1. Cycle positioning: this is the process of deciding on the risk posture of your portfolio in response to your judgements regarding the principal cycles.
2. Asset selection: this is the process of deciding which markets, market niches and specific securities or assets to overweight and underweight
It maybe an oversimplification, but everything investors do falls under one of the other of these headings.
Pls properly interpret loh...don be like 3iii simply say loh....!!
If u invest long term, it is not zero sum game loh....!!
Of course if u trade and speculate short term of course, it is zero sum game loh.....!!
Posted by 3iii > Mar 24, 2019 5:46 PM | Report Abuse
Investing is less than a zero sum game due to fees, costs and expenses relative to the market.
If you are buying an invetment, by definition someone else is selling. Either the buyer or the seller is making a mistake, unless the price of the asset does not change and the result is a draw.
In other words, one truism about investing is this: for you to find a significant mistake, someone else must be making a mistake too.
Other people's errors create opportunities for the Graham value investors. "There is aa lot of behavioural finance confirming Ben Graham's original judgment."
Investors operate within what is for the most part a zero sum game. While it is true that the value of all companies usually increases over time with economic growth, market outperformance by one investor is necessarily offset by another's underperformance. - SETH KLARMAN, BAUPOST GOURP LETTER, 2005.
Value investment using margin of safety, very very safe winning strategy mah.....!!
Monday, 25 March 2019
Walter Schloss made 21% per year for 47 years, investing in a simple, methodical, low stress manner working 9-4:30 with no other employees or assistants other than his son Edwin. Here are some key takeaways from the interesting Forbes piece: Focus on cheap stocks. This means not worrying about earnings at the moment, only asset protection. You have three things in your favor here: Earnings turn around and the stock appreciates significantly Someone buys control of the company (buyout) The company begins buying its own stock (share-buyback)
During panics, people spend 100% of their time making sure there can be no losses ....... at just the time that they should be worrying instead about missing out on great opportunities.
The investor's goal is to position capitl so as to benefit from future developments.
He wants to have more invested when the market rises than when it falls and to own more of the things that rise more or fall less, and less of the others.
The objective is clear. The question is how to accomplish this.
The key is to know where the pendulum of psychology and the cycle in valuation stand in their swings.
To refuse to buy - and perhaps to sell - when too-positive psychology and the willingness to ssign too-high valuations cause prieces to soar to peak levels.
And to buy when downcast psychology and the desertion of valuation standards on the downside cause panicky investors to create bargains by selling despite the low prices that prevail.
"To buy when otheres are despondently selling and sell when others are greedily buying requires the greaatest fortitude and pays the greatest reward." Sir John Templeton.
When a market is cascading downward, investors can often be heard to say, "We are not going to try to catch a falling knife."
In other words, "The trend is downward and there is no way to know when it will stop, so why should we buy before we are sure the bottom has been reached?"
What they are really saying is, "We are scared - in particular of buying before the decline has stopped, and thus of looking bad - so we are going to wait until the bottom has been reached, the dust has settled, and the uncertainty has been resolved."
By the time when the dust has settled and investors' nerves have steadied, the bargains will be gone.
It is usually during market slides that you can buy the largest quantities of the thing you want, from sellers who are throwing in the towel and while the non-knife-catchers are hugging the sidelines.
Charlie Munger stresses the importance of “the discipline of mastering the best that other people have ever figured out. I don’t believe in just sitting down and trying to dream it all up yourself. Nobody’s that smart.”
Raider ask why top bluechips like Pbank down Rm 0.66 and Nestle down Rm 0.20 and keep coming down whereas SAPE stay strong at 33.5 sen and keep holding up despite still losing monies this latest QTR leh ??
Answer U look for bottom fishing in investment...when it hit the floor & no longer can come down anymore loh...!!
With improving prospect with ONG revival & better financial standing thru deep debt reduction, SAPE turnaround is within sight loh...!!
The Bottom Line To say the least, Buffett's newfound market wisdom is intriguing. After years of building incredible wealth with a very well-described and consistent strategy, Buffett has decided to believe those who lack the patience or ability to replicate the strategy and assert that it therefore cannot work. Likewise, this famous investor's embrace of modern investment strategies like day trading and penny stocks is sure to force a reevaluation of these neglected sectors.
Happy April Fool's Day from Financial Edge! This article was written for fun, and was not intended to offend or misinform.
