may be a good sign...but go see Tan Chong Motors...the director has been buying for FOUR YEARS and all the while the stock price has trended downwards. The Prlexus director probably "buys" more shares when he exercises his ESOS, this may just be a small vote of confidence in his company to the market.
All I am saying is, Prolexus may be a good buy at these levels, but don't try to use EPF as a justification that buying in now is good. They're on average the worst fund manager in Malaysia (compared to PNB and all the unit trust companies).
EPF has their fund managers.... You will be wrong if you think that they are like you and me! They visit company management regularly and have access to more info but not price sensitive info la.....
EPF has many fund managers and sometimes different fund managers have different opinions of the stock they are holdings so one may be selling and the other buying..haha.
Prolexus is not a GLC co... EPF funds buy Prolexus on its own merit and not because they are forced to....
EPF more than often are forced to buy many GLC and suffered losses...an example is FGV....that's Why their performance is below expectations.
I did more findings into Prolexus recently and the EPF buys reassured my findings.... hehe!
Fund managers do more research and findings than what you think....and have access to more info than you and I... They are big and stable shareholders..... especially institution like EPF....and most company like these types of investors.
You may differ what I said....afterall we are here to share opinion and info....
I view the purchases by EPF positively. At least the shares are now being transferred from weak hands to strong hands....
Its true, but what I meant was don't just use EPF transactions as your basis to buy/sell. They visit management once a year for a small company like Prolexus. And yes, even discounting GLCs, EPF is more often "wrong" than "correct" with their investment ideas.
EPF has long appointed many external fund managers to help managing their funds...The above are their 30 largest percentage shareholdings of listed companies in Bursa. They are now the largest shareholders of many listed companies such as Gamuda. These FM would regularly update themselves with the companies they invested. This is a right of a shareholder, not restricted to FM only.
EPF, apart from the directors, is the only shareholders holding more than 5% ( Now 7.3%) in Prolexus right now. Many other funds may have added or reduced but they do not need to declare as their holdings are below 5%. Many FM started investing in Prolexus in 2014/2015. They have their investment thesis. I believe many of us also invested based on our own investment thesis and judgement, not because a certain fund buying or selling. It will be very naive to do that. But when more fund managers are buying, they are sending hidden messages. They usually know more than what we know and what we don't know. Like it or not, they usually have more privileges.
These are my 2 SEN.
I like to stress that I am not here to influence anyone to buy or sell. Any buy or sell from any of you, I believe the share price could not be moved meaningfully either way afterall. Furthermore, these are info available from Bursa or the web and investors are very intelligent and are not so naive that they could be influenced so easily. Hahaha!
When we invest with our real money, I believe we know what we are doing. This is not a hypothetical game or just a simulation.
Be very careful not to give wrong and misleading advice to those who don't understand why Prlexus's earnings and profits dropped significantly. Expansion does not mean it could translate better earnings in a specific time span. Expansion is something that could take longer than expected especially if it's a msssive expansion plan. No investors will want to wait that long so they rather pulled out their money and put it into other stocks.
Who has the rights to decide only licensed adviser can give advice? You sounded like an illogical idiot who doesn't understand or differentiate logical thoughts. Seriously?
Just dont reply him. Later you will turn this forum into like the evergreen forum.
He's a troll. He gets off from pissing people off to get a reaction. Relax.
If you think its a worthy investment, all the talking by him wont change anything in the long term anyway. Everything moves towards fair value in the long term.
Are u serious? A strong company's share price won't become a run-down state like this. Which part did u not agree? Obviously it's embarking on expansion and that takes a long time to succeed. Most smart investors knew PRlexus earnings will suffer for the next few quarters due to this massive expansion. Double expansion mah. Didn't analysts and IB gave the same speech as me?
Skliew, I agreed with what Jon said.. that is why I decided to stop replying to his manipulated info in Evergreen forum... this idixt is a typical loser + provoker + psychx who gets excited when he gets to irritate ppl...
wise investors would know how to differentiate real or manipulated info...
wise investors would know that a single quarter's performance does not mean end-of-world to a fundamentally good company with sound past records...
For those who are invested in Prolexus, I have some questions to ask and I hope you'd be willing to share with the rest of us.
1) When and at what price did you first buy in to Hevea?
2) Have you added to or reduced your positions once the price tanked after the quarterly report?
3) How long do you presume the share price weakness to last? Is this the bottom in your opinion, or do you foresee it going lower still in the coming weeks?
4) Do you still believe in the Prolexus growth plan? When do you foresee a positive turnaround in terms of topline and bottomline?
PS: Just wanna gauge the opinion of Prolexus investors on this forum.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
1,201 posts
Posted by Skliew > 2017-07-11 14:11 | Report Abuse