Making Dollars Out Of Pennies Instead of buying giant boring companies and holding for decades, Buffett has thrown his lot in with the penny stocks. After all, those efficient market hypothesizers that proved that it's impossible to beat the market have based their case largely on information - the idea being that all that can be known about a big company is already known, but that it might be possible for lesser-known companies to have some outperformance potential. Not only that - at just pennies a share an investor can own hundreds of thousands of shares at a time.
On top of that, Buffett has discovered that there are some truly amazing opportunities in penny stocks. "Yeah, this one company? They're going to cure cancer. I called the CEO and he told me so himself. I did some research afterwards on Google and I didn't see any articles about it in Science or Nature, but the CEO assured me that those journals are just fronts for the hedge fund industry and his company had to keep all of the really interesting information to themselves or the pharmaco-industrial-media-complex would steal it all."
"Oh, and this other company? They know how to change your car's engine to run on water. And there's one here that can clean up pollution. And then there are these China companies. I don't really know what they do, but they're Chinese, so that has to work right? I mean, I know they don't have any auditors and they're actually headquartered in the Caymans, but I'm sure it's all fine. I mean, it's China!"
Day Trading - The Real Secret to Wealth? Buffett has also apparently turned to day trading to supplement his income. Apparently, dozens of helpful millionaires log on to message boards every day just to help investors like him make more money. "Yeah, Kent, it's really cool. I read about all this money that people were making, and these systems that could double or triple my money in just a couple of weeks. So, I had to check it out, right?" "Once I got to doing research online, it really just changed my life. There were all these guys talking about how they doubled their money in just a week and all I had to do was follow their picks and I could do the same. How awesome is that? I mean, I know there are all those newsletters out there that promise to double my money, but they charge money. And hey, I'm Warren-freaking-Buffett. I don't spend money if I don't have to, right? And besides, it's the internet … it must be true, right? I mean, I'm a billionaire and I never give any of my ideas away a minute sooner than I have to, but there's all of these rich people online just waiting to help you!".
On The Markets and Corporate Strategy Buffett was not just going to talk about his new investment strategies. He also wanted to offer a few thoughts on the markets themselves and corporate policies. "Here's the thing … I know the market is rigged, but that's actually a good thing. I mean, I've never once lost money because I made any kind of mistake - it was just a conspiracy by shorts and journalists to bring down the stocks and hurt innocent investors like me. Once we stop them from exposing the problems these companies have and raising any kind of doubts whatsoever, all of those stocks will go right back up".
Turning to acquisitions, Buffett questioned why all of these companies are so active in mergers and acquisitions. "I don't see why these companies keep buying and selling these units. I mean, they're just enriching the bankers and amusing themselves, right?" "I know I used to do deals, but I've sworn off of them now". When asked why he would stop such a successful strategy, he answered, "well, it's those academics again. I read some papers that said that deals don't add value and the markets are always efficient … so any sort of deal done at any premium has to be a bad move. Who was I going to believe? My own track record of value-building deals or a paper written by an academic who never had to meet a payroll in his life?"
Anyone can say they got discipline to say No... out of ignorance and naviety when they missed out the good thing in life to cover their shortcoming loh...!!
SUNDAY, 14 MAY 2017 What future return can you get for investing into Public Bank Berhad? We should keep our investing very simple and readily understandable.
Investing is always about the future & not the past loh....!!
Avoid overvalue stock loh.....!!
Posted by stockraider > Apr 1, 2019 10:38 AM | Report Abuse X
Raider ask why top bluechips like Pbank down Rm 0.66 and Nestle down Rm 0.20 and keep coming down whereas SAPE stay strong at 33.5 sen and keep holding up despite still losing monies this latest QTR leh ??
Answer U look for bottom fishing in investment...when it hit the floor & no longer can come down anymore loh...!!
With improving prospect with ONG revival & better financial standing thru deep debt reduction, SAPE turnaround is within sight loh...!!
SUNDAY, 14 MAY 2017 What future return can you get for investing into Public Bank Berhad? We should keep our investing very simple and readily understandable.
If other people can use tactical allocation successfully, but u cannot, something wrong or u have some short coming loh...!!
U can either ignore your flaws and live with it for the rest of your life or u improve yourself and try to learn new tricks mah...!!
WEDNESDAY, 23 MAY 2012 Tactical asset allocation cannot be employed consistently I personally feel that tactical asset allocation cannot be employed consistently for most parts of the market.
However, this strategy can probably can be employed rationally at certain times when the market were obviously undervalued (1997/98, 2008/2009) or when it was highly overvalued (bubble in 1996/97).
Therefore, in the long investment period that you are in, it is the rare occasions when you will be fully invested (80% equity:20% cash) or fully out of (50% equity: 50% cash) the market. (My own asset allocation figures Wink ).
Did you feel that the market was a bubble in 2008?
If other people can use tactical allocation successfully, but u cannot, something wrong or u have some short coming loh...!!
U can either ignore your flaws and live with it for the rest of your life or u improve yourself and try to learn new tricks mah...!!
WEDNESDAY, 23 MAY 2012 Tactical asset allocation cannot be employed consistently I personally feel that tactical asset allocation cannot be employed consistently for most parts of the market.
However, this strategy can probably can be employed rationally at certain times when the market were obviously undervalued (1997/98, 2008/2009) or when it was highly overvalued (bubble in 1996/97).
Therefore, in the long investment period that you are in, it is the rare occasions when you will be fully invested (80% equity:20% cash) or fully out of (50% equity: 50% cash) the market. (My own asset allocation figures Wink ).
Did you feel that the market was a bubble in 2008?
Aiyo Tibet monk..gem leh..why not buy 4.5 sen..9sen..200% return...why kira so much small money...big wtg for you leh....but why wtg 4sen...dare dare sapu 4.5sen lah...why scare lah...cakap gem..pay half to get germ...you pun tak berani..lagi mau promote germ lagi kah...lol..wakakaka...kikiki
Successful Investment is that simple. just buy huge margin of safety stock with turnaround prospect with cheap cheap prices like SAPE and lock it up longterm for at least 3 yrs loh....!!
Top 10 1Q2019 Mistakes I've Made from KLSE Investment
My apology as I have been stop blogging for more than 8 months. It's not because I'm busy, just that I'm doing badly last year and I'm trying my best to improve my skill before I can post again.
Thanks to my poor trading skill, I made a net loss of 102k last year, the worst ever. It evaporates my last few years profit in just within a year. Congratulations to me.
Fortunately, thank God that stock market made a come back starting Christmas and it's on rally.
Last month, I have been making back around 40k but it's been dropped to 30k up to yesterday. Congratulations those who not only made back those they lose last year, but with a lot of gains as well. I can only say that I have a lot more to learn.
With the past trading records, I've concluded top 10 stock investment mistakes I've committed over the 1st quarter in 2019. With these mistakes published and shared, I hope we all can learned from mistakes and we can do a lot better in 2nd quarter.
1. I did not dispose the losing & stuck stock at the right time when market rebounded 1-2 months ago, which give me the golden opportunity to change to better potential horses. I did dispose 2 or 3 stocks, but I should disposed all the lousy stocks instead.
2. I've wrong mindset (too positive thinking) that my losing & stuck stocks (lousy fundamental companies) will go back to the original state like other strong horses (DAYANG).
3. I've wrong mindset on over optimistic that the stock price will shoot up after bought during bullish days, and over pessimistic that wanted to dispose the losing stock during correction.
4. I've bought & hold too many stocks which unable to manage & monitor properly. And yet most of them are not making money or not under main recovery themes, i.e. O&G / Construction. And now, I have 13 stocks in hand, which is too much considering my fund is relatively moderate.
5. I did not invest based on main / recovery themes, i.e. O&G, Construction, just because I'm lack of good feel, confident, common sense, experience.
6. I followed some buy calls from sifu (paid subscription) selectively, where some of the picks have bad QR and didn't manage to decide & sell on time (the next day after QR). On the other hands, some of the buy calls I didn't follow, they went up at least 20-40%.
7. I do not have a proper cut loss strategy, i.e. must cut loss when the stock drops below 5-10%, or need to do dollar cost averaging (DCA) on retracement (buy on weakness) on very potential stock? I still cut loss and do DCA very much based on my feeling (emotion).
8. I do not have a proper strategy to invest (buy/sell criteria, take profit, cut loss, buy on retracement, capital mgmt, market observation, etc). Since this is the case, I also always changed horses from 1 to another and cause losing more money & confident. At the same time, I do not really know which is strategy is best suit to me, i.e. FA? TA? FA + TA? Follow subscription?
9. I omitted stock investment risks, including losing money, upcoming quarterly result, global market and capital management risks. I simply dumb the hard earned money into the stocks and just think they will make money for me, but without thinking about these risks properly.
10. I obtained the wrong advice from wrong persons (sorry to say we only can know after it's wrong), even though they are sifu level. It's not their fault, as they are not gods, but we have to do our own due diligence & homework as well. From this, I understand the winning strategy in stock market is not 100% correct every time, but it's about optimizing the best probability to win.
That's about the top 10 mistakes I've made this quarter. Hope I can workout a proper strategy and improve my probability in the coming quarter!
>>> stockraider Successful Investment is that simple. just buy huge margin of safety stock with turnaround prospect with cheap cheap prices like SAPE and lock it up longterm for at least 3 yrs loh....!!
That is a surewin formula loh.....!! >>>
Like raider buying Hengyuan at $15 and $ 19 because of the huge margin of safety, as his intrinsuc value for Hengyuan is $ 45.
Fellow forum participants. Allow me to introduce Mr. Market aka raider of HY$45.
I think this 3iii sifu is wrong to accuse sifu stockraider on hengyuan, for your information i did follow stockraider buy call at rm 4.50 and i did ride the wave to as high as rm 19.00.
But when the price of Hengyuan start to fall again, i listen to stockraider to cut Hengyuan at Rm 13.00.
I think when circumstances change, sifu stockraider is entitle change his opinion on the share and that the sell call prove to be right and save all us.
Why keep harping his TP Rm 32.00, when Hengyuan did not even hit Rm 25.00 and no investor had bought rm 25.00, thus where is the damage done ?
Posted by gohku > Apr 2, 2019 10:29 AM | Report Abuse
I think this 3iii sifu is wrong to accuse sifu stockraider on hengyuan, for your information i did follow stockraider buy call at rm 4.50 and i did ride the wave to as high as rm 19.00.
But when the price of Hengyuan start to fall again, i listen to stockraider to cut Hengyuan at Rm 13.00.
I think when circumstances change, sifu stockraider is entitle change his opinion on the share and that the sell call prove to be right and save all us.
Why keep harping his TP Rm 32.00, when Hengyuan did not even hit Rm 25.00 and no investor had bought rm 25.00, thus where is the damage done ?
Lets be fair to stockraider for his good sharing.
Thanks gohku
You described perfectly the behaviour of Mr. Market.
Actually Foreign selling of index stock is the turning point of investor redirecting their focus to undervalue margin of safety stock like SAPE and Talam with improving good prospect mah...!!
The selling of overvalue stock and buying undervalue stock will come in anyway naturally but the selling of index stock and the fall of klci index accelerated the process mah...!!
In fact buying into neglected undervalue penny stock is the answer to the uncertainty market direction, bcos penny stock already discounted the negative news way well ahead loh....!!
Posted by Mabel > Apr 2, 2019 10:12 AM | Report Abuse
Foreign net selling accelerated in Mar 2019. Foreign investors net sold MYR1.6b worth of Malaysian equities in Mar 2019. We believe that the foreign net sell was due to a combination of poor 4Q18 results season and a more “dovish” Bank Negara Malaysia implying that Malaysian economic growth will ease this year. Cumulative foreign net buy since early-2010 until end-Mar 2019 hit at a multi-year low of MYR1.4b.
Although local institutions were net buying to the tune of MYR1.4b in Mar 2019, the KLCI depreciated 3.8% MoM while the MidS Cap and Small Cap indices continued to climb by 1.6% MoM and 1.3% MoM respectively. This implies to us that local institutions were more interested in small to midsized market capitalization stocks than large ones
Apr 2019 likely to be light on news flow. Based on 29 Mar 2019’s market close, KLCI valuations are at 16.0x 12M forward PER (mean: 15.8x) and 1.70x trailing P/B (mean: 1.81x). There will be no BNM Monetary Policy Committee meeting and GDP announcement this month. The sole key domestic lookout this month is the 2nd Belt & Road Summit in Beijing, China from 25-27 Apr 2019 where Malaysia and China are expected to conclude on the East Coast Rail Link.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
Posted by 3iii > 2018-08-12 08:05 | Report Abuse
My Golden Rule of Investing: Companies that grow revenues and earnings will see share prices grow over time.